[2nd] "APEX LEGENDS" Which characte...


[2nd] "APEX LEGENDS" Which character is your character?Surely, legendary diagnosis!

"APEX LEGENDS" has maintained explosive popularity in Japan since its release on February 4, 2019.They are as rich as their own on -parade legends.

That's why many readers are wondering, "Which legend is the perfect match for you ...?"

In the previous article, we introduced Wrays, Gibraltar, and Pass Finder, but this time, the second installment, we picked up Bangalore, Blood Hound and Lifeline.Let's further explore what type you are.

Are you confident in your arm?Surely you are ... "Bangalol" type!

In the APEX game, Bangalore is written as "professional soldiers."She literally was born in a military family before participating in the APEX game, and she was a genuine military person who joined the army.She is also a legend to look for her older brother, who has been missing during the war, and continue to participate in the apex game to earn her travel expenses returning to her hometown.

But contrary to the back story, if you are a Japanese "APEX Legends" player, you will definitely have an image of "I am a cannon."To be precise, it says, "The fierce doesn't use scope? I am a cannon," but it is no longer a net memory, and the image of bangarol = cannon will continue to settle for a while.Also, every time you encounter a cheetah, the dialogue of Maiden, "There is no auto aiming thing," may flow into the brain.One of them is one of them, saying, "No, in front of you."There are various names from Japanese players as "Banga", "Moku -cooked aunt" and stable "cannon".

At present, such bangalol is a character that does not use cannons, but it is a soldier who can do straightforward fighting.This work is not an invincible and cannot fly in the sky because it is not a superhuman power that frequently appears, but the ability "Smoke Clanture" that can block the visuals that can be said to be the most important in FPS games,The Ultimate Rolling Thunder, which requests a missile attack and performs a wide range of attacks, is a passive ability, which improves moving speed just by the attack, is useful for reducing shots and is purely powerful.Bagarols do not have the ability to change the war, but depending on the player skill, it is possible to get closer to it.

Such bangalol requires a flexible way of thinking.To master the abilities and Ultimate that can lead to an enemy if you make a mistake is suitable for players who have already experienced FPS games.It is perfect for you who want to decide the wind direction alone.

On the other hand, bangalol

Be careful to be ...It is useful as a simple shield that makes it difficult to get information, and the deterrent for the opponent's S key and mouse, or the stick of the game pad is broken and only proceeds, but it is a smoke that is outstanding, but it is a smoke that is outstanding, but the location and state.If the information is taken, the effect will be weakened.This is now one of the causes of bangaloll in an environment where Blood Hound is a meta.

Therefore, I would like to recommend a method of shooting a smoke directly toward the other party.There is also a disadvantage that the opponent is invisible, but in the first place shooting smoke should often be "time to earn time".If you take a scan, if you take a view in the first place, the information that the opponent will obtain will be overwhelmingly reduced.It is a little difficult because you have to predict the unique trajectory and the moving position of the enemy, but if you are a beginner who read this article, please practice.

Bangaloll has an aspect of a character that has not been adjusted to change the character fundamentally, even more than two years have already passed since the start of the service.Passive abilities are named with the opening of Season 1, reducing the speed when driving.Currently, the movement speed is 30%improved, but before that, the movement speed improved by 40%.For reference, the current octane "stimulant" is usually 30%and 40%at the time of sprint, but Bangaloll at that time was almost unconditional during the battle, and it benefits the speed improvement.That's why.

Regarding "Rolling Thunder", the damage is improved in Season 3, the cool down is reduced in Season 6, and the time from landing to the explosion is generally reduced, but the time from landing to explosion is generally reduced, but "attack" rather than direct attacks.The usage of moving enemies from the range, not approaching enemies, breaking the enemies solidified "has not changed, and it is hard to say that it is a adjustment to change the character.In Season 8, I was told "What is a banga?"It was not a adjustment that would be completely overturned.In addition, the concentration of smoke is now darker and can be used with confidence.

After these adjustments, there is no doubt that Bangaloll is a legend that users' FPS skills are directly linked to battle.At present, both meta and legendary specifications are changing, so it is likely to be said that it is impossible, but Speaking of "APEX LEGENDS" at the start of the service, "Race, Lifeline, and Bangalor",There were many combat mad parties that overwhelmed from the front.

Bangalore is a weak point with a meta environment, which is somewhat difficult to see.But the potential is by no means low.The lucky word that uses such bangalol is "powerful".For those who want to make the most of the FPS skills they have cultivated, or if you want to learn the basics of FPS, Bangalore will always be a good partner.

Do you always know the existence of enemies?Surely you are ... "Blood Hound" type!

In this work, the Blood Hound is written as "Hunter who tracks enemies in science".It seems that the name is widely known in the APEX world as the "best hunter in the history of Frontier", but it is also a character that bears the sad past of losing his parents in an accident.Later, he was raised by his uncle, who values old reason, and seems to have formed his current personality.

【第2回】『Apex Legends』あなたの使うキャラはどのキャラ?きっとバッチリ、レジェンド診断!

Because of that, every time there is something, the lord calls "the main god" and "the god of the god", so the Blood Hound is a little anxious as a player psychology, "Is this person okay ...?"The official character introduction is a legend with a mystery and a mystery that is unknown in both the real name and age, but also says, "I follow the wisdom of the ancient scandinavian gods of the earth," which seems to be greatly influenced by my uncle.In addition, it is a legend that officially states that it is a non -binary (does not apply a gender framework to your sexual perception), and there may be almost no remarks in the game that makes you feel a specific gender.The players are also known as "Braha".

Brad Hound is currently a powerful character called "meta".Ability "Almighty Eye", which can be seen without any obstacles such as obstacles, emphasizes enemies, although the visibility becomes monochrome, further increasing their movement speed by 30%.This is a legend to understand the existence of enemies, with the "Hunting Beast", which also increases the cool down of the eyes, the "tracker" that can detect traces left by the enemy.In particular, "Almighty Eyes" is a powerful ability to get information relatively safe and unilaterally information due to the nature of the battle royal that fights while moving a vast map.It can be used for vigilance and various purposes.

It is important to think that such a Blood Hound always calms down and watches the situation.It will be suitable for players who can always think calmly, such as the timing of using scan (almighty eyes) and the prediction of the enemy's position by tracker.

On the other hand, the Blood Hound

I guess many people have had such an experience or have seen them.Often, "Oh ..." because they move aggressively and get information.However, the scan, which can be said to be the liver, is an overwhelming strength that both self and others, and if you are a player in this work, you will understand the feeling of "Oh, may have died" when you suddenly displayed "Sonar."You should be able to get it.At the end of the match, "Braha of Sometimes Ai", which continues to shoot scanning from his own position, will be frequently witnessed.In FPS games, we want to always be superior to scanning that can be shared not only by himself but also with allies, not only in knowing the position of the enemy ".

It is unthinkable now, but in the past, the Brad Hound was also a legend that was ridiculed as "head -to -head (physically)" and "people who only say the deity", and its presence is as if it were a good presence.Mozambique, which is loved as a material weapon, was sparingly P2020.Let's pick up and review such a big adjustment that caused such a Blood Hound to rise to its current position.Ability "Almighty Eye" (scan), which is also synonymous with Blood Hound.

It was Season 4 that the current form was created. Until then, the scanning distance was about one -third, and the time to highlight the enemy hit by the scan was 1.5 seconds. It was said that it was too unreliable, so it was said to be "position barre manufacturer" and "Ult is the main body", but at that time, "Yakexo enhancement", "Braha itself became the main god", "Operation is the religion of the main god of the main god. The Brad Hound is at a glance with the very bustling reinforcement, saying. After the opening of the season 6, the cool time of the scan was reduced from 25 seconds to 6 seconds during the effect of the Ultimate "Hunting Beast" (currently revised down to 8 seconds). In addition, the scan of the survey beacon was enhanced like a demon that could be enabled, and it has been established. You don't need to talk about your success from here, and if you're an apex player, you'll be familiar.

A Blood Hound, where you can see a lot of professionals or general scenes."Team shooting staff" often picks up because of the ability to make a starting point in face -to -face, but it is also a legend that beginners are often recommended because they can explore the position of the enemy and contribute to allies.

The lucky word that uses such a Blood Hound is "safety confirmation".Of course, depending on the situation, even if you can't use scan to detect enemies, you can make money if you think that you have created a safe zone.Especially for beginners, try using scanning more and more.When you want to know the situation here, you often think that your ally will be scanned.Let's kick the enemy team while firmly aligned with allies.

Want to support allies?Surely you are ... "Lifeline" type!

In the APEX game, a lifeline written as "fighting hygienic soldiers".She was born in a wealthy family, but noticed her property built by the war and left the house and joined the humanitarian support organization.She participates in the APEX game as a saint, as "donation of prize money", but she is also willing to get rid of others to win prize money.

The image of the lifeline may be divided between players who play this work from the beginning and players who are not. First of all, a significant change in character specifications was added. The adjustments that significantly change the basic performance of the character, not enhancement or weakness, should greatly contribute to differentiation of images. In addition, the early "APEX Legends" could only be selected in English voice, and the voice of the lifeline was a "accent" English, so it was sometimes spoiled. Her nicknames from her Japanese players include "Life" and "Lifla". She is aware that she is "very very much wwww", and she sometimes calls her "Therma" by her singer, Therma Aoyama, who later showed too high quality cosplay.

Currently, lifeline is a character that is mainly good at supporting allies. Ability "D.O.C. Heal Done" that can rapidly recover HP on the spot, "Care Package" that requests a care package containing armor, recovery items, and attachments, and a passive "battle resurrection" that can automatically resuscitate. The ability to directly support the team is the best in this work. It is particularly compatible with the Lv.4 backpack, which can be resusculated with a certain amount of physical strength and shield, which is commonly called "gold back" and "guardian angel", and down one of the enemy teams with a lifeline. Many players may have experienced the situation that the situation does not turn easily, and on the contrary. It is a hygienic soldier who contributes to the team by raising the tenacity on the front and the strength of the care package.

Such a lifeline needs to always pay attention to the team.Life in you who can overlook not only yourself but also the team, such as worrying about your ally's website, dropping care packages in relatively safe places, reviving the downed allies, and instantly judging the whole team.The line will be perfect.

On the other hand, the lifeline

Isn't there a lot of players who have seen such an experience?The flow of "I put out a heel!" "No, I'm gonna put it out! Here! Here!" "Oh, I'm sorry ..."Because it specializes in the support of the team, there are many opportunities to be involved with allies, and it will be more "contribution" and "complaint".However, one thing can be said, "After the battle, I was able to respond to a fisherman because I was recovering with a drone when I was fishing for goods."There is no count.Don't forget to thank the lifeline player who supports the team healthy.

As mentioned above, it is a lifeline that is often active as a "supporter", but until the middle of the season 5, the picking as a "shooting person" was noticeable.Let's pick up her big adjustments from "fighting mad" to "supporters".

Players who started this work after the adjustment seem to have a strong image of "passive in lifeline is automatic resuscitation", but the passive from the start of the service to the major adjustment is "Recovery items are 25%faster than other characters. It can be used "" revival (at that time, manual, manual, but manual), and the shield is expanded forward ". The hit box of the lifeline itself is small, especially the battle following the former passive. It was established as a type character. In addition, the "evolution -type body shield" is now standard equipment for all players. It is an item that has been introduced from Season 4, has been introduced as standard from Season 6, and has standardized all players in Season 9, but it is a separate special item frame until the introduction of Season 6, and it has damaged the enemy. The "body shield", which did not evolve at all, occupied a large number of field spawns. So, "getting an armor with a high LV" is more directly connected to the fighting power than ever, and "although it is not absolute, you can request a care package that may be able to get Lv.3 armor". The lifeline, which "should leave the shooting and support", was a reliable one in different directions.

The lifeline has the impression that it is somewhat difficult to see due to the change in the whole game, "battle" from "battle".In Season 9, I received a painful nerf that the shield at the time of automatic resuscitation was deleted, but I received buffs such as upgrade guarantees in the care package and improved hielded loan recovery speed, and my power as a team supporter is alive.

The lucky word that uses such a lifeline is "watching".While participating in the battle, try to win with the team with devoted support according to the situation.

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