Achieving high-precision meteorolog...


Achieving high-precision meteorological observations with inexpensive drones-Toward the construction of a sustainable observation network in the polar regions-│ Research results │ National Institute of Polar Research

As the social implementation of unmanned rotary wing aircraft (drones) progresses, the use of drones is also being considered in the meteorological field. In particular, in areas where the observation network from the ground is insufficient, such as polar regions and developing countries, if a meteorological observation system capable of high-frequency and multi-point deployment using drones can be constructed, highly accurate meteorological forecast calculation will be possible. You can get valuable observation data for. The era of safe weather observation by installing a small weather sensor on a drone whose technology is being developed at a remarkable speed is approaching, and there are various movements around the world. However, since it is necessary to overcome the drone's unique error factors such as the effect of the waste heat of the aircraft on temperature measurement, an aircraft specialized for meteorological observation has been developed. On the other hand, aircraft specialized in meteorological observation are expensive and require specialized knowledge for operation, so there is a concern that the usage scene will be limited. Therefore, it is required to establish a meteorological observation method using a general-purpose drone that is inexpensive and easy to handle.

Therefore, the research team of Associate Professor Atsushi Inoue of the National Polar Research Institute and Assistant Professor Kazutoshi Sato of Kitami Institute of Technology attached a meteorological sensor to a general-purpose drone and responded to radiosonde observation, which is a typical high-rise meteorological observation system. I investigated how much error it is possible to observe the weather. From laboratory experiments, we identified a location that is not affected by the exhaust heat of the propeller rotor and battery, and found the optimum location for the downward flow created by the rotating propeller to provide sufficient ventilation for the weather sensor. We have also developed a radiation shield for weather sensors that reduces the effects of sunlight. As a result of field experiments in cold regions, it is demonstrated that the observation method of this study can acquire meteorological data of the atmospheric boundary layer with an error of within 0.2 ° C compared to the vertical distribution of temperature in radiosonde observation. bottom. Furthermore, it was shown that a drone with the above settings can be observed with higher accuracy than the temperature data obtained by a drone dedicated to meteorological observation (Fig. 1).

安価なドローンで高精度気象観測を実現 ~極域の持続可能な観測網の構築へ向けて~│研究成果│国立極地研究所

If it becomes possible to develop high-frequency and high-precision meteorological observations by drones at multiple points, it is expected that the forecast accuracy of weather forecasts will improve. If the radiosonde (Note 1) observation network can be supplemented with a drone with a low environmental load, it will be useful for the construction of a sustainable meteorological observation network, and it can be said that this result is an important step toward its realization. increase. This achievement was published in the online version of Environmental Research, dated December 2, 2021.

Figure 1: Development, verification, and application of meteorological observation methods using drones in this research