Akihiro Fukube's commercials that t...


Akihiro Fukube's commercials that the sad CM planner plan say | Advertime by Advertising Conference

CM Planners “Sorrowful CM Planners Association” gathers CM planners who are active on the front lines, centering on Mr. Shinichi Fukusato. This third time, we welcomed Mr. Rei Hanada from Dentsu as a guest, and eight of us discussed four themes. This year's "sorrowful meeting" is the opening. (This article was published in the March 2022 issue of the monthly "Brain" magazine, "Sorrowful CM Planner's Meeting (Part 3)").

How Akihiro Fukube, who is not a commercial planner, makes a commercial

Fukusato: Thank you for joining us in 2021. The "Sorrowful CM Planner's Association" has also reached its third time. This meeting is a place for CM planners to gather and talk, who feel the sadness of being underappreciated as a profession, even though they play a decisive role in CM and video production. This time, as a guest, we had Rei Hanada from Dentsu, a young planner who has received attention at the ACC Awards 2021 and won the Odagiri Akira Award.

Hanada: Nice to meet you.

Fukusato: I would like to talk about four themes this time. First of all, "Commercials by Mr. Akihiro Fukube, who is not a CM planner". Mr. Fukube won the TCC Award and the ACC Award (TV commercial is targeted for "Film category A category") and won two Grand Prix. In addition, Mr. Fukube's commercials for McDonald's, Nissin no Donbei, Kirin Beer and Kracie were more prominent than ever in the past year.

Otsuka Pharmaceutical's "Calorie Mate" CM "Invisible" version.

At the ACC Awards screening, he said, "I'm not a commercial planner, but a copywriter, and I've been particular about working with an art director to plan together." Let's ask how CM planners see Mr. Fukube's CM, including that area.

Kanda: I've always been jealous of what Mr. Fukube makes. I get the impression that Mr. Fukube draws catchphrases in pictures, or rather, he creates stories that include pictures. Sadly, I end up relying on the power of words, so I think it's amazing that Mr. Fukube's work is a copywriter with few words and believes in the power of pictures. In addition, the copy and visuals have a catchiness that anyone can understand. This is something that we can do because we are working with AD (Takuro) Enomoto, and it feels different from us CM planners coming up with projects on our own.

Fukusato: When I say copywriters, I get the impression that they are people with words, but it seems that they are more particular about pictures than CM planners. It is realized by teaming up with Mr. Enomoto of AD.

Kanda: I've worked with both of them before, and it was like they were in a high school clubroom.

Fukusato: In your speech at the TCC award ceremony, Mr. Fukube called that room the "Room of Spirit and Time."

Yoshikane: I used to work with Mr. Enomoto on the FCNT "arrows" commercial "Deka" series. It is drawn with On the other hand, Mr. Fukube said in the TCC column that "drawing storyboards is editing in the brain", and I think that the two of you are embodying the story by yourself and going through trial and error. . I think it's a method that copywriters and art directors have never had before.

Suzuki: When I read various articles about Mr. Fukube, I found two things that differed from mine. One is the interaction between the two, and Mr. Enomoto seems to have decided that only what Mr. Fukube thinks is good. Planners tend to turn words into pictures rather easily, but I think that the two of you first select ideas at that stage. After Mr. Enomoto makes a picture, Mr. Fukube, a language expert, judges it, and interaction is born. Another is hearing. In the work of Z-kai, which you call “the starting point,” you said that you had a preliminary hearing about what you would like to convey as a message.

Fukusato: It seems that you first listen to various people before planning.

Suzuki: McDonald's and Calorie Mate also interviewed customers and students. We are accustomed to "creating" stories, but I think Mr. Fukube's unique method of "spinning stories from facts" has the power to surpass fictional stories. I'm sweating in the pre-conception stage, so it's different from the start stage.

Fukusato: Hmm, sure. You use facts as a starting point, and you don't add much from there. As CM planners, we tend to think about calming down and strengthening things at the end, but we don't dare to do that. So far, the people at Hakuhodo have been concerned about me as a junior of Mr. Fukube (laughs). I would like you to point out Mr. Fukube's weaknesses (laughs).

Kurita: I feel that the purity of the project is high. Do you feel like there are no strange additives in it? It feels like the project is growing with proper pieces fitted in and the feet on the ground, and there is beauty as a mold. Is it because you are a copywriter? I also became a commercial planner from a copywriter in the same way, so I have empathy and respect. Well, when I became a planner, my desire to create something with a unique worldview was pretty much ahead of me...

Sorrowful CM Planners' Association talks, Akihiro Fukube's commercials | AdverTimes by Sendenkaigi

Fukusato: At that time, I think Yasumichi Oka had a strong influence on me (laughs).

Kurita: I don't know (laughs). I think that Mr. Fukube is someone who can do that sort of thing, but I think he's particularly good at kneading things with a high degree of purity into the form of a story.

Fukusato: That's right. Until now, there was an image that the story would be weak if it was created with a copywriter and AD, but as a planner, it was a crisis that ``this is a bit dangerous'' because it has the power to draw in the viewer with a proper story. I feel the feeling

Kurita: Usually, if you make a film after hearing it, it will look like a documentary, and it won't be that interesting. That's amazing.

Fukusato: I get the feeling that Mr. Oishi only comments "I want to be popular" every time.

Oishi: I'm already overwhelmed by the high level of everyone's comments today... I think that Mr. Fukube's human power is amazing, as well as the way he makes commercials. When I look at the work, I think that the power to bring out the potential of all the production staff is excellent. I wonder if it will become a big circle while involving the people involved in the production. The client is happy to work with Mr. Fukube, and sales are of course important, but I feel like that's not the only thing.

Fukusato: It's true that sales aren't the only measure for things like Calorie Mate and McDonald's Happy Set Graduation Ceremony.

Yamamoto: The commercial for McDonald's "Koi no Triangular Choco Pie Tiramisu Flavor" was a very good dialogue play, wasn't it? Remembering the story that Yasumichi Oka and Tetsuya Nakajima wrote only one line of dialogue and created a commercial from there, I wonder if Mr. Fukube is trying to revive the former CM planner. I also think.

Hanada: I used to admire Mr. Fukube's commercials and tried to imitate them. I tried to imitate only the superficial parts of that emo, or rather, sincere and warm air, and as a result, I ended up with something that was completely uninteresting and unimpressive. Mr. Fukube's paintings make you feel good, don't you think? I think there are a lot of young people who look up to me, myself included, but listening to everyone today, I think it's better to refer to the "production process" such as interviews instead of the finished product. I was.

Fukusato: Mr. Fukube said in his TCC speech that he values ​​the ability to tell stories. Perhaps they are telling us that the “power of storytelling” that CM planners have in mind is out of step with the times. It's hard to find his weak point (laughs).

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Born in 1968 in Kamakura. He has planned and produced more than 2000 TV commercials so far. Recent major works include Suntory BOSS "Uchujin Jones", Fuji Film "New Year's photo", McDonald's "Rice Burger", Mercari "Maison Mercari", Uniqlo "Life and Wear". I have a strong attachment to the job of CM planner.

Joined Dentsu in 2007. Main works include McDonald's Japan / Samurai Mac "Enjoy Adults", Imanishi Maths Class "Lifetime Never Forget School", Mercari Shops "Songs of Mercari Shops", Suntory BOSS "Sabo Revolution", Monst "Earth wa There is a monster strike”, U-NEXT “Two people and U-NEXT” etc. Received the ACC Akira Odagiri Award and the TCC Judging Committee Chairman Award.

Continuous 10-second drama “Ai no Suspension Line”, SmartHR “Good for employees”, LUCIDO, TVer “TV Talk”, Theater version “What did you eat yesterday? ] Planning supervision, etc. Creator of the Year, ACC Film Grand Prix, NY Festival 2020 Grand Prix / Film Grand Prix, SPIKES ASIA Film / Film craft Grand Prix, TCC Award, ACC Akira Oda Award.

Recent major works include corporate advertising series such as Suntory "Let's talk." Daiwa House D-room, Partner Agent "Doronjo and Black Jack", Kashiwabara "Large-Scale Repairers", etc.

Born in 1985 in Shizuoka. Joined Hakuhodo in 2008. Recently, he is in charge of commercials for SoftBank, Suntory, UCAN, SMBC Nikko Securities, JKA, Daio Paper, Ajinomoto, etc. While repeating trial and error, I am struggling to improve my commercials little by little. Favorite work: planning, drawing, shooting. Nice to meet you.

In 2014, he entered Dentsu with the aim of becoming a CM planner, but he was depressed because he was not assigned to CR. At one point, he faded out of the company and was about to become a drone photographer, but after many twists and turns, he reached his current position. Recent work: Cup noodle "9-split commercial" "Summer seafood", USJ "SocialDisDance" "Uniharu", GU "FashiON!"

After researching explosives in graduate school, he joined Dentsu for some reason. Main works: P&G "Lenoir Set's Sins", Daihatsu "WAKE Brothers", Gogo-no-Kocha "Aitaitte, Atataida", Nippon Life Insurance "Father is your father no matter what." ”, Kagome “Vegetable Juice Made with High Explosives”. Received TCC Best Newcomer Award, ACC Silver, Advertising Dentsu Award Grand Prize, Mainichi Advertising Award Grand Prize.

Born in 1986 in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Main works: Nissin Rao "Angel Brothers", Nissin "This is absolutely delicious!", FCNT arrows "Unbreakable Detective", Open House "Zashiki Warashi" "Dreaming Elementary School", Japan Post "Room of Letters", Suntory ZONe "Invincible ZONe", AGC "Our AGC", Tokyo Gas "Urusei Yatsura for electricity bills"