Announce economic measures to mitig...


Announce economic measures to mitigate the impact of the new corona (C ô te d'Ivoire) | Commercial text message-JETRO

At the Cabinet meeting on 8 April, the Government of C ô te d'Ivoire approved a support measure to extend the curfew imposed on 24 March (from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following day) for 15 days until 24 April, at the same time, it also includes tax relief measures for enterprises facing difficulties.

On April 9, the National Security Council was held in the presence of President Alarcao Ouattara, in order to prevent the spread of infection, the compulsory wearing of masks in Abidjan, the voluntary standby of homes for the elderly and people with basic diseases, and the self-discipline of going out. Effective implementation of telecommuting, restrictions on the number of passengers of public transport agencies Measures have been introduced to strengthen the physical isolation and epidemic prevention strategy, including the application of penalties for violators, the establishment of additional inspection facilities, the increase in the import of masks in accordance with domestic demand and the promotion of domestic production as well as the domestic production of medicines.

Prior to these decisions, citizens and businesses in financial difficulties due to the impact of the new corona are expected to deploy a total of 1 trillion 700 billion CFA francs (about 306 billion yen, 1CFA francs = 0.18 yen) in the short term. This amount accounts for about 5 per cent of the gross domestic product of C ô te d'Ivoire, and the Government requires donor countries and international organizations to provide loan support.

In economic measures, tax relief for businesses, payment of tax and social security burdens, a three-month grace period, value-added tax (VAT), such as accelerated tax rebates (within 2 weeks), in addition to supporting cash flow, production tools and private sector support funds for maintaining employment of 250 billion CFA francs (of which 100 billion CFA francs for small and medium-sized enterprises) The informal area support fund of 100 billion CFA francs includes support of 250 billion CFA francs for major industries, mainly cocoa, cashew nuts, cotton, natural rubber, palm oil and coffee. Support details are being adjusted between the authorities, but plans include assurance of producer purchase prices such as cashew nuts and the establishment of a price assurance mechanism for exporters (Ivorian news agency, 11 April).

新型コロナの影響緩和に向けた経済対策を発表(コートジボワール) | ビジネス短信 - ジェトロ

In terms of social measures, it is planned to extend the payment period for electricity and water services to all subscribers by three months and waive payments to small subscribers.

C ô te d'Ivoire announced on March 11 that shortly after the first infection in the country was confirmed, although measures such as restrictions on overseas entry and border blockade had been taken, the increase in infection was out of control. In order to strengthen the prevention of infection, a state of emergency was declared on the 23rd. Since the 26th, Abidjan has been prohibited from communicating with the outside area, but it has not hindered the supply of goods, as the movement of goods is allowed. Supermarkets and markets are also open while strengthening hygiene measures, and the people they saw snapping up disappeared.

The Ministry of Health of C ô te d'Ivoire estimates that as of 12 April, the number of confirmed infections was 574, the highest in West Africa. Of these, 85 recovered and 5 died.

(Kumiko Watanabe)