Answer the three questions when the...


Answer the three questions when the "Windows 11" migration, which is the key to hybrid work, is 99.7 % of the compatibility of the application

 With the continued support for new colon virus infections (COVID-19), more and more companies are considering the introduction of "hybrid work", which combines office work and telework.IT vendors are also focusing on providing related products / services, and Microsoft released Windows 11 in October 2021.The OS is designed to be designed for hybrid work.

 だが、Windows 11の導入に関して企業は幾つかの課題を感じているようだ。「新OSへのアップグレード後も利用中のアプリケーションやセキュリティソフトを問題なく使用できるかを心配される方が多いようです」と大手PCディストリビューターとしてWindows 11搭載PCの導入を支援するSB C&Sの菅沼一雄氏(ICT事業本部 システム基盤推進本部 エンドポイントデバイス推進統括部 エンドポイントデバイスマーケティング部 PC課)は話す。

 "There are several options, such as upgrading the OS of the existing terminal or replacing it to a PC equipped with Windows 11, but you may be worried about how to proceed. Mixed with Windows 10.Some customers are worried that management may be complicated, "(Mr. Suganuma)

 "Windows 11 is effective in realizing hybrid work," there should be a skeptical information system division and management.

日本マイクロソフト 春日井 良隆氏

 On the other hand, "I don't have to worry about anything. Windows 11 is developed on the same base as Windows 10, so you can use Windows 10 to use the mechanism you are using in Windows 10.Ryotaka Kasugai (Modern Work & Security Division Executive Product Marketing Manager), who is in charge of Windows 11 marketing at Microsoft Japan, is in charge of Windows 11.Suganuma and Kasugai answered questions about Windows 11.

 Mr. Kasugai first says, "The OS has been released to solve the issues faced by companies in the Corona evil," Kasugai first.

 According to the annual survey on the work style of office workers worldwide, Microsoft's annual survey, 29 % of office workers use their PCs in two years of Corona, and the video call time is 89.% Of 18 % of those who have been using PCs actively, and 67 % have increased by 67 % more frequently than smartphones.


 Thorough discussions on such changes in global situations, with a thorough discussion of "what should Windows should be", the release of Windows 11, a new numbering.

 Windows 11 adopts a kernel common to Windows 10, and the application that runs in Windows 10 basically operates on Windows 11.In the verification conducted by Microsoft, 99.It is said that 7 % of compatibility has been confirmed.

 "Still 0.If you think that there is a 3 % "missing lottery", please feel safe.The compatibility support program "App Assure" is prepared for a problem.

 "App assure is a full -time engineer to solve compatibility problems, such as" To solve this problem in this way, "and" write such a code. "If there is a cause on the Windows side, work on the Windows development team to correct the corresponding part "(Mr. Kasugai).

 We also have efficient paths for how to proceed with upgrades.Many companies use Microsoft and third -party tools to improve client management.Even if Windows 11 terminals are mixed with Windows 10 terminals in that environment, there is no problem with terminal management.Efficient terminal management using the cloud is also possible.

 "It is a fall for employees who have provided a mobile PC for hybrid work to go to work to set up the terminal. It is similar to going to work for a seal. Kitty function using the cloud (PC).With a zero touch development using "Windows Autopilot", which is the initial setup), the terminal is connected to the Internet and the policy configuration file is downloaded and automatically set according to the policy of the tissue. Even after the kitting, "After kitting," "" After kitting. "Microsoft Intune "can manage terminal security from anywhere" (Mr. Kasugai)

図 Windows 10とWindows 11が混在する環境における端末管理の例(出典:日本マイクロソフト提供資料)

 With the release of Windows 11, a support policy has been announced to reduce the burden of PC operation management.In Windows 10, the feature update program (Future Updates), which was released twice a year, was released once a year, and the support period was "Home" and "Pro" for 24 months from the last release.Is simple for 36 months.

 Kasugai answered the question, "How Windows 11 is effective in realizing hybrid work."

 The first is that Windows 11 has a high security that allows you to work safely wherever you are.

 In hybridworks, there is a problem of how to manage PCs scattered inside and outside the company to ensure security.Windows 11 is "TPM (Trusted Platform Module) 2.The "0" is required, and it combines the security function of the same module and the OS to achieve stronger safety.

 "TPM 2.0 is for providing various security functions on the device, and the biological authentication function "Windows Hello", data encryption and virtualization-based security (VBS: Virtualization-Based Security), HVCI (HVCI-).It is used in Protected Code Integrity).By enabling these functions, you can reduce malware infection by about 60 % "(Mr. Kasugai)

Windows 11のセキュリティ機能(出典:日本マイクロソフト提供資料)

 Windows Hello is widely used for use other than sign -in to Windows.Examples include in -house systems, EC sites, and web services.From the end of 2021, it will be available to log in to Yahoo! JAPAN, and it will be widely used as a familiar biological authentication function.

 Another reason that Windows 11 is effective for hybrid work is that there is a device to enhance business productivity.By using the "widget" function revived on Windows 11, you can immediately access the information you want to know, such as weather, stock prices, and news.

 When you open your PC, you start continuing the work you had just before.Considering these trends, Windows 11 has reviewed its functions and UI (user interface) so that the latest work can be resumed smoothly.

 Windows 11 is also attractive that the "user -centered" philosophy is put into the UI / UX design to reduce the stress during telework.

 "If telework continues, the user's stress tends to increase. We have prepared a lab for" user -centered design "in the company so that the user is not burdened by PC operation. The research results are designed with Windows 11.It is dropped in. The icon is to show that the taskbar icon is displayed in the center, the corner of the window is rounded, and the operation from users such as mouse clicks has been received.Windows 11 UX, such as returning feedback such as making it smaller for a moment, is part of the research results of the lab "(Mr. Kasugai).

 SB C&Sの菅沼氏も、自身の利用を通じてWindows 11がハイブリッドワークに最適なOSだと実感しているという。

 "I am surprised at the high accuracy of the audio input function. The function of converting from the context to the correct kanji is recognized with high accuracy.There is no need to worry about the compatibility of the application with Windows 10, and the security and business productivity will be improved, so we must actively recommend Windows 11 -mounted PCs.(Mr. Suganuma)

 「Windows 11に移行すべきことは分かったが、今すぐは難しい」という企業もあるはずだ。SB C&Sはこうした企業のために、Windows 11にアップグレードできるWindows 10搭載PCを提供する。

 "Windows 10 PCs are still in stock, and it is possible to downgrade the OS for new models. If necessary, you can always upgrade to Windows 11 at any time, so please be assured (Suganuma." Mr)

 Windows 11, which also pushes the drums.Introducing Windows 11 as soon as possible can achieve effects such as enhancing security, reducing stress of remote work, and improving productivity.The person in charge of the information system department who is considering using the OS to realize the hybrid work should first introduce Windows 11 on his PC and try the latest features introduced in this article.

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