"Anouga 2021" Report 3rd Germany Fo...


"Anouga 2021" Report 3rd Germany Food Trends reflected in Riddle and Aldi | Retail Guide

Speaking of the retail business from Germany where Anouga is held, the "Hard Discount Store", which is developed by the Schwarz Group and Aldi, which is in the top 10 in the world ranking of sales, has a great presence.

In the World Retail Ranking 2021, which was announced by the Deloitte Tomatsu Group in June 2021, the Schwaltz Group was fourth and Ardi was eighth.Both groups are global retailers, which have a significant sales of 10 trillion yen, and have expanded to Germany, in Europe and the United States.Riddle is expanding to Hong Kong in Asia, Hong Kong and Aldi are in Australia, as well as China.

The "Riddle" format is a "rider" format, and Aldi format is a "Aldi" format.And in fact, the two companies are very similar.

In Cologne, where Anouga is held, of course, there are two hard discount stores scattered, and you can see them.

The hard discount store is a business format that uses essential products centered on food as a main product, but the sales floor area is relatively small compared to supermarkets (SM), and the product lineup is narrowed down and low -priced under low -cost low -cost operations.The strength is to sell in.

In the food retail business such as SM, it tends to take a wide range of products, from fresh foods that are highly important to freshness to processed foods in various temperature zones such as room temperature, refrigeration, and freezer, but the hard discount store tends to be taken in the first place.It is characterized by the fact that the food retailing business is thoroughly operated at low cost, and the price is low.

It handles everything from fresh food to room temperature, refrigeration and frozen food, but all fresh foods are outpacks.On the other hand, both Riddle and Aldi have an in -store bakery, and only bread is fired in the store.

Because it is a small store, it is attracting attention in Japan because it is easy to open a store or a low price as a weapon, and some companies develop similar businesses.

In addition to the old company, Big A and Sandy, and the AEON Group's small -scale small -size shops, such as Akore, are also integrated with Big A.Also, "Palette, which has been launched by the AEON Group for 20 years, is also a model of the hard discount store.

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The important thing in seeing the hard discount store is the idea of low cost operations.

First of all, as the hard discount store is also called the "Limited Assortment Store", the fact that the product lineup is narrowed down to the low cost is a low cost.Furthermore, as mentioned above, all fresh foods are outpacks.It is an operation of "just arranged" without using human time to process fresh food in the store.

Many products are private brands (PB) products in food.

The fact that only in -store bakery is processed in the store means how bread is important as a basic product, but this is also an operation that only burns the fabric.

In addition, the unique display method is a characteristic of the business format, which greatly contributes to the low cost.The aim is to reduce the quality of the product and the frequency of replenishment.

Utilizing the product case (box), it is used to use a "floor lady merchandise" that displays the entire case on a shelf or pallet, or a method called "Shelf Lady Packaging".We are trying to simplify.

Instead of arranging on the shelf, it is displayed in a case as much as possible, and customers take the product from it, but in some cases, customers take out the product from the case.

「アヌーガ2021」レポート第3回 ドイツを代表する小売勢力・リドルとアルディに反映する食品トレンド | リテールガイド

This means "how much self -service will be thorough", in other words, "how much work will be relocated to the customer".If you display it firmly, the ease of products may be improved for customers.However, work is generated on the store.

Where and where to take that balance is to determine the operation in sales, but the hard discountost is a form that will reduce the work of the store as much as possible.

However, these displays are not currently unique to the hard discount store.Especially in the European retail business, it is expanding.

In any case, if you look at the use of the hard discount store, you can get a lot of suggestions about how to balance it.

In Japan, the efforts of cashier personnel, especially in the backdrop of labor shortage, continue to be more efficient.Various initiatives have appeared since ancient times, such as self -checkout, semi -cellphone, and recently scannings on tablets on smartphones and tablets attached to carts, but the work was previously performed by cashiers.Is relocating to customers.

  • It is a hard discount store that thoroughly pursues low prices due to elements such as narrowing of the assortment and the relocation of display work as a trade -off, but its presence has increased, so it is just a necessity for products.Not only pursuing prices, but also various trends of foods are reflected.

    In terms of assortment, the handling of organic products and alternative foods is typical, but in fact, they are becoming noticeable in the sales floor.

  • By selling the narrowed essentials at a thorough low price, the hard discount store has been expanded worldwide, but the enhancement of products based on the trend is traditional that has been divided to some extent.It is noteworthy that it also leads to the functions of SM and enhances the one -stop of the hard discount store.

    This is also a trendy context, but it is important to be quite strong in sustainability issues.There are various things in the cut, but the largest product is packaging.

    Based on the Chevalz Group's international strategy "RESET PLASTIC", Riddle, by 2025, "Make PB products as 100 % as possible", "Reduce plastic for packaging and transportation by 20 %"The policy is to recycle 20 % of the package as a recycling material.


    Also, since the summer of 200, more than 60 PB products such as "Saskia", "Freeway" and "Solevita" have been filled with 100 % recycled pettes (excluding lids and labels).

    In addition, we will post information that encourages the PB product package to sort, and actively work on recycling promotion activities, such as motivating customers with the correct disposal of the package.

    Aldi, on the other hand, has strengthened its environmental initiatives from the packaging field, including launching the "Aldi Packaging Mission" in 2018.

    The material used in the package of PB products will be reduced by 15 % by the end of 20 years, by 30 % by the end of 25 years, and will be able to recycle all PB products by 22 years.

    Regarding plastic, the average of 30 % or more for plastic packaging of private brand products by the end of 25 years will be recycled plastic, and the use of virgin plastic (new plastic) will be reduced by 40 % compared to 20 years.

    Aldi also shows an attitude to aggressive recycling activities, such as packaging that is easy to sort for recycling.

  • There are many directions where the interest in the environment, including the surroundings, has increased before the corona.Although it is because of its high presence, even companies that pursue thorough discounts have been actively working on environmental issues.

    In terms of competition, the price competition is not just a necessity price competition, but also in terms of trends in terms of product and environment.It can be said that even more strategic initiatives are required in what elements they differentiate and gain the support of customers.