Apple New "ARM" Mac: Things that ma...


Apple New "ARM" Mac: Things that may be lost to ARM (2/3) | Bridge (Bridge) Technology & Startup Information

(Continued from the last time) Let's start with good points.The transition from Intel to ARM is no problem for "legacy" Intel -based Mac apps.According to Apple, it works properly under the Rosetta 2 emulation, and in many cases a simple migration method of Xcode from Intel to ARM is provided.

Developers used Mac Developer Transition Kits to move the Intel Mac app to ARM for five months.Given that switching from PowerPC to Intel has been quite successful 15 years ago, most people predict that the transition to Apple Silicon will be as smooth for MacOS users at least.

On the other hand, there are some good stories.

How to handle "complete compatibility with Windows", which occurs with a higher probability of switching to Apple Silicon.This is unknown at this time, and the company is trying to abandon Boot Camp, a tool that makes Macs native Windows.

It was the only virtualization option for the Intel machine.In other words, Windows apps developed for Intel processors can reduce performance on Mac.Unfortunately, three companies, Apple, Parallels, and VMware, which are likely to provide virtualized Windows environments, have hardly talk about this topic.

The biggest problem is, what are the benefits of a new ARM -based Mac for the "legacy" Intel model?Apple's chip leader Johny Sroji explains two explanations in this year's WWDC20.First, SROUJI promises a new Mac to "achieve much higher levels of performance and reduce power consumption" according to Steve Jobs, about the movement of PowerPc-Intel 15 years

Apple新「ARM」Mac:ARMへの移行で失われるかもしれないもの(2/3) | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

Second, SROUJI states that Apple Silicon has "many custom technology" including the following five functions:

Certainly, these technologies are not all new.These are all installed on iPad and iPhone for many years, and are also installed on some Macs.

On the other hand, if Apple steps on the accelerator, all of these technologies may be welcome to Mac platforms.This is because even the current iPad Pro class GPUs may improve graphics performance by next -generation GPUs on low -priced Mac equipped with previous generation Intel integrated graphics chips.。

In contrast, the dedicated AI hardware will be the first time for the Mac.It reflects the AI cores found in Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8cx and 8C and 7c laptop tablet chips.(By the way, Apple did not mention 5G modem technology because it may not be ready to incorporate it directly into Apple's unique chips, but 5G integration will definitely be important for future Macs.)(Continue next)

[Via VentureBeat] @Venturebeat

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