Arashi, from a sharp try to a natio...


Arashi, from a sharp try to a national star ... "Unique standing position" seen by director Yukihiko Tsutsumi | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

Director Yukihiko Tsutsumi who worked on "ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5x20 FILM" Record of Memories ""

——There are many Arashi fans around me, but in the past I didn't think they would be so big. I think Director Tsutsumi knew about that time, but what kind of person did you see him as?

I think it was a group that was a very close idol and was in a unique position. Each member worked hard in dramas and movies, and Storm itself was aiming for a very high place every time he played a live concert. Among the "5x20" this time, I adopted almost the best stage technology, and I fell in love with it as a stage director. Besides, I can really sympathize with the fact that I don't swear in glory, I never cut corners in singing and dancing, and I can feel that I'm doing my best even though I don't stretch my shoulders. After all, they have a glimpse of various scenes and are suitable for the living room. The word "living room" may be disappearing, but there is no doubt that they are people who can enjoy themselves as a family.

Personally, it started when 14-year-old Jun Matsumoto pulled a dog and came to the jumpsuit (drama "Bokura no Yuki Machi-less than a city-"), so it's like a nephew of a relative. It's true that there is a certain image (laughs). That's why I'm a superstar, but I didn't bother with it, and I felt as usual. Even if I was shooting a live concert 20 years ago, I think it wasn't that different from what I'm feeling now. Of course, we are making technological progress and there are many things we want to do, but the distance we can talk to each other is the same, so I always think that they are good guys.

——Director Tsutsumi is directing the movie “Pika ☆ Nchi” starring Arashi for the first time, but at that time, the subculture-like part was highlighted, and I remember that it was often featured in magazines.

Even in a live concert, you're actually doing something sharp. There was a place where I thought that "everyone doesn't have to understand" about that movie. It's a movie that was made with a mischievous feeling with Mr. Kawahara (Masahiko) of the script, centering on the memories of Inohara (Yoshihiko), and I don't know if the term subculture is correct, but at that time, I wasn't a member. It was a try that I couldn't do. Sakurai (Sho) was a runaway tribe, so it's impossible to think about it now (laughs)

However, it seems that Arashi's activities and personal activities have become richer because of such trials, and it is a truly unique memory in my relationship with them. I was able to get involved in the work in such a very official way this time, but it can be said that this work is the biggest private film for me because of the experience I had at that time. So it feels like an ambivalent, relative's nephew has become a national star.

——For example, this time, I felt an aggressive atmosphere such as “COOL & SOUL”.

The place to tighten is properly tightened, but there are also songs that play a lot on TV, and at the end there is a message of "5 x 20". You can reach the itch and the balance of the composition is amazing. Mr. Matsumoto said that he had a lot of trouble composing the song, so we have to keep in mind. I was made to think that I should edit it with a visual claim.

——In the stage greeting, you said, “I tried not to miss the shot,” but it seems that the members hit their shoulders a little, and that kind of “wow” cut was included.

I think it's a very interesting phenomenon because only people who can see it can say "Cha!" I'm really happy that I was able to scoop up in this way this time, and at that time, I was able to properly show off something like a momentary contact of the members at that moment in a nationwide movie.

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——Is it difficult to grasp properly without the number of units like this time?

There are 125 units. But it's still not enough for me. There is no need to say that there are about 300 units. Instead, if there are 300, I think I'm still editing (laughs)

——Is it time to edit that it took two years to publish? Was it timing?

I think the place where this work should be opened is the result of their consultation. November 3rd, the pre-release date of Dolby Cinema, is a very symbolic day for Arashi's debut anniversary, and it's actually my birthday ... I don't care about that (laughs). ). I think I'll cry a little. (* Coverage is in September)

——Did you have any thoughts about being assigned a live concert when the suspension of activities was announced?

I wasn't really aware of that. Humans will rest if they run. Rather than that, I think we should do the best we can at this time, and for that we should gather the greatest power in this dome, and that will result in a strong message. I made. It's a message to the outside, and it's a message to them. Arashi Ai has always been a bit offensive to fans, but there are some members who have been working since I was 14 or 5 years old, and the members who took care of me in the drama. There are many, and while I have a lot of relationships, I felt like I was going to get rid of my interests and take off as an individual. I don't know what you think from the other side, but I felt like a comrade and thought, "I'll do it."

——Are there any charms and awesomeness of each person that you discovered through your work?

After all, the sharpness of Ohno (Satoshi) reminded me that he is not an ordinary artist. This time, I felt really strong when I saw the rehearsal and the actual performance. There is a natural one. A long time ago, there was a character who fascinated and manipulated people by dancing in Haruki Murakami's novel, but I feel that talent. Ninomiya (Kazunari) will have a great shout on stage. He has worked with him from many angles, but I'm particularly impressed that he leaves a touching shout. Aiba (Masaki) is an adhesive that really brings everyone together, and I was made to think that it might play a role like a keystone. However, the contrast is interesting because he is a person who makes extremely sad scenes with his own solo.

Sakurai-kun is represented by "Cool and Hot," which means that he continues to bark as a rapper while playing the tune on the piano. I think he is a person with a rather unusual standing position, where there are hot and cold things at the same time, and the roots are actually the same. After all, Matsumoto is a director. He is a director and he is working hard to get on stage as an artist. I'm also a director, so I'm a little jealous, and I'm really surprised this time because I'm doing an adventurous staging that makes a huge impression beyond the right person in the right place.

Having been involved in one stage for almost two years, it may be the easiest expression to say "tongue around" when it comes to Arashi. I thought that the power when five people with different personalities became one lump was "terrifying".

——Did you actually think that the production here was done?

To name a few, there are so many. The LED production is also detailed on the stage, and you can see it differently from the arena and the stand, and it's fine.

We may be able to imitate such a production if we make an effort, but it is also important that there is a performance of 5 people at the root. The production technique and the presence of the artist are all full of service spirit, and the stage, which lasts about 3 hours, is completely composed without getting the audience bored. If I had a chance and was told to "direct Arashi's live", I wouldn't be able to go to such a high place. That's amazing.

■ Director Yukihiko Tsutsumi Born November 3, 1955, from Aichi prefecture. Drama "Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo" series (1995-97), "Keizoku" (1999), "Ikebukuro West Gate Park" (2000), "TRICK" series (2000-14), "SPEC" -Worked on numerous hits such as the "Case Book of Special Measures for Unknown Cases, Public Safety Division 5, Public Safety Department, Police Agency-" series (10 years-), and is also active as a movie director and stage director. Currently, the drama "Shinigami-san" (hulu) is being distributed, and the movie "truth ~ Kanshiki Mourning no Hate ~" is scheduled to be released on January 7, 2010. The relationship with Arashi is the "Pika ☆ Nchi" series (2003-14), the drama "Bokura no Yuki Michiru Toshi" (1997) starring Jun Matsumoto and Masaki Aiba, and "Handoku!" Starring Kazunari Ninomiya. !! ”(2001),“ Stand Up !! ”(2003), etc.