What is the goal in Japan that "Air...


What is the goal in Japan that "AirPano", which publishes amazing aerial VR video for free (1/2)

 Did you know "AirPano", which is available for free, focusing on amazing images that combine aerial shooting and VR?Around 2006, Russia -based AirPano was established by the current chairman OLEG GAPONYUK to take 360 -degree photography in the aerial aerial aerial vicinity.Currently, we use drones and 360 -degree photos that can be released on weekly videos and photos around the world.

 Such AirPano comes to Japan to inspect Japan.I was planning to fly a drone in Enoshima, but unfortunately it was canceled due to heavy rain.I couldn't see the actual shooting scenery with my eyes, but I would like to introduce CEO Sergey Semenov about the activities of AirPano.

Published 300 superb views around the world without seeking profits

CEO Sergey Semenov (right) and pilot photographer Stanislav Sedov

――What kind of activities have you have been doing?

 Our mission is that we want to show a place where everyone around the world is hard to go with a 360 -degree video for free.Everything published on the AirPano site can be seen for free.It has been updated once a week, and the video I came to Japan this time will probably be released about a year later.Of course, the requested items are prioritized, and the shooting scenery is disclosed at any time through SNS.Now, I have a license contract with B2B, but I do not think about shooting costs and fly around the world and deliver images that I have never seen.

――It is wonderful to be active in the profitability.

 For the first six years, I have been shooting almost myself, and until 2013, I did not advertise on the site, and I was operating with the degree of money making.Currently, the income obtained by the advertisements displayed when playing the video is used as a server or machine fee, but I would like to see all the people in the world without advertising.。Recently, the number of channel registrations has exceeded 100,000, and we have received awards from YouTube, and have won various awards for sites and videos.

 In addition to uploading photos and videos, they also do educational articles and volunteer activities, such as how to skip drones and shooting, and some have grown up from here.

Make it impossible in cooperation with countries and regions

――I have already visited more than 380 locations in more than 100 countries, but how do you decide the shooting location?

 Originally, I was able to fly a helicopter.Right now, there are few places where you can use drones, but choosing a place is that it is listed in an article such as "101 places you want to see before you die in the world".However, since I took everything in about a year, I chose a place where I would like to see 200 or 300 you want to see before you die (laughs).

 Anyway, I'm looking for a place I want everyone to see and shooting.SNS may go based on user information.We also take pictures with the cooperation of national geographic around the world.

Not only drones but also these cameras can be taken.There are many support companies such as Sony

 However, shooting is not smooth.In the past, I was shooting without permission, and even if the police came, I didn't have much problem with "Is it interesting, let's cooperate?"Sometimes it doesn't get off.Therefore, it is important to cooperate with the region and the country, and it will be easier to get permission.

 For example, when you want to take a video in a zoo with many Chinese pandas, you can shoot the panda up close by handing the camera to the breeder and taking a picture where ordinary people do not enter.I did it.Normally, you can't take such valuable images.After all, seeking cooperation from the country can make it impossible.

 A 360 -degree video where a panda is seen up close.If you look closely, Sergey Semenov and Stanislav Sedov are also shown.

 Also, when AirPano won the most popular site in Russia, President Putin received a diploma directly.At that time, we talked about our activities, and asked, "I'm shooting a drone all over the world, but I've never shot it in a local Kremlin, so I want to take a picture."The president told him to ask his aide, and after negotiations, he succeeded in shooting and shooting a drone from the ground of the Kremlin.

 A valuable work that shoots the red square and palace of Kremlin from points that are not usually seen

 After the release, everyone asked how the permission was gone, but he answered, "If you can shake hands with President Putin, you can shoot" (laughs).

 By publishing such a video in a place where it was difficult to shoot, offers came on the contrary.I think that it has become a good circulation with the government and regions aggressively cooperating.

―― Only one of the scrambled intersections in Shibuya is released in Japan.And it's not aerial photography.I think Japan is a hard time just flying a drone, but where do you want to shoot?

 I want to take a picture from the sky in Tokyo.At present, neither drone nor helicopter is permission.In addition, I want to shoot Mt. Fuji with a helicopter, and I want to shoot in the scenery with monkeys (Hell Yanno Monkey Park) or Okinawa.

 New York video.Tokyo should also want to take such a video.Their work has little equipment.Even helicopters are even (some are intentionally reflected).Moreover, the accuracy is so high that the joint is unknown

 I also like to take a 360 -degree documentary, so I would like to leave a work as a video about Japanese culture, such as maiko and geisha.I am interested in shooting Japanese culture not only from the air but also with 360 -degree images.

 I understand that Japan is difficult to get permission because of different rules, common sense, and law, and I have to follow it.However, we want to show it to people around the world where we can not go to Tokyo or see Mt. Fuji.

 Until two years ago, the drone was freely flyed, but everything was lost due to the incident.But isn't that strange?We are a shooting professional.I want you to give permission in some cases, rather than needing a technical license or completely out.

Even when shooting with a helicopter, it is difficult to get permission in the city of Tokyo because the door is empty to hang the camera downward.

 Until now, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci have been thought to be ridiculous from the public at the time.But over time, it is recognized that it was the best.We just want to leave such an artistic work that remains in such a history.So I think that we can get over without breaking the law by cooperating with local companies and regions.