Ask the mayor of Ina City, Nagano P...


Ask the mayor of Ina City, Nagano Prefecture, the mayor of Shiratori, "If you are working on cutting -edge, people will turn your eyes naturally."Interview 4th | EIC Net]

Live in Ina, continue to live here

Senior Managing Director of Gong (hereinafter, Kaiken) -Today, the mayor of Swan of Ina City appeared.Thank you very much.I would like to ask the mayor to introduce the whole area.

Mayor Shiratori -The Tenryu River flows in the middle of the Southern Alps and the Central Alps, and the Mimine River flowing from Senjogatake in the Southern Alps is joined in Ina. In addition, there are several small and small rivers from the Central Alps and the Southern Alps, so I think it is a very blessed local city. I also go to work while watching the mountains in the morning and evening, so I think it's a really rich nature in that respect. On the other hand, it has long been said that regional revitalization has been called, but I don't think it is approaching at all. The reason is that they produce what they eat with their own power, drink water, and use the water that comes out of them to agriculture and drinking water. And I don't think local revitalization will be established if the energy created in the community cannot be self -supported. Considering such a thing, there is a lifestyle that uses renewable energy such as woody biomass and small hydropower, and does not use more than necessary, such as using LED lighting. In the manufacturing industry, welfare, medical care, etc. It is my opinion that if there is no most important place, regional revitalization will not work. In practice, Ina has an alps, and there are rich farmland and forest resources, so I think it will be a good pattern to embody.

Gong -Sword -The energy we talked about now, but in the past, I thought that there was only energy imported, but now it is possible for rural areas that we can use energy that we could not imagine in the past, such as small hydropower and woody biomass.Is it okay to think of it as a powerful weapon?

長野県伊那市・白鳥孝市長に聞く「最先端の取り組みをしていると、自ずと人々の目が向いてくる」[首長に聞く!インタビュー 第4回|EICネット]

Mayor Shiratori -Yes.However, when there was a first and second oil shock, the illumination was erased, and everyone was taking action due to quite symbolic things, but in the present era, I haven't done so much.。Energy has gradually broken away since the days when it rely only on fossil fuels, so it is necessary to strengthen the use of the use side.

Gong -Sword -Because we are making it at our own, we need to use it well without wasting it and use it well in a certain range.

Mayor Shiratori -That's right.Agriculture and forestry are always around with the shortage of successors and aging, but I think that the technology of the current new industry is the one that can replace it well and solve it.So, for me, I think a new era has come very timely.

Sword -I see.You've suddenly come into the core story.

"South Alps and Central Alps, which are embraced by the Southern Alps and the Central Alps, and are nurtured in the rich nature and historical culture of large and small rivers, including the Tenryu River and the Mine River," Left: Early Spring, early spring. "Senjogatake viewed from Nishiminowa, right: Nishikomagadake of the cherry blossoms in full bloom and the remaining snow)