Pay attention to USB memory you don...


Pay attention to USB memory you don't know, you may be able to receive cyber attacks just by inserting | TECH+ Mynavi News Mynavi

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has recently warned that a flash alert has been sent by mail by mail.As reported by multiple media, the article published by Bleeping Computer, "FBI: Hackers USE BADUSB TO TARGET DEFENSE FITH RANSOMWARE", has begun the current report.

According to Bleeping Computer, the Lilygo logo is posted in the USB memory (Badusb or Bad Beetle USB), which is generally mailed on the Internet.In August 2021, a package containing the USB was sent to the Transport and Insurance Industry, and in 2021 in 2021, a defensive industry organization.

身に覚えのないUSBメモリに注意、挿すだけでサイバー攻撃受ける恐れ | TECH+ マイナビニュース マイナビ

The USB memory is automatically registered as the HID (Human Interface Device) keyboard, and then the key stroke entry to install malware payload starts.The purpose is to ultimately enter the network inside the organization from the outside and perform ransomware attacks.

There has been a way to infect malware unauthorized to the system using a crafted USB memory, and it may be advised not to connect to a PC that you do not remember easily.many.Be careful because these USB memory operates as an HID device, so it works even if you turn off the remove storage device.