Billy Irish, who knows again: 20 -y...


Billy Irish, who knows again: 20 -year -old charm who works on the theme song of "Midnight Maiden War"

Billy Irish turned 20 in December 2021.The debut album "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO We Go?" And the single "Bad GUY" released in 2019 have become a huge hit all over the world, and the Grammy Awards for the first time in 39 years.Open the four major categories.

Later, he was in charge of the theme song for the latest movie of the 007 series "No Time To Dai" in history, and released a documentary film, and launched the second album "Happier Than Ever" in 2021.

This time, Billy Irish, which has become a theme song for the Japanese movie "Midnight Otome War" released on January 21, 2022, has become the theme song of the album title track "Happier Than Ever".A music writer Naohisa Matsunaga contributed her commentary on her again.

<関連記事>・ビリー・アイリッシュ、変貌したヴィジュアルとそこに込めた思いとは・ビリー・アイリッシュ最新作『Happier Than Ever』の“真価”・新人ビリー・アイリッシュが大成功をおさめた現代的な8つの理由・ビリーのドキュメンタリー『世界は少しぼやけている』レビュー・ビリー・アイリッシュ、自身の番組「me & dad radio」で紹介した曲と語ったこと

Billy Irish is now one of the strong social influence, not only music, but also fashion, lifestyle, and remarks.The music she sends off has a dark and impressive presence, never before.What kind of environment they were born?

She was born in 2001.According to her parents (although there seems to be a part that considers Billy with an intractable disease "Tourette Syndrome"), she does not go to school, "home schooling", that is, her home learning.It is said that he absorbed things.In an interview with her fashion media Vogue, she looks back on her choice she does not go to school.

"I sometimes wanted to dance with my classmates and make a noise without listening to what the teacher said, but I couldn't find any other reason to go to school. In fact, I didn't look back now.I'm glad I was good. I feel like I'm not going to myself in my current state. "

Instead of consuming time for things that I was not interested in, I focused on what I was interested in built a bass of my own sensitivity.In an interview with the music media pitch fork, "going to school" is compared as follows.

"For me, going to school is like forcibly throwing broccoli into my mouth. I feel like my life is the same as others. I don't go to school.I am deeply grateful to my parents for choosing. "

Parents who let Billy freely learn what they are interested in.I think that some of them came from their career that gave a free environment.His father, Patrick Oconel, has been active as an actor since the 1980s.He has appeared in the movie "Iron Man" (released in 2008).His mother, Maggie Baird, also develops music activities as an actor.He leaves a song that makes you feel a melancholic atmosphere that leads to Billy's songs.

It may not be a terrible activity like Billy, but the two who have lived (art) that they chose steadily.In particular, he seems to have a strong feeling of music, and since Billy was young, he flows The Beatles and Avril Lavigne at home, and Maggie gives a way to make sound, and Patrick gives instruments such as ukulele, sessions and in public.He seemed to have had various experiences, such as performing performance.

By the way, the reason for choosing "home schooling" was also impressed by the educational method of Hanson, a brother band who had a big break on the single "MMMBOP" in the 1990s.But her life was not blessed, and her father supported her and her family while her father was a "side job" and her mother was a teacher.Finneas has posted to his social media.

Parents who have supported Billy to establish their own expressions with all their might.As a result, she decided to create her own world with her music when she was in Leautine.She is in a way she's like her, without being confused by her opinions.Even now, her attitude has never changed, and she is working on her daily work with her family's dedicated support.

A world of intense ups and down music (showbiz).It is an important thing that gave Billy a "personality" that never confused the change because of his parents who experience the rigor.

Not only parents are affecting Billy and supporting.The influence of his four brother, Finnias, is also great.Because of his childhood, he has been educated in "home schooling" like Billy, so his relationship is strong, saying, "I have not existed now without him. It's all of my world.That is an unmistakable truth, "he says in social media.

Such a Phineas started music activities before Billy.She was originally planning to work in the band and produced songs, but she needed a vocalist, and the song "Ocean Eyes" (announced in 2015), which she sang and sang, was a hot topic on the Internet.I got the opportunity to make my debut.

[和訳MV] Billie Eilish – Ocean Eyes / ビリー・アイリッシュ – オーシャン・アイズ [公式]

With the attention of "Ocean Eyes", Finneas has become a unique collaborator related to all creations such as songwriting and producing Billy's songs.By the way, the music production is still being held in the Finnas bedroom (his home).

He said in the documentary film "Billy Irish: The world is a little blurry", but it changes rapidly by hits as "the role of connecting the world you want to make and the expressions that the world wants".When you are confused by the environment, you are trying to control your emotions more than anyone.

Recently, its production has been highly evaluated, and Finneas has provided many musicians, from Selena Gomez to Justin Bieber.In 2021, his first solo album "Optimist" was announced.As a musician, he has been talking about different art from Billy.

Billy has grown carefully about living like himself since he was young.Her music she sends for her also expresses her own emotions straight.Billy said in an interview with Japanese media at the time of her debut, "She just expresses what she doesn't like every day."In her song, she has an atmosphere that conveys everyday trivial events and personal emotions, but in the back that draws frustration to society from a sharp perspective.There are many.

Therefore, her casual hearing fits brilliantly with frustration, frustration that I couldn't speak well, especially the same generation of teenagers).She also felt painful in her posture, saying she clearly, and she was a great enthusiasm.In her film, she says about her evaluation from her listeners to her music as follows:

"I'm glad I just expressed what I thought at that moment, but I was happy to have a response from many people.It seemed to be surprising. I'm just spelling human -like things. "

Eventually, the response from the listeners will gradually change to Billy's attitude and way of life."What a problem in wearing the clothes you want to wear when you have more oversized fashion that hides your body shape, as you feel the role you need to be in society.Is there a video called "Not My Responsitude (not my responsibility)" (the music that was later played in this video was turned into a song with the same name), which asks "?"Just like sending a message to an intolerant tide of "personality".In addition, when the US presidential election was held in 2020, she conveyed a message that would be interested in politics to the younger generation, and became more closely related to society.

Moreover, she never tells anything from the top (beautiful things).She is the same as a listener of the same age, and she sends her messages while being anxious and lonely every day, but still struggling to live now.I think that realistic appearance is one of the factors that captures and keeps the hearts of many people.

Billie Eilish – NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY – a short film

Billy Irish exhales deep human emotions, such as loneliness, anxiety, and frustration.There are many songs that have a dark, melancholic melancholic, a flashy and positive phrase that is ranked high in the hits of the past.She doesn't seem to care because she thinks it is her real art, but many of her people, including Phineas and others, want catchy things that resonate with the heart, and among the documentary films.It depicts the worries (the opinion collision).

It can be said that the Bad GUY announced in 2019 was born in the conflict between the sounds that the surrounding sounds and the sound they wanted to pursue.For a lover who is trying to control herself, , who is actually controlling, is a song that is expressed on a light but poisonous vivid electro beat.

With this song, she was born in the 2000s on the US single chart.She also announced a remix with Justin Bieber, who said, "I liked her as a lover because she was a delusion when she was a low -teens."In Japan, the panda laughs in the TV drama "Shiro nor black, which is not black.It was a song that swept the world, such as being used as the theme song for, and pushed Billy into a modern pop icon.

[和訳MV] Billie Eilish – bad guy / ビリー・アイリッシュ – バッド・ガイ [公式]

The explosive hit of "BAD GUY" and the debut album "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?", Which of this song was recorded, is also a hit chart around the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom.He won the first place and performed the overwhelming performance that was woven with the audience at the "Coachella Festival", which was held the month after its release (it is noticed that live is also an important production of the audience is also an important production).Billy decided to run at the forefront of the music scene.

After that, she has been talking about various topics, including music videos of "You Should See Me in A Crown" by Takashi Murakami, a Japanese contemporary artist.As a result, in the world's largest music festival "62nd Grammy Award" announced the following year, 39 years (Best Album Award, Best Record Award, Best Song Award, Best Newcomer Award) for 39 years.It was the second time in the history of the first time and the first monopoly of women (by the way, it seems that Nora Jones won the four major categories in 2003, but she was not involved in songwriting.She will be awarded three major categories).

Basically, in Grammy, which has many long -awaited sounds, such as jazz, blues, soul, rock, a dark electronic sound like her, the music standard/history is fully recognized.I think it was a trigger to tell not only musicians but also people the possibility that the moment of rewards would come by pursuing only what they liked.In addition, she seems to be happy enough to shed tears in this achievement.

Billie Eilish Wins Song Of The Year | 2020 GRAMMYs

In the 63rd Grammy, he achieved the feat of acquiring two divisions, including the main departments.Billy has made its popularity and ability immovable.While aware of what her actions and remarks bring to the world, she sends her art and opinions.As a result, her influence has become immeasurable, as her Instagram will soon reach 100 million followers (as of January 2022).

In July 2021, the 2nd album "Happier Than Ever" was announced in July 2021.There are many things that spell out their own environment and feelings that have changed due to the amazing hit of her previous work, and rather than a beat with a strong impact like "Bad Guy", the finish that makes her feel more raw.It is."Happier Than Ever" is the title song that decorates the end of such an album, and has been used in the theme song for the movie "Midnight Maiden War".

"I'm happy to be away from you" Billy starts singing on an acoustic guitar.At first glance she looks cool to break up with her lover, but she gradually becomes unable to control her emotions, and she changes into a fierce band sound and an emotional voice that hinders anger at the other person.Development.

Until now, she had a cool image that did not express the undulation of emotions as much as possible, but it was a song that felt the opening door of a new expression (more exposed to her inside).It is important to see what effect of this vivid sound has.Along with the movie, it should be a tool that will give you a crisp effect that eliminates everyday frustration.I want you to enjoy the synergistic effect.

【和訳】Billie Eilish – Happier Than Ever / ビリー・アイリッシュ – ハピアー・ザン・エヴァー【公式】

Written by Naohisa Matsunaga

Billy Irish "Happier Than Ever" Released July 30, 2021 Domestic Edition CD / iTunes Store / Apple Music / Spotify / Amazon Music / YouTube Music

2022年1月21日(金)全国公開主演:永瀬廉(King & Prince)出演:池田エライザ、柄本佑ほか脚本・監督・編集:二宮 健原作:F「真夜中⼄⼥戦争」(角川文庫刊)音楽・撮影:堤裕介主題歌: ビリー・アイリッシュ「Happier Than Ever」

Official site

永瀬廉&柄本佑が真夜中の暴走ー 映画『真夜中乙女戦争』60秒予告【2022年1月21日(金)全国公開】

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