Camera shipments that continue to b...


Camera shipments that continue to be low compared to last.In the domestic market, the decrease in SLR is expanded -Digital camera Watch


The total number of digital cameras in October was 638,853 units (90.7 % from the previous month), and the amount was 41,191,405,000 yen (98.8 % from the previous month), slightly lower than the previous month.Furthermore, looking at the same month last year, the number was 56.3 % and the amount was 73.3 %, which is seen that it has decreased significantly.According to last year's trends, it was rising from August to October, but this year there was no increase in numbers in the same period, and the result was a big difference.

昨対比で低調が続くカメラ出荷台数。国内向け市場では一眼レフの下げ幅が拡大 - デジカメ Watch

Looking at each camera type, the number of mirrorless cameras was 258,8856 (98.4 % from the previous month), and the amount was 28,243,166,000 yen (100.5 % from the previous month), almost flat compared to the previous month.Compared to last month, the number of units is 62.2 % and the price is 79.8 %.

The number of single -lens reflex cameras was 184,645 units (110.8 % from the previous month).The amount was 7,892,619,000 yen (107.3 % from the previous month), which showed the only strong performance compared to the previous month.On the other hand, when viewed from last year, it was 54.5 % and the amount was 63.7 %, which was larger than a mirrorless camera.

The number of lenses -integrated cameras was 195,352 units (71.1 % from the previous month), and the amount was 5,055,62 million yen (81.4 % from the previous month), which increased the largest rate compared to the previous month.Even in the same month last year, it did not increase at 51.4 % and 59.9 %.