Chris Anderson: Drones Will Be The...


Chris Anderson: Drones Will Be The Smartest Things Ever Happened Towards Aerial Industrial Revolution

The Dawn of the Industrial Drone Era

Moderator: Thank you for waiting. Next, we will start Session 2 "The Dawn of the Industrial Drone Era: New B2B Markets Pioneered by Drones". The moderator will be Mr. Chuji Cheng, Chairman of the Board of Accenture Japan. Please.

(audience applause)

Chris Anderson

The panelist is Chris Anderson, CEO of 3D Robotics and founder of DIY Drones. Mr. Toshihito Kumagai, Mayor of Chiba City. Mr. Kenzo Nonami, Distinguished Professor at Chiba University, President of Autonomous Control Systems Laboratory Co., Ltd. Well then, thank you very much.

Mr. Cheng Chia-chi (hereafter, Cheng): Now, I would like to start a session on the area of ​​drones, where innovation is currently progressing very much following medical care.

I'm sure some of you have already heard the word drone hundreds or thousands of times. Looking back, I started hearing those words around 2014. I think 2015 was the first year of drones in Japan.

In addition to newspapers, as you may remember, there was also an incident in which a drone crashed into the prime minister's official residence. Since then, social recognition has increased, and technological innovation has progressed.

From a global perspective, the use of drones for consumers, generally speaking, is said to be the "hobby market" or the "BtoC market", but such a market is currently growing rapidly. increase.

At the same time, recently, in the industrial and BtoB fields, there is a point of view that the use of drones may become a tool for dramatic innovation or an important core technology. coming out.

This year, I think that various application results will come out not only in Japan but also in the BtoB market and industrial areas worldwide.