Female flight attendant...

04 Female flight attendant unemployed in Corona challenges her longing pilot UK-(1/2)

(CNN) Jordan Milano Hazrati felt that her dream had come true when she was hired as a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic Airlines.

Hazrathi, who worked as a flight attendant for low-cost carrier (LCC) Jet to Com in his hometown of Manchester, is at Heathrow Airport in London to fulfill his dream of working for Virgin Airlines in February 2020. Moved to.

But eight months later, he became one of the victims of the crisis that hit the aviation industry.

Many would have given up on the crisis industry (if placed in the same situation as Mr. Hazrati) and moved to multiple industries, but Mr. Hazrati is a pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (global). I used it as an opportunity to get a job that I had longed for for many years. The job is a pilot.

Runway leading to the sky

Hazrati started her career in a field completely unrelated to the aviation industry. She was a dancer who appeared in a musical.

She always had a longing for the aviation industry, but she didn't want to admit her longing for a pilot because the training to become her pilot was so expensive.

When I was working as a flight attendant at Virgin Airlines / Courtesy Jordan Hazrati

However, a turning point will come in 2017. Her parents gave her a plane flight lesson on her birthday. : コロナで失業した女性客室乗務員、憧れのパイロットに挑戦 英 - (1/2)

That was exactly what Hazrati wanted. "I ran on the runway (on an airplane) and became addicted the moment I took off. It took only 10 seconds to take off. The instructor told me to take off somehow. I was scared when I was running on the runway, but I succeeded in taking off, and I became addicted to it. "(Mr. Hazrathi)

After finishing her flight, Hazrati decided to become a pilot, but her problem was how to do it.

At this time, Mr. Hazrathi could not take a step yet. Training her pilots can be very expensive, so she must always be confident that this is her path, says Hazrati.

"I think I'm finally convinced (I want to be a pilot) because I've been fired and I've run out of time. Not only do I want to challenge the pilot, but I've come to think that I have no choice but to challenge. (Mr. Hazrathi)

So, when a pandemic happened, while many were trying to save and save as much as possible, Hazrati decided to put all his money into the dream of becoming a pilot.

Since starting her training in March 2009, Hazrati has spent a total of £ 14,000, which is only a fraction of the total amount needed to become a pilot. He says it can take up to three years to qualify as a pilot, and the final cost is around £ 50,000 to £ 60,000. Still, there are pilot training courses that are the cheapest and cost more than twice as much.

Mr. Hazrathi has also received a scholarship from the Air League, a non-profit organization related to aviation in the United Kingdom, to complete the training required to obtain a private pilot license (PPL).

Since losing his job, Mr. Hazrathi has held various positions such as personal trainer, waitress, and counselor at the telephone counseling service for vaccination to survive the pandemic, and is now working on another airline as a human factor (human behavioral characteristics). ) Working as an expert.

However, he flies weekly to hone his skills towards his ultimate goal of becoming a pilot. He also says he is learning flight routes and theories while he is on the ground, spending at least 15 hours preparing weekly flights.