IPhone13 compares the performance a...


IPhone13 compares the performance and differences of all types. IPhone 13mini/13/13 Pro/13 Pro Max, which model do you recommend?

Apple has announced the new iPhone "iPhone 13" series at the new product announcement event "California Streaming."

The "iPhone 13" series has been a lineup of four models with the largest number of models in the history of iPhone, but it is a matter of worrying which model to buy because the performance is slightly different.

Therefore, this article compares the four "iPhone 13" series with performance, specifications, prices, etc.Furthermore, consider which model to buy.I would like you to think about which model that suits you while reading this article.

  1. Introducing all lineups of iPhone 13 series
  2. Case size, screen size, weight
  3. Screen quality
  4. Housing material
  5. Back camera
  6. Whether there is a support for Apple ProRaW
  7. Processor
  8. Support for 5G
  9. Water resistance and dustproof performance
  10. With battery
  11. Wireless charging function & Magsafe
  12. Storage lineup / price
  13. Release date / reservation start date
  14. summary

Introducing all lineups of iPhone 13 series

The iPhone 13 series includes all four models: iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max.

These four models are roughly divided into two groups, lower models and higher models, and the "iPhone 12" series of "MUJI Model" is a lower model, and the "iPhone 12 Pro" series is given to the name.It will be a top model.

Lower model

High -end model

基本的にはHigh -end modelにいくにつれて価格が高くなるほか、画面サイズが大きくなる (iPhone 13とiPhone 13 Proは同じだが)。2年前のiPhone 11シリーズとは若干だがラインナップの仕方が異なっている。

iPhone 13 Screen Size: iPhone 13 Mini

Reference information ① IPhone 12 screen size: iPhone 12 mini

Reference information ② iPhone 11 screen size: iPhone 11 Pro

I would like to introduce the difference between each model below, but in reading this article, there is a different difference in camera performance between the iPhone 13 series and the iPhone 13 Pro series, as well as battery ownership.I want you to remember that there is a difference.

Case size, screen size, weight

iPhone 13シリーズは、基本的にHigh -end modelに行くにつれて端末・画面サイズが大きくなる傾向にある。各モデルの画面・端末サイズは以下の表のとおり。

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max
解像度2,340 × 1,080
(476ppi)2,532 × 1,170
(460ppi)2,532 × 1,170
(460ppi)2,778 × 1,284(458ppi)

When each is arranged in order of small order, it becomes iPhone 13 mini

Left: iPhone 13 Mini / Right: iPhone SE (2nd generation)

The iPhone 13 mini is a 5G smartphone sold by compact.It features a feeling of size that fits in one hand, and can be operated easily with only one hand.It can be said that it is one that can work comfortably even if you have luggage, as well as small hands.

Left: iPhone 13 Pro / Right: iPhone 13

The 6.1 -inch model (13 and 13 Pro) in the middle is not too large and not too small, and it is a feeling of size that anyone can use comfortably.Not only two -handed operation but also one -handed operation is possible, so if you get lost in size, it may be better to buy a 6.1 inch model.

The iPhone 13 Pro Max is for those who want a terminal equipped with a large screen anyway.If you want to enjoy video content on a large screen, or read or create documents, the "iPhone 13 Pro Max" equipped with the largest screen is the most recommended.

However, when it comes to the size of the iPhone 13 Pro Max, it is a little difficult to operate with only one hand.The basics will be operated with both hands.It may not be in the clothing pocket, so it can be said that it is a terminal that fits the iPhone in a bag and carries it.

Since the weight comes with a lot of 28 grams, if you buy the model, I would recommend that you try it once at the Apple Store or electronics retailer before purchasing.So, if you feel "heavy" or "big", it would be better to buy a 6.1 -inch model with a balance between the body size and the screen size.

Screen quality

これまでHigh -end modelとLower modelで 「Screen quality」 に違いが設けられてきたiPhoneシリーズ。昨年のiPhone 12では久しぶりにすべてのモデルがほぼ同じ仕様となっていたが、今年のiPhone 13は再びディスプレイ仕様に差別化が図られた。

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max

Super Retina XDR Display All Screen OLED Display

・ HDR display ・ TRUE TONE ・ Wide color range (P3) ・ Touch touch ・ 2,000,000: 1 contrast ratio ・ Maximum brightness: 800 Nito (standard)/1,200 Nito (HDR) ・ fingerprint oil repellent coating

ProMotion搭載Super Retina XDR Display All Screen OLED Display

・ Promotion Technology (up to 120Hz) ・ HDR display ・ True Tone ・ Wide color range (P3) ・ Touch touch ・ 2,000,000: 1 contrast ratio ・ Maximum brightness: 1,000 Nito (standard)/1,200 Nito (HDR)coating

解像度2,340 × 1,080 
(476ppi)2,532 × 1,170 
(460ppi)2,532 × 1,170 
(460ppi)2,778 × 1,284 (458ppi)

The displays installed in the iPhone 13 series are all organic EL displays.The resolution is high, and it supports high -definition Retina that cannot be recognized by the human retina.

The contrast ratio is 2,000,000: 1 and supports the wide color gamut (P3).It also supports HDR, so it is possible to enjoy the corresponding content in the correct shade.All models also support Truetone display.

In addition, with the cooperation with the cobning, a ceramic shield processing that achieves 4 times the durability of the predecessor model is applied.This is also compatible with all models, so it does not directly affect the selection of terminals.

There are differences are (1) the existence of PROMOTION technology and (2) the screen brightness when not using the HDR function.

First, whether or not the Promotion technology is supported in ①.Promotion technology only supports iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max, and does not support iPhone 13 Mini and iPhone 13.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max

Promotion technology refers to a display that supports a high refresh rate of 120Hz.Refresh rate is a number that indicates how many times the screen is rewritten per second.For example, 60Hz indicates that the screen is rewritten 60 times per second, and the larger the number, the more the image can be displayed.

The refresh rate of the screen mounted on the existing model is 60Hz.In other words, a model that supports 120Hz can be doubled as the conventional and smooth depiction when scrolling.If you need a smooth screen, you will need to buy iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max.

About the screen brightness of ②.The standard time of the iPhone 13 series is 800 Nito for the iPhone 13 mini and iPhone 13, while the iPhone 13 Pro and the iPhone 13 Pro Max are 1000 Nito.

I would like the iPhone 13 Pro Series to consider the potential for the maximum brightness of the screen.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max

Nevertheless, considering that the screen brightness when the HDR is displayed is 1,200 Nito, and that the screen brightness at the standard time of last year's iPhone 12 Pro was up to 800 Nito, I care much about this year's model.Isn't it a level difference?

▶︎ iPhone 13シリーズの予約・購入は以下の公式オンラインショップから!24時間受付中!Apple公式サイトで購入ドコモで購入auで購入ソフトバンクで購入楽天モバイルで購入iPhone 13 Pro Max (1TB)posted with カエレバ Amazonで購入する iPhone 13 Pro (512GB) – シエラブルーposted with カエレバ Amazonで購入する iPhone 13 (128GB) – ブルーposted with カエレバ Amazonで購入する iPhone 13 mini (128GB) – スターライトposted with カエレバ Amazonで購入する

Housing material

iPhone 13シリーズの筐体に使用される素材やその仕上がりは、High -end modelとLower modelで異なる。

The iPhone 13 series uses a matte -type aluminum from the aerospace industry on the side, with glossy glass on the back.On the other hand, the iPhone 13 Pro series uses stainless steel on the side and textured mat glass (polished glass) is used on the back, and in the luxury of the iPhone 13 Pro.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max
デザイン前面:Ceramic Shield背面:ガラス側面:アルミニウム前面:Ceramic Shield背面:テクスチャードマットガラス側面:ステンレススチール

If you want a more luxurious smartphone, it is likely to be good to buy an iPhone 13 Pro series, but the iPhone 13 series also uses glass on the back, so you can feel the cheapness so much.It may not be.

iPhone 13/13 MINI color lineup

iPhone 13 Pro/13 Pro Max color lineup

The color variations are different between the iPhone 13 series and the iPhone 13 Pro series.

There are five types of iPhone 13 series: Starlight, Midnight, Blue, Pink, and (Product) RED.The iPhone 13 Pro series is a total of four colors, graphite, gold, silver, and Sierra Blue.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max

If you want a pink iPhone, you should buy the iPhone 13 series.Also, some people like Sierra Blue's pale light blue.Such a choice of iPhone 13 Pro.

I would like you to choose your favorite color model, but as mentioned above, the iPhone 13 and the iPhone 13 Pro series have different housing, so the iPhone 13 Pro is higher in terms of luxury.I want you to keep in mind.

 iPhone 13 全種類の性能・違いを比較。iPhone 13 mini/13/13 Pro/13 Pro Max、オススメはどのモデル?

Back camera

One of the biggest differences in the iPhone 13 series is the performance of the back camera.

まずは見た目でわかる違いとして、Lower modelの 「iPhone 13 mini」 「iPhone 13」 はデュアルカメラが、High -end modelの 「iPhone 13 Pro」 「iPhone 13 Pro Max」 はトリプルカメラが搭載されている。

The lens configuration is super wide angle + wide -angle for iPhone 13 mini and iPhone 13, "iPhone 13 Pro" and "iPhone 13 Pro Max" are super wide angle + wide -angle + telephoto.In each lens, the number of pixels is 12 million pixels.The specifications of each lens are as follows, indicating that the iPhone 13 Pro series has higher camera performance than the iPhone 13 series.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max
広角・1,200万画素・f/1.6・7枚構成のレンズ・100% Focus Pixels・ナイトモード・1,200万画素・f/1.5・7枚構成のレンズ・100% Focus Pixels・ナイトモード

ちなみに昨年のiPhone 12シリーズでは、Lower model同士は同じ性能になっていたものの、High -end modelであるiPhone 12 ProとiPhone 12 Pro Maxでは、iPhone 12 Pro Maxにのみセンサーシフト光学式手ぶれ補正が搭載されるなど、同じProモデル同士でもカメラ性能に差が設けられていた。

しかし、今回のiPhone 13シリーズのHigh -end modelでは、iPhone 13 Pro/13 Pro Maxは同じカメラ性能となっていて、モデル選びの際にカメラ性能の違いを考慮する必要がなくなり、よりシンプルにモデルを選べるようになった。

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max
広角・1,200万画素・f/1.6・7枚構成のレンズ・100% Focus Pixels・ナイトモード・1,200万画素・f/1.5・7枚構成のレンズ・100% Focus Pixels・ナイトモード

From here on, let's pay attention to the differences between each lens.First, from the wide -angle lens.

The wide -angle lens is supported by the number of pixels, the number of lenses, and the sensor shift optical type image stabilization, but the PRO model is also equipped with dual optical image stabilization, making it more beautiful.You can take a picture.

また、Lower modelは絞り値がf/1.6であるのに対し、iPhone 13 Proシリーズはf/1.5。より明るく、ノイズが少ない写真を撮影可能だ。

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max

超広角レンズは画素数と視野角こそ同じであるものの、Lower modelとHigh -end modelで性能が大きく異なっている。

「iPhone 13 mini」 「iPhone 13」 はレンズの枚数が5枚であるのに対して、iPhone 13 Proシリーズは6枚と一枚多い。さらにLower modelの絞り値はf/2.4であるのに対し、Proモデルはf/1.8。Proモデルの方が圧倒的に明るく、ノイズの少ない写真が撮影可能だ。

そして、iPhone 13 Proシリーズは超広角レンズでのマクロ撮影に対応。被写体には2cmまで寄ることができる。これは、Lower modelである 「iPhone 13 mini」 「iPhone 13」 は利用できない。

The telephoto lens is installed only for "iPhone 13 Pro" and "iPhone 13 Pro Max".It is suitable for a large captivity of a distant subject.If you have the opportunity to zoom, you should buy "iPhone 13 Pro" and "iPhone 13 Pro Max" because you can use up to three times the optical zoom.Last year's iPhone 12 Pro/12 Pro Max had a subtle difference in zoom performance, but this time both have the same performance.

The telephoto lens of the iPhone 13 Pro series has evolved in addition to the new night mode.Even at night, you can shoot a distant subject brightly.This time, the telephoto lens supports the night mode so that the night mode can be used with all lenses, wide angle, ultra wide angle, and telephoto.

In addition, the LIDAR scanner, which was first installed in the iPhone 12 Pro/12 Pro Max, is also equipped with only the PRO model iPhone 13 Pro/13 Pro Max.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max

"LIDAR Scanner" is a sensor that allows you to grasp the space at high speed and accurate by measuring the time while the light reflects on the object and returns.In addition to improving the AR experience with the same sensor, the distance to the subject is accurately measured even when shooting with the camera, and high -portrait, shooting in dark areas, and speeding up autofocus are realized.

Regarding camera performance, there is a big difference between entry model and Pro model.In particular, telephoto lenses and LIDAR scanners are equipped with only PRO models, so if you have many opportunities to take photos on your iPhone, you would like to choose a PRO model if possible.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max

In addition, "iPhone 13 Pro" and "iPhone 13 Pro Max" allows you to shoot a maximum 4K/30fps PRORES video.By being able to shoot in PRORES format, it is possible to express faithful colors in video editing software and enable more efficiently.If you are particular about camera performance, it will be decided by the iPhone 13 Pro series.

▶︎ iPhone 13シリーズの予約・購入は以下の公式オンラインショップから!24時間受付中!Apple公式サイトで購入ドコモで購入auで購入ソフトバンクで購入楽天モバイルで購入

Whether there is a support for Apple ProRaW

High -end modelのiPhone 13 Proシリーズは、Apple独自のRAW形式フォーマット 「Apple ProRAW」 が利用できるが、Lower modelのiPhone 13シリーズは残念ながら同フォーマットには対応しない。プロレベルの写真を撮影したいのであれば、iPhone 13 ProあるいはiPhone 13 Pro Maxを選ぶべきだろう。

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max
Apple ProRAW×

"Apple Proraw" is Apple's unique RAW format.The photo application is given data such as white balance, sharpness, and highlights to support higher quality photography and development.

If you want to take a picture in the same format, you need to keep the "Apple Proraw" the "Apple Proraw" toogle in the photo shoot in the "Camera"> "Format" from the setting app.Once the setting is completed, you can take a picture of the high quality by tapping the button with the "RAW" written in the camera app.

Even when using smart HDR, DEEP Fusion, night mode, etc., it can be shot with "Apple Proraw".However, it is not available in Live Photos, video shooting, or in portrait mode.

In addition, since photos taken with "Apple Proraw" are 10 to 12 times the size of the normal photo, please be careful about the data capacity of the main unit and the remaining amount of iCloud storage capacity.


The "iPhone 13" series has a newly developed "A15 Bionic" chip in all models, and the CPU processing performance may be almost the same.

ただし、グラフィック性能に関してはLower modelとHigh -end modelで差がつけられており、より高いグラフィック性能が必要ならHigh -end modelを選ぶのが吉だ。

"A15 Bionic" is equipped with a 6 -core CPU (2 high -performance cores + 4 high -efficiency core).GPU cores are equipped with 4 cores for iPhone 13 mini and iPhone 13, and 5 -core specifications for iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max
搭載チップA15 Bionicチップ
Neural Engine16コア

If you explain the "A15 Bionic chip" easily, the chip is a chip using a 5nm process, and it will work 50%faster than other companies' smartphones.The graphic performance will be 30 % higher than other companies' products.It also has a 16 -core neural engine, and the recognition of letters and the drawing of AR are faster.

Support for 5G

The iPhone 13 series supports 5G for all models.5G has two frequency bands, Sub6 and MMwave (millimeter wave), while iPhone 13 supports both.

However, both frequency bands are available only for models sold in the United States, and only SUB6 can be used in Japan.


The 5G radio waves are roughly divided into two types of frequency bands, a millimeter wave band and a 6GHz band or less (SUB 6GHz).

The SUB 6GHz band has a characteristic that radio waves are likely to reach a wide area, but it is susceptible to the interference of the surrounding radio waves.On the other hand, the radio waves of the millimeter wave band have high straightness and are somewhat unsuitable to cover a wide range, but they are said to be less likely to receive radio wave interference and are suitable for deployment in population intensive areas.

▶︎ iPhone 13シリーズの予約・購入は以下の公式オンラインショップから!24時間受付中!Apple公式サイトで購入ドコモで購入auで購入ソフトバンクで購入楽天モバイルで購入

Water resistance and dustproof performance

The "iPhone 13" series has water resistance and dustproof performance of IP68 grade in all models, and can withstand up to 30 minutes at a depth of 6 meters.

2年前の 「iPhone 11」 シリーズでは、Lower modelとHigh -end modelで耐えられる水深に違いがあったが、昨年のiPhone 12より防水性能は全モデル共通に。

In addition, the water resistance itself is also high, and it is said that the maximum water depth, which was up to 4 meters in the iPhone 11 series, can withstand up to 6 meters after the iPhone 12.The probability of a submerged accident is lower than in the past and you will be relieved.

With battery

So far, we have introduced the differences in the iPhone 13 series, but the biggest difference may be "battery".

This year's iPhone has a different battery drive time for each model, and the difference in driving time is nearly 1.6 times.

The iPhone 13 battery has the shortest iPhone 13 min, followed by iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max
With batteryビデオ再生:最大17時間ビデオ再生(ストリーミング):最大13時間オーディオ再生:最大55時間ビデオ再生:最大19時間ビデオ再生(ストリーミング):最大15時間オーディオ再生:最大75時間ビデオ再生:最大22時間ビデオ再生(ストリーミング):最大20時間オーディオ再生:最大75時間ビデオ再生:最大28時間ビデオ再生(ストリーミング):最大25時間オーディオ再生:最大95時間

This is probably proportional to the battery capacity built into the terminal.The larger the terminal size, the larger the battery ownership, the longer it can be driven.

少しでもWith batteryが長いデバイスが必要なら、High -end modelを購入するべきだろう。

By the way, the iPhone 13 series is equipped with a function to increase the battery life called smart data mode.This smart data mode is a function to automatically switch between 5G communication and 4G communication.Since 5G communication is large in battery consumption, it can prevent unnecessary battery consumption by enabling 5G only when necessary.

Wireless charging function & Magsafe

The iPhone 13 series can be used for wireless charging.In addition, Magsafe, which was first introduced in last year's iPhone 12 series, can be used.

"Magsafe" is a new wireless charging mechanism using a magnet.The iPhone and the wireless charger have a built -in ring -shaped magnet, and the wireless charging can be performed efficiently at an appropriate position by sticking them.As an image, the Apple Watch charger may be easier to understand.

Magsafe corresponds to up to 15W output, so it can be charged faster than conventional wireless chargers (7.5W).

By the way, as a charger that supports Magsafe, Apple genuine sells "Magsafe charger" and "Magsafe dual charging pad".For details of both chargers, please refer to the review articles below.

関連記事iPhone 12 Pro レビュー | 5G対応のカックカク新型iPhone。その魅力とイマイチなところ。MagSafeも試してみた2020-12-10関連記事MagSafeデュアル充電パッド レビュー | 旅行や出張に最適なMagSafe対応マルチワイヤレス充電器2020-12-04

Also, Belkin has released "Boost ↑ Charge Pro 3-In-1 Wireless Charger with Magsafe" from the third party.The charger is very convenient because the iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods can be charged at the same time.If you have multiple Apple products, please consider purchasing.

関連記事「Belkin BOOST↑CHARGE PRO 3-in-1 Wireless Charger with MagSafe」 発売。iPhoneとApple Watch、AirPodsを3台同時充電できるMagSafe充電スタンド2021-01-09▶︎ iPhone 13シリーズの予約・購入は以下の公式オンラインショップから!24時間受付中!Apple公式サイトで購入ドコモで購入auで購入ソフトバンクで購入楽天モバイルで購入

Storage lineup / price

There are three types of storage capacity of the iPhone 13 series, 128GB / 256GB / 512GB.There are four types of storage capacity of the iPhone 12 Pro series, 128GB / 256GB / 512GB / 1TB.

The price is from 86,800 yen for "iPhone 13 mini", 98,800 yen for "iPhone 13", 122,800 yen for "iPhone 13 Pro", and 134,800 yen for "iPhone 13 Pro Max" (both included tax included).。

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max

By the way, in the case of the iPhone 13 Pro series, the 128GB model is limited to 1080p/30fps when shooting in the PRORES format.If you want to shoot beautiful images, we recommend purchasing a 256GB model or more.

Release date / reservation start date

The reservation start date and release date of the "iPhone 13" series are common to all models.

iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro Max
予約開始日日本時間2021年9月17日 午後9時

The reservation start date will be held on September 17 (Fri) at 9:00 pm on the Apple official website and major carriers.The release is scheduled for Friday, October 23.


This time, I compared the performance and specifications of all models of the iPhone 13 series, but have you found the iPhone you want?

If you couldn't find the answer after reading each item, I would like to present the iPhone that I recommend for each purpose.

I want a palm -sized iPhone: iPhone 13 mini I want a big screen: iPhone 13 Pro Max I have many opportunities to take photos and videos on my smartphone: iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max I want an iPhone with good battery: iPhone 13 Pro MaxI want a balanced iPhone 13: iPhone 13 Pro I want a high -quality model: iPhone 13 Pro / iPhone 13 Pro Max I want a cheap model: iPhone 13 mini (I can also see the iPhone SE and iPhone 12 in view?)I want an operating iPhone: OK to buy any model

The above is the selection of iPhone 13 based on the characteristics of each model.

Of course, it is important to focus on cheapness and cost performance, but what is more important is what is the most important thing you want on your iPhone?

Some people value the camera performance, while others value coolness and cuteness.Some users value ease of use, and more to put them in ease of holding and operability.

For example, I want to choose a compact model as much as possible, but I have to focus on camera performance because there are many opportunities to take pictures at the interview.If the camera performance is high, it can be used on travel and business trips, so two birds with one stone.This year, there was no difference in camera performance between professional models, so I will choose "iPhone 13 Pro" this time.

If you choose like this, you will find a perfect model for you.Please carefully consider which model is best for you.

▶︎ iPhone 13シリーズの予約・購入は以下の公式オンラインショップから!24時間受付中!Apple公式サイトで購入ドコモで購入auで購入ソフトバンクで購入楽天モバイルで購入iPhone 13 Pro Max (1TB)posted with カエレバ Amazonで購入する iPhone 13 Pro (512GB) – シエラブルーposted with カエレバ Amazonで購入する iPhone 13 (128GB) – ブルーposted with カエレバ Amazonで購入する iPhone 13 mini (128GB) – スターライトposted with カエレバ Amazonで購入する

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