Demonstration of disaster response...


Demonstration of disaster response demonstration at multiple high -rise buildings that utilize drones in collaboration with training for the surroundings of Shinjuku Station

Non -life insurance Japan Co., Ltd., SOMPO Risk Management Co., Ltd., Engineering University and Shinjuku Ward (hereinafter referred to as "Team / Shinjuku"), which are members of the Shinjuku Station Visb Defense Council, are one of the best in Japan.In the Shinjuku West Exit area, which is a dense and skyscraper district of the population, we will conduct a demonstration experiment on collecting and disseminating information in the event of a disaster using a small unmanned aerial aircraft (hereinafter "drone").Focusing on the launch of various activities immediately after the disaster, which emerged as a challenge from the past four experiments, verifying information gathering, guiding residents, sharing information with local headquarters, and remotely control of drones in high -rise buildings.increase.

1.The background and aim of this real test

The Disaster Prevention Council of Shinjuku Station has been working on mutual assistance training assuming large -scale earthquakes since 2007, and has been working on improving local disaster prevention capabilities.Through these activities, information gathering and disseminating immediately after the disaster occurred is issued, and the council is considering the response.

"Team / Shinjuku" has been conducting demonstration experiments that have been collaborating with technologies, wisdom, and resources that have been accumulated and utilized in normal work, and have been conducting demonstration experiments in collaboration with drones and information and communication equipment.I will do the 5th.

This experiment will verify the initial response based on the results so far.Specifically, based on the request from Shinjuku Ward, the company will prepare a drone to understand the surrounding situation, and provide information on the local headquarters operation training held at the same time.

In addition, as the first attempt, we are also planning an experiment to remotely control drones in Shinjuku Central Park from the West Exit Local Measures Headquarters, using the newly developed LTE line drone control system.

Demonstration experiment image diagram

2.Outline of demonstration experiment

(1) Schedule and venue

・ Schedule: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 13:30 to 15:00

* Reception will start at Shinjuku Chuo Park at 13:00.At the reception, please submit a business card.

* It may be canceled depending on the weather.

・ Venue: Shinjuku Chuo Park, Engineering University, Shinjuku Ward Office 

* For shooting in the park, see the lower part of the attached sheet, "The interview on the day".Interview with the ward office is not allowed.

(2) Experimental contents

Shinjuku Station, which has a drone at Shinjuku Chuo Park for the purpose of grasping the damage status around Shinjuku Station and guiding the residents and sharing information with the Shinjuku Ward Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters.Information sharing at the West Exit Headquarters and Shinjuku Ward Office of the surrounding disaster prevention countermeasures council.This time, the local headquarters management training conducted by the Shinjuku Station Video Control Council will be held at the same time, and we plan to verify information sharing.

・ Launching a real -time activity system assuming the initial motion of the disaster

・ Collection/information provision using drones with local headquarters

・ Remote control test using LTE line for drone flight control communication by dedicated development system

(3) Activity resources

Members of "Team Shinjuku" are working and active in resources (human resources, equipment, funds, etc.).

(4) Implementation system

"Team / Shinjuku" member: Son insurance Japan Co., Ltd., SOMPO Risk Management Co., Ltd., Engineering University, Shinjuku Ward Crisis Management Division, Rikyo Co., Ltd. (this time does not participate)

* Please refer to the attached sheet for details.

Cooperative organization: Shinjuku Station Disaster Prevention Council, NSI Maoka Co., Ltd., SKY PerfecTV JSAT Co., Ltd., Park Foundation (Shinjuku Chuo Park)

(5) In charge of each organization in the demonstration experiment

Non -life insurance Japan Co., Ltd.

・ Planning, implementation, and verification of this real test

・ Provision of necessary equipment and equipment such as drones and provide equipment management personnel

SOMPO Risk Management Co., Ltd.

・ Planning, implementation, and verification of this real testの支援

・ Coordination with the disaster prevention measures council around Shinjuku Station

Engineering university

・ Technical advice as a local expert

・ From the perspective of businesses around Shinjuku Station, advice on planning, implementation, and verification of this actual test

・ Provision of necessary equipment and equipment such as wireless communication equipment and provide equipment management personnel

Shinjuku ward

Disaster prevention measures council around Shinjuku Station訓練との連携による ドローンを活用した超高層ビル街複数拠点での 災害対応実証実験実施

・ Cooperation with the planning, implementation, and verification of this actual certificate experiment from the standpoint of the basic local government that jurisdays for disaster prevention measures around Shinjuku Station

・ Provision of drone flight location ・ Coordination with designated manager

・ Secretariat of the Disaster Prevention Council around Shinjuku Station

Disaster prevention measures council around Shinjuku Station

・ From the perspective of businesses around Shinjuku Station, advice on planning, implementation, and verification of this actual test

NSI Maoka Co., Ltd.

・ Construction of drone production, maintenance and drone -equipped and non -installed LTE image distribution systems

・ Drone UTM operation management system construction and autonomous flight software development

SKY PerfecTV JSAT Co., Ltd.

・ Providing satellite lines

3.Countermeasures for COVID-19 infection

If you come to the new colon virus infection, please cooperate below.

・ Wearing a mask

・ Disinfecting fingers

・ Please leave the distance to the neighbor as much as possible.

■ About "Team / Shinjuku" members

・Non -life insurance Japan Co., Ltd.

Representative: President: Keiji Nishizawa

所在地: 東京都Shinjuku ward西新宿1-26-1

Overview: Domestic and non -life insurance companies.From 2015, use drones for damage investigation.The drone is also used for the damage investigation at the Itoigawa Great Fire, which is a quick payment of insurance.He has a track record of more than 2,000 flights, and has also cooperated in searching for unknown safety in disasters as a support support for local governments.In 2016, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism obtained a comprehensive approval approval for drone flights throughout Japan for the first time in the insurance industry.

・SOMPO Risk Management Co., Ltd.

Representative: President: Junichi Sakurai

所在地: 東京都Shinjuku ward西新宿1-24-1

Overview: A group company of the SOMPO Group.Providing solution services such as "Risk Management Business" and "Cyber Security Business", supporting business continuity (BCM / BCP) support, company -wide risk management (ERM) support, cyber security countermeasures services.

・Engineering university

Representative: President: Mitsuji Sato (Mitsu Sato)

所在地: 東京都Shinjuku ward西新宿1-24-2(新宿キャンパス)

概要 : 先進工学部、工学部、建築学部、情報学部を持つ私立大学。2007年からShinjuku wardの防災計画策定に参画。各地での災害について、専門家としてメディアで解説、避難所を開設するキットの開発など、地域の防災活動を牽引している。東日本大震災では、帰宅困難者を安全に多数収容した。Shinjuku wardと包括連携を結び、災害時には新宿西口エリアの現地本部となる。

・ Rikyo Co., Ltd.

(Participation this time due to circumstances)

Representative: President: Tetsu Inaka

所在地: 東京都Shinjuku ward西新宿1-26-2 新宿野村ビル

Overview: A technical trading company in the IT and electronics field established in 1957.

In 2003, the "J Alert", which instantly transmits emergency information from the government to the residents, has been proposed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Fire and Disaster Management Agency, and has been up to the present day.Since then, it has also contributed to the realization of "diverse communication means" that has been working on each local government.

■Disaster prevention measures council around Shinjuku Stationについて

新宿駅周辺地域を中心に、2002年に「Shinjuku ward帰宅困難者対策推進協議会」として設立。官民が連携して、駅前の混乱防止対策に取り組む。2007年に「新宿駅周辺滞留者対策訓練協議会」へと改組しターミナル駅周辺の混乱防止訓練を全国で初めて実施した。また、2009年に新宿駅周辺地域の防災対策の基本方針として「新宿ルール」を策定し、「Disaster prevention measures council around Shinjuku Station」へと改組、検討課題を帰宅困難者対策から新宿駅周辺の防災まちづくりへと拡大した。さらに、2016年に「新宿ルール実践のための行動指針」を策定し、「新宿ならでは防災」をキャッチコピーとして周知啓発活動を推進している。現在、約80の事業者・団体等が参加し、継続して地域の防災力向上のために取り組んでいる。