Construction of a space patrol ship...


Construction of a space patrol ship under consideration by the Ministry of Defense

Ken Jimbo, an international political scientist and professor at Keio University, appeared on Nippon Broadcasting System's "Koji Iida's OK! Cozy up!" (broadcast on October 11). I explained the space patrol ship that the Ministry of Defense is considering building.

Space patrol ship under consideration by the Ministry of Defense

Space Patrol Ship

Nippon Broadcasting System "Koji Iida's OK! Cozy up!"

It turned out that the Ministry of Defense is considering the construction of a "space patrol ship" that is responsible for the warning and surveillance of outer space and the repair and replenishment of artificial satellites. Although the date of implementation is undecided, the Ministry of Defense is envisioning an unmanned ship that can navigate freely in outer space. Iida) The Jiji Press is reporting on the story of a person concerned. It means that 100 million yen is included in the budget request for next year (2022) in the name of research and research. What will this look like? Jimbo) I don't know the details, but the Air Self-Defense Force will create a "Space Operation Squadron" in 2020, and it is currently operating with dozens of people, and will increase to about 120 people in the future. Basically, the Air Self-Defense Force is in charge of monitoring the situation in space, and in some cases, while protecting the stability of orbits, including the collection of debris, it monitors anti-satellite weapons called "killer satellites" of Russia and China. By doing so, I think the idea is to "protect the information network and the space environment." Originally, I heard that the SSA satellite would be launched around 2026 and that it would be operated. Iida) Is it like a surveillance satellite? Jimbo) Yes. Also, I have a feeling that things will be different about the patrol ship this time, so I'm not sure. It depends on what you are doing, but of course we will add surveillance capabilities in orbit, but depending on the situation, if you attach an arm and move in orbit and grab various things, it would be great for Japan. I have a feeling that the scope of space activities will expand strategically. Iida) Let's say it's for the purpose of collecting debris and making space safer. Jinbo) I wouldn't go so far as to say that this technology is Japan's own killer satellite, but it positions its activities in space. Depending on the situation, I also feel that we will expand our efforts to some kind of influence on the satellites of countries that are engaged in harmful activities. Iida) Are China and Russia leading the way in research in that area? Jimbo) China and Russia are doing research and development in the field of space at a tremendous pace, and are actually proceeding with operations. The connectivity between outer space and terrestrial space is progressing in the security situation of each country. China, on the other hand, is researching how to cut off that connectivity. In the past, missiles were launched as anti-satellite weapons. We have to prepare for the various security measures that will be deployed within. Japan can't just sit back and watch, so I think it's important to work with equipment that can be operated in outer space. Iida) The United States also created a military branch called the Space Force. Does that mean that you will work together in the future? Jimbo) I believe that the Air Self-Defense Force and the U.S. Space Force are already collaborating and have started sharing practices and data in space situational awareness. If Japan also has equipment equipped with sensors and radars and has information that it can independently provide, the information received from the other party will be more organically connected. Iida) Naturally, Japanese technology will also be utilized.

Last update: Nippon Broadcasting System