Consult -commerce for the mirennial...


Consult -commerce for the mirennial generation, "250 companies in the world" summary (4/4) | BRIDGE (Bridge) Technology & Startup Information

In the first part, I saw Enterprise, Food area, and in the second edition of fintech, education, and gig economy.In the third part, we introduced the changes that are occurring in the healthcare, media and travel market.In this final article, I would like to end the series by touching real estate, retail, and mobility.

To buy a house, you need a lot of down payment.That's where the Mortgage Loan Service for Low Income Purchase Service from the United Kingdom was a mortgage service for low -income earners.The company supports the purchase of a property for customers with a remarkable credit score of 550 or less.We handle properties from about $ 50,000 to $ 200,000.

The customer has paid more than 2%of the property he wants to purchase, and the remaining 98%will be borne by Divvy Homes.The company's burden will be repaid every month, and will be paid over up to three years until 10%of property ownership.At the end of payment, the customer credit score has risen to 580, and if it exceeds that, a loan can be made from financial institutions.Once loan borrowing is decided, the borrowing amount is paid to Divvy as it is.Divvy is a bridge from home purchase to mortgage loan.

A similar concept is the UNMORTGAGE, a joint ownership real estate purchase service from the UK.Customers can purchase houses in collaboration with Unmortgage just by paying at least 5%of the purchase price.Residents can continue to live by continuing to pay a certain rental fee every month.In addition to rentals, we will return up to 95%of housing purchases paid by Unmortgage by a certain amount each year.As soon as the customer ownership rate is 100%, the property will be yours.

If you decide to move after living for a few years, you will be able to buy the owner of the owner of the owner, which will result in cashback.It is a business model that bridge "ownership" and "share" if you like to continue living while paying the monthly rent, and if you like it, you will buy ownership and "share".In the case of Unmortgage, unlike Divvy, the customer has a subscriber, and the customer has a study period until the purchase of a house.As a similar example, there is "ZERODOWN", which specializes in buying houses in San Francisco, which is soaring housing prices in the United States.

Divvy, Unmortgage, and Zerodown are growing rapidly with services that are bridges for purchasing high -end products.The point to be noted here is that it is often thought that it is an era of rental/sharing, but there are still many "ownership needs".Probably, there will be a certain number of ownerships in the future.A startup introduced in this section, which can provide value to lower your own hurdles, will be used to these customers.

In the Minpaku Market, it was a year when I felt that "luxury brand -oriented" and "social life" were keywords.First of all, I will talk from a luxury brand -oriented.

The market is almost the leading service, led by Airbnb, and the next company attacked the rental of apartment rooms and rentals of private lodging bases.For example, "Lyric", which Airbnb is investing in huge amounts, is listed.The company is fully equipped with amenities and operates an apartment stay for 24 hours through the app.In addition, "WHYHOTEL" lends new condominiums with many vacant rooms as luxury apartment private lodging services."Sonder" owns a property in -house and lends all the rooms of all the networks to their own brands.

Each offers services at a relatively expensive price range than Airbnb.Behind it is the market demand for "high curation".Each company offers high quality, from room management to interior design.The reason why curation is required is that there are certain layers that are often disgusted with poor quality service providers that often occur in the network business.

In this regard, I can imagine that Airbnb has a strategy to respond to almost all customer demand, from low -priced layers in the private lodging market by investing in Lyric.By the way, demand from businessmen seeking the same quality as a hotel is high, and "ZEUS" and "2nd Address" are targeting the business.

In the colliving service that provides medium- to long -term housing, the key is the “social element” where young people of the same generation gather.As part of branding, interacting with travelers and residents is an indispensable factor.However, many colliving startups provide places as their own brands like Sonder, so they use business models similar to WEWORK, which lends houses and hotels again, not like Airbnb.However, this model will have a huge cost.For example, hotels such as "Life House" include business operators.

Most of the companies listed this time have completed funding before the weWORK's listing withdrawal occurs.Even if the unit economics is not established like WEWORK, the millennial generation has been growing by pushing out the social and collaboration value to the front, so it is regarded as a "bubble".

In the future, it will be inevitable that you will be tested for the "after We work".In addition, it is easy to imagine that private and collaboration, which have been procured in the rental model, will make a harsh finance check from investors since 2020.

According to THREDUP's 2019 Report, the U.S. -old -year -old apparel market is expected to grow to $ 51 billion in 2023.This is more than twice the size of $ 24 billion in 2018.In addition, the used market is growing 21 times faster than the apparel market.Among them, women's growth is strong, and analyzed that 56 million people have purchased used apparel products in 2018.It has progressed significantly from 44 million people from the previous year.E -generation buyers, which account for 16%of the market, have aimed as the next target market because one in three wants to buy second -hand goods in the future.

Even in the list this time, the service that develops street fashion products such as "BUMP" and "DEPOP" seems to be incorporating the Z generation."Thredup", "TherealReal" and "Poshmark" are popular among millennials, but the inclusion of the Z generation is still inadequate.In this regard, there is a startup that can grow rapidly in the next apparel resale market, which is explosive from the Z generation.Business opportunities will come to a startup that updates the existing service experience for the next generation.

One of the interesting trends in the report is the spread of concumaris methods.The idea of "KONMARI", which cleans the room and keeps only the most important things, is expanding to the resale market.The person who is commary activates the market to use the secondary distribution.In fact, immediately after the Conmari program was distributed in Netflix, the number of "Clean Out Kit", which can be exhibited in Thredup as it is, has increased by 80%.You may need to remember the movement of the new concept represented by Konmari.Since CLEAN OUT KIT's achievements can be seen from the results of the digital content and the resale market, it is possible to consider entering the resale market from the media perspective.

There is also a movement of private branding for the resale market."Rent the Runway" has a brand for its own rental service, and Thredup has also built a clothing line for resale.It's not a new one, but a fashion brand made in the market, assuming that it will be in the hands of various people for a long time, cannot be overlooked in the market.There are many brands, but it would be no wonder that resale specialized brands would be born in collaboration with the platform.

ミレニアル世代の住体験にコンサルコマース、注目あつまる「世界の250社」まとめ(4/4) | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

It is a tough impression that single apps and web services control the Western Live Commerce market.One of the major reasons is that Gafa has begun to move in earnest.Facebook reported on December 20 that it has acquired the Packagd, a startup that develops a video shopping function to implement a live commerce in the "Marketplace" flea market function that can buy and sell used goods in the local community.Facebook is said to reproduce the same features in the US market because of the live -commerce functions in Thailand in 2018.

Live Commerce is exploding in the Chinese market.Single -day sales are purchased via a $ 2.8 billion -scale live commerce with ALIBABA and TENCENT -affiliated e -commerce services.On the other hand, there is no impression that the US market is increasing as much as China.For example, I haven't heard that half of the US households are now joining Prime members, but Live Commerce is increasing on Amazon Prime Day.

That's where Facebook appears.In the past, Marketplace has been established as a local specialized flea market, but if the live -commerce function is implemented, it can promote individual trading even if the country is far away.In other words, a place that was located so far suddenly gains a global network.By the way, it seems that Instagram Live will be competing within our own product, but Facebook Marketplace and Instagram will not be able to eat with users because the use scene is very different.

But Facebook misses a big business opportunity.Because it is impossible to enter the hottest Chinese market where the live commerce is the hottest.The startups in Europe and the United States are aiming for this gafa barrier.For example, there are "SHOPSHOPS", which connects the Kaenaka with live commerce, and "Roctona", which is a live video distributed by influencers from the store.They set a cross -border business for the Chinese market and build a live distributor network.

Startups are growing to fill the GAFA holes.In Japan, "LIVE SHOP!" Is also popular, but if you change the direction to a live commerce app that sells apparel and pharmaceutical products for the Chinese market, you may be able to aim for growth.What we need to remember here is that GAFA's big business opportunity lurks in a cross -border market on the premise of Chinese customers.I feel that companies that have been able to develop the distributor network on a global scale without overlooking this point should be able to win in the live commerce market.

While listening to the opinions of experts, the personalized experience of purchasing the best product will be an unreasonable movement.Hiring consultants in purchasing activities is popular.This concept is strongly linked to the passion economy introduced in two parts."Curated" provides experiences in choosing products with customers.This is a service born by grabbing a trend that makes use of individual strengths.It's been a long time since the importance of the retail market SWH Personalize experience has been shouting, but Consult Commerce points to one of the solutions.

In the US startup area, the movement of shifting the store format from sales to real estate has begun."Bulletin" is a typical company.Developing a real estate business that allows one store to be assigned as an exhibition space for each brand for $ 2,000 to $ 3,000 per month.EC operators provide opportunities to easily arrange products in first -time stores.Since the store side is a model that only lends a place, there is only a simple product inventory space.

Since it is only necessary to secure the sales floor, it can focus on increased sales per tsubo compared to conventional stores.Furthermore, for the monthly subscription model, the store has a certain sales.It is possible to predict a certain sales without being affected by sales sales.The store opened brands have built a Win-Win relationship that does not need to take a large amount of risk of store opening costs.

In recent years, there are cases in which a share store business like Bulletin, such as "NEIGHBORHOOD GOODS" and "SHOWFIELDS", has been developed in a large department store -sized haco.There are also movements between customers, and as a new entertainment facility that focuses on events.Based on these trends, post 2019 stores seem to accelerate entertainment that maximizes customer experiences based on the sharing real estate business.It is still desirable to have some solutions in the experimental stage, as the experience content provided by the department store startup described above is still in the experiment stage.

In the logistics market, services that support Amazon have appeared.Since the appearance of Amazon Prime, the same day delivery service has become commonplace.However, there is no way to prepare a logistics network that can be used on the same day immediately.That's where "DARKSTORE" appeared.We are developing full -fillment services specializing in urban areas.Companies will be able to easily develop delivery services on the day.Weapons that compete with Amazon on the logistics are growing as a service that can be implemented by dealers at high speed.

It is natural that Amazon can be returned.In Europe and the United States, the return rate is higher than in Japan, so if any retail store does not have a return service, Amazon will be taken by Amazon.However, as well as delivery on the day, service implementation requires a lot of cost."Happy Returns" solves this issue.For affiliated EC brand products, customers provide services that can be returned at the Happy Returns booth opened in the nearest shopping mall.Customers have the advantage of saving the time to pack and returning back, and just handing out the returned goods.

The company will return and deliver after a certain number of returns to each brand gather for a certain number of items.The return logistics was changed to a summary distribution method instead of a small division.Returned one item at a time costs too much management costs on the EC business side, and the work of logistics companies will increase.Happy Returns solved this issue.It is impressive that the add -on business that creates the service area that Amazon is good at in -house and provides to partner companies is growing in the logistics market.In Japan, the excess labor of carriers has become a social problem, so support may be gathered in businesses that imitate the startups introduced in this section.

洋服サブスクスタートアップ「Le Tote」が老舗デパート「Lord & Taylor」を買収したニュースは衝撃でした。この買収劇から予想できるのは個客管理の可能性です。たとえばデパート入り口で、Le Toteのユーザーアカウント認証を行うタブレット導線を用意した場合、オンラインアカウント情報と店舗内で購入した商品データとの連携に成功します。データ連携の最大のメリットは、Le Toteのオンライン店舗とLord & Taylor内の購買データを統合させることで、オンラインとオフラインのどちらのチャネルから顧客が流入しても、最適な商品提案が可能となる「オムニチャネル戦略」を採用できる点にあります。

This is exactly the point that Amazon is successful.Visitors of the unmanned store "Amazon Go" require account authentication at the entrance.This is to make use of the in -store purchasing data in Amazon Marketplace to secure a leading wire for the optimal product recommendation.In other words, actual store customers are targeted by Amazon even when they come to online marketplace, and are subject to high -precision personalized products.

LE TOTE is originally an e -commerce company.It is not hard to imagine that the department store experience is optimized so that the omnichanel strategy can be taken.Looking again at the list, in 2019, large bankruptcy and acquisitions were repeated, but only the news of Amazon's fresh food brand stores that smell the omni -channel strategy.For example, even if OLD NAVY simply increases the store, it may be a target for startups like LE TOTE with the value and strategic sweetness.There is no denying that a major apparel company represented by Forever 21 may apply for bankruptcy to defeat domino.New business format and strategy recruitment that maximize customer experience are likely to be urgent.These trends should be remarkable in the retail market in Japan.

The flying taxi has finally started full -scale for practical use.It is an impression that startups are active mainly in European Germany and California in the United States.Although not in the above list, Lilium, an electric flying taxi company at a German base, is also looking for funding for hundreds of millions of dollars.Looking at market movements, it is likely to be commercialized at a high price within 3-5 years.

It is noteworthy that some companies are aiming for the market position of the “provider” in the flying taxi era.Specifically, there are companies that create a mini airport for taxis to take off and land.We create a runway on the roof of the building, such as "Skyportss", or build a dedicated airport in an empty space in urban areas, aiming for the next generation of "control tower".

Both aircraft development and airport maintenance will proceed, and eventually flying taxis will be established as a new means of transportation between regions.What you need to think seriously here is the de lapto.When a flying taxi begins to fly, it is necessary to consider the possibility of a medium -range transportation means.For example, the advantage of the highway bus transportation means may fluctuate.In addition, simple logistics such as mail transportation may change.Transportation and logistics between urban and bedtowns, or regions are expected to move significantly.

In addition, you can not overlook the movement of high -speed production of rockets.As the number of aircraft increases, the demand for launching will increase naturally.The supply of the launch base will not be in time for these demand.Therefore, attention should be focused on base business and ride share.For example, a service that allows people with vast land ownership in Hokkaido to create a simple launch base, and an on -demand launch business that can be launched smoothly by time will be born.In fact, "Vector", which was invested by Sequioa Capital, has started the launch base business."LOFT ORBITAL" is also working on a small satellite ride share business.Attention will be focused on these next -generation space business.

By the way, here are the summary introduction of 250 companies.If you read from the first part to the end, I think that the case has been input until you can consider the latest European and American startups.On top of that, I would be grateful if there was one company that would be helpful in considering a new business plan.

However, the only thing that needs to be conveyed is that all 30 keywords introduced through four have been fully supported in the market.It may be possible to start a business or launch a new business in Japan, but if you look for ideas to fight in the world, you can not win even if you imitate it.It's no exaggeration to say that three-5 years have been delayed.

Trend information is easy to consume in the media, but lacks the rapid growth of the business.For this reason, we recommend a thinking method that pulls keywords from the market and interacts with each other, rather than simply inputing the keyword information.New ideas are often born by transplanting concepts in different industries and causing chemical reactions.This point is described in detail in imitation business administration, so it is recommended that you read it over time.

Also, as I mentioned at the beginning of the first part, "Accessibility" is the key.There should be many discoveries, given how each company democratizes existing concepts and optimizes an experience that can gain our sympathy.

Thank you again for reading to the end.I would be grateful if this series could help you to reach the fruitful “Post 2019”.

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