Revival of empty nest measures and...


Revival of empty nest measures and local exchange.Smart lock & door bells are effective

The old parents who feel suddenly feel."How do I keep the safety and health of parents living away?"One of the solutions to such heavy troubles is "home smart home".In the third serialization, we will introduce the problem of solving problems at the entrance of the house, such as smart doorbells.


In the summer of 2021, a new product was released from Google.It is a smart door bell "Google Nest Doorbell" (23,900 yen), which can be handled by smartphones even from the go.

Along with the smart locks that have become affordable, we are now interested in “smart” at the entrance.It is a powerful support for the elderly and their families who are watching over.

空き巣対策と近所の交流の復活。スマートロック&ドアベルが効果絶大【実家見える化】 - Impress Watch

In Feng Shui, the entrance is a place to improve luck.In fact, good things and bad things come in from the entrance, which is the contact between the inside and outside of the living space.How to control it is the key to the remote monitoring of the parents' home.

This time, we will introduce how to use smart doorbells and smart locks and the merits of introduction.

第1回:なぜ電話に出ない? 高齢親の見守りにネットワークカメラ 第2回:「OK グーグル」が高齢母の生活を変える 家電スマート化で快適に 第3回:空き巣対策と近所の交流の復活。スマートロック&ドアベルが効果絶大