Cyclorotor flight experiment.Achiev...


Cyclorotor flight experiment.Achieves technology cultivated in the sea even in empty | DRONE


Cyclotech, an Austrian startup company, has released a video of the company's first flight of the company's technical demonstration.The characteristic part is the promotion system.Cyclorotor is a special marine promotion system based on the design of the voice Schneider propeller.

The system has been widely used in tag boats and ferries for decades.It is very mobility and can change the direction of thrust at almost instantaneous.

CycloRotor飛行実験。海で培われた技術を空でも実現 | DRONE

Cyclotech believes that this system can be used for drones and air taxis.

With this prototype test flight, we were able to take an important step toward commercialization of this technology.The ability of this promotion system would have been fully proven.

Hans-Georg Kinsky, CEO, commented that it will receive a large amount of money from individual investors next month to continue R & D.

▶︎CyclotechニュースCycloRotor Cyclotech UAM ヴォイス・シュナイダー・プロペラ