Season 10 Information Summary & Dev...


Season 10 Information Summary & Development Interview with the opening of "Epex Legends" [Apex Legends]

 The Electronic Arts battle royal type FPS "Epeex Legends" will start 10 "Empirts" from August 4, 2021.


 The new legend "Shea" and the new weapon "Rampage LMG" have been added, and the re -renewal of the World Edge Map will be re -renewed, including contents revealed in development and distribution and interviews with the development team.Let's tell you the content.

  • New weapon run -page LMG, weapon & attachment adjustment
  • Wald's Edge is re -renewed and becomes more chaotic
  • Existing legend adjustment, introduction of rank arena, etc.
  • New legend "Shea"

  • 戦術アビリティ: フォーカス・オブ・アテンション マイクロドローンを放った後、障害物を貫通する衝撃波を放ち、他プレイヤーの進行中のアクションを妨害するとともに場所を明かす。
  • アルティメットアビリティ: ショーケース 胸のチェンバーを投げ、それを中心に球状にマイクロドローンのエリアを展開する。その内部でしゃがみ移動以上のスピードで動く敵や武器を使っている敵の位置を検出する
  • ――Phrology, please tell us the theme of the season 10 “Emergency”.


     It was a shocking event for them to find themselves in him, and to express themselves, such as themselves, to express themselves through performing and performing.。



    ――Sea is a character consisting of abilities related to the discovery and tracking of enemies.Please tell us the specific differences, such as each skill range and visualization variations.


     For example, in the case of shears, I noticed some sound in the building and I don't know if my friends are still making sounds or the enemy, so I take out the heart sound sensor (passive "Heart Seeker" that is activated during ADS).It's like exploring which direction is.The range of the sensor is 75 meters around.





     If you find an enemy, you will get a footprint or a diamond -shaped mark, but there is no silhouette.I don't know exactly what I'm doing, but I know where I am.


    ――In the game play trailer, Valkyrie in the flight fell after the tactical ability was activated, but was that a tactical abilities?Or did someone shoot down just that?


    ――Please tell us the strategic difference from other recon -type legends.For example, if you take shears from Blood Hound or Crypto, or the opposite, what is the reason?


     Wait and try to attack with the information obtained by the heart sound sensor, and then track for 8 seconds while attacking from tactical and tracking for 8 seconds.You can also see how much physical strength is reduced and you should push.I think it will be different as a play style.

    ――Please tell us more about Shea's background.I think there is a place like a kind of performance artist, but what happened in his chest?Why did you decide to move to an Epex game?And about his gender and sexuality ... can I call it "he"?


     Nine years ago, he first joined the arena (underground martial arena) with the theater in sports.As you can see from the legends that are participating in the Epex game, everyone is unique and somewhere like a WWE (American professional wrestling organization) in this world, right?

     They still are it, but there are places that emphasize.It may be a kind of costume.They emphasize themselves and what they want to be.Shia came to be attracted to such a theatrical part and personality and tried to express himself.He was a creative child with a creative family.

     What he did not predict was that fighting was the same as the sympathy of people who had no place.He gathered to see him fighting as he was, who is similar to themselves, and felt a powerful thing.

     I think it was the natural next step to move the battle place to Epex game.You can express yourself to a wider crowd.The reason he participates in the Epex game is self -expression.


     So I referred to the spectacle light shows that can be seen in the half -time show of sports games.It's like artistic, beautiful, yet functional.

    New weapon run -page LMG, weapon & attachment adjustment

  • 新ホップアップ: ブーステッドローダー ヘムロックとウィングマンにつく。
  • 武器ローテーション:スピットファイアとオルタネーターがケアパッケージ武器入り。
  • アタッチメントのローテーション:アンビルレシーバーとクイックドローホルスターが外れる
  • 調整
  • EVA-8の調整。ショットガンボルトごとのファイアレートを下げた。
  • リロード速度ボーナスがマガジンから外れ、ストックの効果に移行。
  • マークスマン武器はスナイパーストックを使うように。
  • ――Please tell us about the design concept of the run -page LMG in three points.First of all, the points of game play that can be charged with Telmit Grenade, then meta (position in the entire weapon), and the story of the character that the runper was made.


     The charge ability itself is similar to Sentinel and consumes Telmit grenade from inventory.When the charge is completed, the fire rate is improved.The effect disappears as time passes or you are shooting.


     Next, in terms of the meta, first of all, there is a spit fire in terms of LMG that uses heavy ammo.But Spitfire turns into a care package weapon in season 10, so I think the run -page can build a good spot.Also, since the usability is different from Spitfire, even if the Spitfire is not going to the care package, I think that it will be a choice of which one to take (not a round cover).


     Regarding the character linked to the lamper, it occurred in the process of designing the lampage.The lamper is compatible with LMG, and when looking back at Sheila, Sheila is cool but very complicated, and its own interesting technology is used.

     So, when I saw the charge ability of the run -on and the chamber loaded with the terrimit grenade, I was addicted to the first runper -produced weapon that appeared in the game following the shella.I thought it was ".So the story group came on that idea, so it was officially adopted.

    ―― Regarding Quick Drawlova Star, is that completely gone?Or can you remove it once and expect to return from the weapon designer's laboratory?


     Hop -up is a new one with rotation and freshness.And when you come up with a new one, remove something instead of having a lot of variations and making it difficult to find what you want.Quick draw collaholster was one of the non -impactful things.So, I came to the decision that "I will not have a big effect even if I removed this this time."

     戻ってくる時には少し違う形のものになっているかもしれませんね! より強化されていたり、何かが変わっていたりするかもしれません。いずれにしても、我々の実験室から消えてしまうものはないってことです。


    ―― Regarding the magazine, the bonus of the reload speed has been moved to the stock.Do you plan to add any new effects to the magazine?



    ――The alternator becomes a care package weapon and comes out with a disrapter bullet, but I think some people may revive shocking.How do you balance?




     On the other hand, two or three teams can have a disrapter bullet, but if only 240 shots are required, it will be necessary to decide when to use it, so it will be more interesting than Season 2. I think not.

    Wald's Edge is re -renewed and becomes more chaotic

     Regarding the re -renewal of the World's Edge, a dedicated article has been published on the official website.The following points are summarized in the development and distribution.

  • 精錬所は溶岩の裂け目の出現によってなくなり、ハモンドのクリマタイザーによって置き換えられた。
  • 仕分け工場もワールズエッジの地震活動によって生まれた陥没穴に飲み込まれて消えてしまった。ハモンドは溶岩の流量をコントロールするための大きな施設“ラバサイフォン”を建てた。ここの陥没穴も上昇気流はない。
  • ランドスライドは、地震活動によって地すべりが起きて“列車庫”を飲み込んだ跡地。収穫はそれほど変わらないが、たくさんのチームが粘って戦うような構造物を減らしてすっきりした。ちょっと戦いが長いと思っていたため。
  • 展望などに新たなルートを用意した。
  • また間欠泉と展望側を繋ぐトンネルから分岐するルートも用意した。
  • ―― Next is about the new POI of the World's Edge ... Crima ... Taizer?( * In the Japanese version, "Crimatizer") What is that?What is spelling?


    ――Please tell us about the overall theme of this renewal of Wald's Edge.


     On the other hand, a metaphorical theme is that the "transformation", which is also the theme of Season 10, also occurs in the Waldes Edge.Hammond Robotics is overdoing, so I'm trying to build and repair the facilities.Trying to control the lava level with Lava Siphon, or want to snow in the northern part.

    ――Why was the Blood Hound featured in the game play trailer quite large?Is there a new Blood Hound Event in the World Edge?


    Existing legend adjustment, introduction of rank arena, etc.

     Adjustment of existing legends is as follows.In addition, a dedicated article has been published on the official website for detailed specifications of rank arena.

  • ホライゾン
  • ヒューズ
  • コースティック
  • ――The Ranked Arena is coming.It is said that the winner has earned points and the loser loses.For example, if you kill 12 but lose, is it hard?



     That's why it is designed to bet on the place where we cooperate together to win the victory, rather than saying, "I have more points because it worked."And this is the MMR system (the evaluation value for matchmaking and different from the ranks such as silver and platinum), so I think it will fit well when fighting with two teams rather than fighting with 20 teams.

    ―― If you don't go well, do you adjust it?


    ――I want to ask about Horizon's buff, but in the development distribution, the expression “20 % reverse narf” was described.What does this mean?Did the cool down shorten?


    ―― By the way, is there any specific update about cheat measures?


     There are teams specializing in countermeasures, and they are strictly working, and the top staff has helped not only inside Respawn but also EA as well as in response.

     So there is no news at the moment, but we are very serious about this problem and are working to solve it.

    Steven Ferreira

    "Epex Legends" team director

    Travis Nordin

    "Epex Legends" software engineer

    Amanda Doiron

    "Epex Legends" leadwriter

    Robert West

    "Epex Legends" Senior Game Designer

    Eric CanaVESE

    "Epex Legends" game designer

    John Ellenton

    "Epex Legends" game designer

    Garret metcalf

    "Epex Legends" Senior Level Designer