Delivered goods of shopping refugee...


Delivered goods of shopping refugees by drone experiments in Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture

 In the depopulated mountainous area, a demonstration experiment was conducted in the love (Arachi) area of Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, in which a drone (small and unmanned aircraft) delivered goods to residents who ordered shopping.Expectations are high as a support measure for "shopping refugees" like elderly people who cannot drive cars.

 A drone flew over the snowy village.In the mounted box, there are 6 items (about 2 km), including packed rice, milk, raw eggs, soy sauce, and tofu, ordered by the residents of the area, Hisako Maekawa (73).It contains so -called "breakfast".

 This is a scene of the experiment released on January 20.

 Mr. Maekawa's item ordered at a supermarket in the city arrived at the favorite public hall near the city in the district.It is loaded on a drone, and it takes about 3 minutes to fly to the Hikita No. 1 hall about 700 meters away.After landing at the hall, the separated box crossed Maekawa's hands.

 買い物難民の品物をドローンで配送 福井県敦賀市で実験

 Maekawa said, "I was impressed when the drone came down. There are many elderly people living alone who returned their driver's license. I think it will be very helpful. If the service starts in earnest, I want to use it too."

 The experiment was conducted by Tsuruga City, "Seino Holdings (HD)" (Gifu), and the drone development company "Aeronext" (Tokyo), which also work on shopping services at major logistics companies.He delivered his luggage to about 10 inhabitants on both days of January 20 and 21.

 The plan is to order from a smartphone or computer with an app dedicated to order, and you can carry up to 5 kilometers in your luggage.In case of heavy luggage or bad weather, transport by truck.The drone sets the route in advance and flies automatically.However, in the experiment, the staff with the pilot was prepared for the accident while checking the flight at the take -off and landing.

 In the favorite area, 318 households and 716 people live.Last year, the only convenience store in the district was out of business, and there were no shops or pharmacies.It is about 10 minutes by car from the city, but many elderly people cannot drive a car.

 In the future, we will consult with the residents to determine the delivery base by drones and the location of the residents, and aim for practical use in 2022.Mayor Takaunobu Fuchigami hopes that "if this initiative is practical and established in the area."

 On the other hand, Keisuke Taji, CEO of Aeronext, said, "Tsuruga can conduct demonstration experiments in various natural environments such as the sea, wind, and mountains. Efforts to accumulate experience in this place and connect the logistics of urban areas and depopulated areas nationwide.I want to put it on practical use. "(Tsunetaka Sato)