Demonstration of unmanned drone fli...


Demonstration of unmanned drone flight toward the realization of flying cars | Sumitomo Corporation

In October 2021, Sumitomo Corporation, Japan Airlines (JAL), and Bell conducted a flight demonstration of an unmanned drone in the suburbs of Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

空飛ぶクルマの実現に向けた無人ドローンの飛行実証を実施 | 住友商事

This demonstration is for the flight demonstration experiment in Japan from next year onward. Specifically, using Bell's large drone APT, we conducted flight performance surveys assuming the transportation of medical and relief supplies, and confirmed operation and operability for domestic verification. At the same time, we also examined the feasibility of utilizing large drones in Japan. Fort Worth, with its archetypal cityscape, is a thriving aviation industry. We were able to successfully complete the flight demonstration in various weather conditions while enjoying the crisp heat of Texas, heavy rain and freezing cold.

Mitsuru Kobayashi of Sumitomo Corporation's Aviation Business Development Department said, "Toward the realization of an air mobility (* 1) society," While accumulating demonstrations like this one, we will build a society where drones and flying cars are used as social infrastructure. I want to aim. "

  1. Air mobility: A familiar and easy means of air transportation using small aircraft (flying cars) capable of electric and vertical takeoff and landing. Expected to improve convenience and speed up emergency transportation and goods transportation, and development for social implementation is progressing all over the world.