Digital camera item bowl: "off -cam...


Digital camera item bowl: "off -camera lighting" with Nissin's wireless strobe -digital camera Watch

Here, let's easily talk about clip -on strobe control.First, the maximum light amount that can be emitted by the model is determined by the clip -on strobe.Adjusting to the amount of light required for shooting within this maximum light amount is called dimming.

The method of dimming is the manual dimming of the photographer that specifies the amount of light emission by himself, and the auto dimming that adjusts the amount of light emission using the auto exposure function of the camera and clip -on strobe.

デジカメアイテム丼:ニッシンの無線ストロボで「オフカメラライティング」を極める - デジカメ Watch

Among them, TTL auto dimming, which communicates and links the amount of light emission calculated in the camera with the clip -on strobe, is the current mainstream.

In this communication, it is necessary to link the clip -on strobe to the camera to link the electric signal through the contact point, but when removing the strobe from the camera and dimming, it uses a wired cable that transmits the electrical signal.Or it is necessary to replace the electrical signal with some way to convey it wirelessly.


Generally, many models use optical communication formulas for wireless communication, including clip -on strobes made by camera manufacturers.This optical communication type transmits the instructions of dimming by transmitting the instructions of dimming to the clip -on strobe separated from the camera to use a dedicated strobe, clip -on strobe, or dedicated commander that can emit an optical signal.It is a mechanism to control.

Many Nissin Japan's clip -on -strobe also supports this optical communication, and can be linked to the optical communication type strobe system of each camera manufacturer.