Vaio notebook decomposition comment...


Vaio notebook decomposition commentary!Exquisitely manipulates the temperature and removes the weight of the developer -PC Watch [Sponsored]

 VAIO is now one of the few pure domestic PC manufacturers.The Azumino Plant in Nagano Prefecture has been conducting research and development and manufacturing and continues to provide Made in Japan laptops.Speaking of VAIO, the high brand power tends to be noticeable, but the creation of quality and quality that focuses on performance and quality, such as the VAIO Z and VAIO SX series, is the trust of many users, led by business users.I have won.

 The PC Watch has been reviewing VAIO notebooks several times in the past, and has introduced its performance and usability in detail.However, this time, in general, focusing on the "contents" that cannot be seen in normal reviews, how to handle the fever of the mobile notebook and what kind of selection is being made to weight loss.I would like to clarify the strong commitment of developers who cannot know.

 In addition, here is the 14 -inch mobile note "VAIO SX14" that has just been renewed and appeared.


VAIOノートを分解解説!絶妙に温度を操り重量をそぎ落とす開発者の職人技 - PC Watch[Sponsored]

1kg -cut mobile notebook "VAIO SX14 / SX12" which has been inherited from VAIO Z and significantly renewed

  • [HOTHOT Review] Review of new VAIO SX14 on the day.VAIO Z or higher charm, such as a pen and noise removal correspondence with a significant renewal.

  • VAIO SX14記事目次

     (1) The depth of cooling to know again.What is needed is the appropriate construction of thermal modules and airflow (2) increased 60G is not so easy.Equipped with a new function that supports the new normal comfortably (4) a flexible response that can be supported in Japan.