Do you need a license for a drone?T...


Do you need a license for a drone?Thorough explanation of costs and acquisition methods!

The drone is not only flipping and enjoying a beautiful scenery, but also using infrastructure inspection and surveying.With the declining birthrate and aging population, drones are expected to be used in all fields, and the demand for drone pilots is expected to increase in the future.

So the story of the "drone license" you care about.Do I need a license like a car or motorcycle when drones fly a drone as a pilot?Is there a kind of license?What is the cost to get?I will thoroughly explain such a simple Gimon!


  • 3 To get a "drone license"
  • 4 Details of 3 practical skills
  • 4.2 DPA(一般社団法人ドローン操縦士協会)
  • 4.3 JUIDA(一般社団法人日本UAS産業振興協議会)
  • 5 Details of 1 classroom system
  • 6 Editing postscript
  • There is no "drone license"

    There is no "license" for drones.The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism does not issue a drone license from the country based on the Aviation Law.There is no license in the drone.

    However, many people may have seen the word "drone license" on the Internet.What this refers to is that some people call the drone's private qualifications a "drone license".

    In this article, we dare to use the word "drone license" based on the current situation that Google is also searched, but we recognize that there is no official license issued by government agencies.I hope you can get it.

    What is a "drone license" in the first place?

    The "drone license" seen in the streets often refers to drone private qualifications.Regarding drones, there are qualifications issued by private organizations certified by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.It is important to note that this is not directly certified by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

    A training organization called DJI, DPA, and JUIDA manage qualifications, and a certification and completion certificate will be issued when the course ends at a drone school of each group.This is generally called a "drone license."

    When you talk to someone, if you say "I have a drone license", the word "I have a certification of 〇〇" will be correct.

    Since there is no "drone license", it is not at the moment that drone flights will be illegal because they do not have a license.A certificate or completion certificate is not required to use a drone.

    Legal drone flights are restricted in drone flights and flight methods.For example, when flying a drone, you need to be careful about the Aviation Law and Radio Law.For example, in the dense population (DID), it is stipulated that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism must apply in advance when flying a drone. "


    If you fly on the crowds such as festivals, you need to obtain approval as well, and if you violate the stipulated law, you may be fined or arrested on the spot.The following articles are introduced in the following articles on drones.

    You will surely make a mistake.Domestic drone regulations 3 pitfalls ▶

    There is no way to violate something with the presence or absence of a license, so to be precise, you need to know drones and rules for drones.However, in the sense of "gaining basic knowledge about drones", it is a good idea to take a so -called "drone license" qualification.

    * FPV (first -person viewpoint) When flying a drone using goggles, the radio waves used for video transmission are not regulated, so in that case it is essential to obtain an "amateur radio license".

    Do you need a wireless license for drone flight?Required license / application summary by type ▶

    For example, if you want to do a lot of drones as a hobby, you do not need to get a drone license.Of course, you need knowledge and skills to fly drone flights safely, but this is a category of your efforts and not a law -based duty.Many people fly a drone as a hobby and have not obtained a license.

    A scene that requires a "drone license" is when you want to use it in business.When using drones in business, there is no law that clearly obliges license.

    However, because there is no clear license, it is the presence or absence of qualifications that are emphasized in corporate drone jobs.If you want to get a corporate project in the drone industry, it is difficult for a pilot who has no license to receive an order.It is a good idea to have a qualification to appeal to drones and skills.

    Drone for work!Thorough investigating the jobs related to drones and the annual income you care about!▶

    To get a "drone license"

    There are various types of "drone licenses", but what is generally issued by a management organization listed in the "Unmanned Aircraft Training and Management Organization List" on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

    The contents of the course vary depending on each organization and drone school, but it seems that there are many places where classroom and practical combinations are generally implemented.In addition, there are organizations that are conducting a test called "Drone Test" that gives knowledge only in classroom lectures.We hope that you will find an organization that meets your needs, such as costs and periods.

    [2019 latest version] Thorough comparison of drone schools!Expenses and support after graduation ▶

    Drone tests that can be taken nationwide.What are the needs and benefits of acquisition?▶

    Details of 3 practical skills

    The first qualifications should be obtained when drone piloting at work: one of the following three:If you get one from the organizations introduced below, you can say that you have been on the starting line to start working as a professional operator.

    By the way, if you only obtain these qualifications, it is the same as a "paper driver", and how much you have a practical experience and achievement after acquiring the qualification is that the person who actually orders the job will consider it.increase.

    Therefore, these qualifications are at a level that is recognized as acquiring the minimum necessary knowledge and skills, and needs to be a start line.Let's check the details of each three main practical qualifications.

    It is a drone skill certification managed by the world's largest drone maker DJI (Japanese corporation).As a drone manufacturer, it is characterized by a curriculum based on abundant flight data and safety in the course of the company, which has an overwhelming share in Japan.It is also attractive that you can take the course at a low price compared to the following two qualifications.However, it is important to note that students must have a DJI aircraft, and that they cannot bring in other companies' aircraft.

    »DJI CAMP official page

    » DJI CAMP スケジュール&申し込み

    DPA (DPA) is characterized by focusing on flight practical skills, and its strength is a curriculum that allows you to learn the knowledge and experience needed to become a drone operator as a drone operator.Among the three major qualifications, it is the highest license (qualification) with the highest level of knowledge and technology that can be learned, and at the same time, the highest price.

    »DPA official page

    JUIDA's courses are attractive because the knowledge of learning in lectures is systematically and comprehensively organized.By acquiring each qualification, you will be able to prove that you have the knowledge of drone control, safe operation management, and training (instructor operations).Although there is a certain curriculum for practical skills, each school varies depending on each school, so in the case of projects that require high flight technology, "pilot skill certification" may be considered not enough.The same is true for other qualifications, but it is desirable to fly independently after graduation and have more than 50 hours of flight experience.

    »JUIDA official page

    »JUIDA certified school list

    Details of 1 classroom system

    The drone test is only for classroom lectures and there is no practical skill.There are 4th to 1st grade in order of difficulty in question, the most difficult qualification is the first grade.In recent years, we have been training practical skills in partner schools, but basically it is a course to learn the knowledge of using drones safely.It is a recommended qualification if you do not fly as a drone pilot and do basic knowledge to order projects.In addition, since the advanced test is said to be difficult, if you can pass, you can prove that you have acquired a wide range of knowledge about drones.

    »Drone test official page

    »Examination guidance (application application)

    Editing postscript

    The important thing in the "drone license" in this article is that there is no official drone license in Japan.In some cases, private qualifications and certifications are called "drone licenses", which are not accurate.The most important matter when flying a drone is to recognize the restrictions on flight location and flight methods.The main license issuing organizations are DJI, DPA, and JUIDA, and the drone test that can be qualified only in classroom lectures is highly recognized.We recommend that you get a "drone license" to gain basic knowledge of drones.