Eames Robotics, a domestic drone ma...


Eames Robotics, a domestic drone manufacturer, releases the development and sales of "Remote ID" in line with the revision of the Civil Aeronautics Act.

Category: Product Service

Domestic drone manufacturer Eames Robotics, Aviation Released development and sales of

Release issuing company: Eames Robotics

Small model that can be installed in other manufacturers' models such as DJI All EAMS products sold after June 2022 will be equipped with a remote ID. In addition, models sold in the past and "external models" that can be installed in drones of other manufacturers are also sold at the same time. Sales will start in October 2021. (Shipping is scheduled for March 2021). The price is an open price. With the revision of the Civil Aeronautics Act passed by the Diet on June 4, 2021, drones shipped from June 2022 are required to register a remote ID. ■What is Remote ID? Accompanying the obligatory certification of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones, etc.), remote recognition of the registration number (ID) assigned according to the certified aircraft It refers to a device attached to the drone body operated in Japan in order to enable In simple terms, Remote ID is like a car license plate. Car license plates are used to identify who owns a car. The Remote ID also contains information about who the drone belongs to. But drones fly, so they can't read plates in flight. Therefore, it is a mechanism to read the ID using a dedicated application for smartphones and a receiver. (Only a smartphone app is required for registration.) The remote ID will be built into all Eames Robotics drones that will be shipped after June 2022. We will also release a transmitter that can be "externally attached" for conventional aircraft and drones of other manufacturers that do not have a remote ID. A dedicated receiver is required to verify the ID. ID information is transmitted from the drone via Bluetooth, and the ID information is received by the receiver on the ground. The receiver is used by connecting it to a USB cable or LTE and connecting it to a capture device such as a tablet. Receivers are mainly sold to Civil Aviation Bureau personnel, administrators of important facilities, and police officers. (Not available for general sale) It can be useful when discovering suspicious drones that have invaded important facilities. ID information transmits radio waves up to 1,000m in a good visibility environment. Therefore, it is possible to grasp drone information during flight even from a remote location. The drone owner (user) must notify the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to register the remote ID. To submit a notification, download the dedicated app from your smartphone and apply for registration in the registration system. A "registration code (ID)" will be issued from the registration system along with notification of registration completion. The user writes the registered ID to the drone. Similarly, when writing, it is a mechanism that can be written from the dedicated application. This completes the remote ID registration. From June 2022, these efforts will become mandatory. ■Remote ID of Eames Robotics "Remote ID" (transmitter) developed by Eames Robotics uses Bluetooth 5.0. We are developing a remote ID that is small, rechargeable, and weighs less than 40g. It can be used for a long time with a charging time of 1 hour and a maximum continuous operation time of 8 hours. Since it is small and waterproof, it can be installed in other models (products of other manufacturers). Sales will start in October 2021, and shipments are scheduled to begin in March 2021 the following year. (Price is an open price) [Contact] Eames Robotics Co., Ltd. Address: 1-3-29 Ureshino, Fujimino City, Saitama Prefecture Eames Robotics R&D Center Email: info@eams-robo.co.jp Corporate press release PRTIMES to the top

Information source: PRTIMES Source of this release: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000007.000028564.html It is current as of the date of publication. Please note that it is subject to change without prior notice.