Dr. Jill Biden, the way forward of...


Dr. Jill Biden, the way forward of the first lady who does not give up the teaching profession.

When Jill Biden visits a community college (there have clearly been more occasions to do so in recent times), she is supposedly first lady of a country, ordained by state officials and other public figures. , will be treated according to a strict formula. But to college directors and teachers, she's "Dr. Jill Biden," a college professor before she was first lady. At a community college in Sauk Valley, Illinois, pink and white flowers were placed throughout her visit. This was a white dress and pink jacket that matched perfectly with her visit. There was also a sign that said "Welcome Dr. Biden", but it was so huge that it was only the size of the period in "Dr." and was about the size of Jill's head. rice field. In December of last year, some people ridiculed her for using the title of "Doctor," which she should be entitled to use. was taken.

In fact, everywhere I've been recently, Jill is respected as a woman with multiple degrees and a lifelong commitment to teaching. Everyone has a teacher who she loved so much.

Dr. Jill Biden teaching Title=

When I visited the Navajo Nation in April, I met with what I would call the Indian Country version of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Joan Jayne, Supreme Court Justice of the Navajo Nation. Jane is a petite woman with her hair in a tight ponytail and Doc Martens boots. "Dr. Biden, millions are encouraged by your statement that 'teaching is not just my profession, it's who I am,'" Jane told Jill during the meeting. In Birmingham, Alabama, I met with attorney Liz Huntley, a sexual abuse survivor whose parents were drug dealers. "From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank Dr. Biden, not only for the role she plays as First Lady...but also for her dedication to education. I heard on the plane that they were grading students' papers, and I was like, "What? The First Lady did that?" It's glamorous, and Jill isn't going to let it go."

Why the first lady is still teaching.