Academic Academic Genius inventor -...


Academic Academic Genius inventor -Secrets of unknown problem solving: "Cumbria Palace" that reads and understands | TV Tokyo Plus

Unusual "Loosen screws" -invention that makes it impossible

Nejiro Saitama Technical Research Institute in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. In a building like a town factory lined with the workbench, there was Hiroshi Michiwaki, an inventor and a founder of Nejirou. Lemon tea is not separated when meeting or answering the phone. "Drinking lemon tea makes me clear," he says he has been drinking for more than 10 years a day for more than 10 years. The inventor, which can be said to be a masterpiece on the side of the side, is a screw. It is already used in some sites, such as bridges and steelmaking. "Loosiness is the biggest problem of screws, but there is no loosening. It is hard to loosen, but it can not be loosened." For example, the part that connects the body of the highest model of Casio's G -shock and the band. The movement was so intense that the screws were easy to loosen, but in the case of the screws on the side of the road, even if I gave a violent vibration with a machine for 5 minutes, "I don't loosen at all. Headquarters, Yoshihiro Maruyama) and Casio engineers also wrap their tongue. A general screw is a bolt with a "crisp structure" screws. The inside of the nut is also engraved in the same shape, and if you turn it, it will tighten and tighten. However, no matter how strong the screw is tightened, the nut will be loosened when the vibration is added. So the roadside abandons his common sense. He stopped the bolt's "spiral structure" structure. He made the new screws instead. It is a combination of two shapes, alternating between those with a high front of the screws and the high back side. If you put the nut on this and turn it, you can tighten it as in the case of the "spiral structure" structure. It goes up to the next step at the lowest part of the screw mountain. The biggest feature of this screw is that you can use not only the right nuts but also the left -handed nuts. And if you tighten two nuts with different directions at the same time, they will definitely not loosen. Even if the upper nut is trying to loosen with vibration, the lower nut tries to tighten. The two nuts are in the opposite direction, so they don't loosen. The name is "L/R screw" in the left turn and the right turn, the left and the lights. This is an invention on the side of the road that cleared the difficult task that was said to be impossible in 2000 years since the birth of the screw. "Everyone thinks that it is impossible to be in the" possible dictionary ". If you think that" you can do a loose screw ", it will change to" how to do it ". If you can do it, you can do it. I can do that "(Roadside)

Solve the company's worries instantly -Some concrete that lasts longer than now

Roadside is not just a screw company manager. On this day, it was called "consultation" by the car parts manufacturer "Goshu" in Honan City, Shiga Prefecture. The company pushes the heated iron into a mold until just before melting, and makes a transmission part. The mold used is replaced with another mold, but here I have many years of trouble. The bolt with the molded mold will not loosen whether it is due to heat. It can usually take two hours to do it in 30 minutes. So I talked to the side of the road to see if there were any ways to fix and easily replace it. The job on the side of the side is to solve these problems with the invention. On the side of the road, which had been staring at the site for a while, a solution has already come to mind. He left the place, saying, "I will make a prototype and bring it." "If it is solved in an instant, it is a bit complicated (laughs). Everyone said," I want to see inside my head. "(President, Daisuke Hayashi). The office is full of corporate secrets, and this is the first time a camera has entered. An unusual space was spreading there. The walls are all whiteboards, and the unknown shapes and mathematical formulas are tight. There is also a writing in the refrigerator. This is the source of the invention idea. There are always about 20 requests from companies. The invention is alone, the other staff is moving to shape it. By the way, the reward is "500 million yen or tens of millions of yen for one project" (roadside). It is said that ideas come from one after another, and there are more than 500 patents obtained. It's not just screw -related. A soundproof wall that erases the noise of the highway, a water wall that blocks radiation 90 % in the Fukushima nuclear accident. And now, we are aiming to complete a device that eliminates the high probability of the infectivity of the new Coronavirus. There is a major invention that Michiwaki came up with, and next year, which is expected to be practical. Concrete, which is jointly developed with the heavy industry manufacturer "IHI", is a long -lasting concrete. At first glance, it is a sturdy concrete, but has a lifespan. "If you assume the harshest situation, there are cases where the life will be in 50 years." However, in the process of mixing, air is inevitable, and bubbles remain. This bubbles are the culprit that shortens the life. When the reinforced concrete is exposed to rain or sea breeze, moisture and salt permeate through bubbles. As a result, the reinforced bars expand and break the concrete from inside. "We are also studying academically, but there is no paper to erase bubbles. It is extremely difficult to make without bubbles." "Except for bubbles, it is safe to extend the life to 200 years if it works." The main body has a raw concrete, and there are four feet -like objects underneath. When I switched on, my feet started moving up and down. It is said that the bubbles have already been removed from the raw cones coming out of it. Inside the feet, when the special shaking devised on the side of the road is added, the bubbles are driven out more and more. Compared to regular concrete, concrete through this device succeeded in erasing 70 % of bubbles. "I can't think of it. I can't think of it as a academically academic, I think it's a great invention." (Mr. Kurata) "If this can be achieved ... There are quite a few things that I can do. I hope it can be realized from one end. "


Is it voluntary dropping out in 5 years of elementary school?~ Reason for starting a business without educational background

For more than 20 years, the roadside, which has been drinking the same lemon tea, has been using the same shirts, pants, and shoes. He doesn't spend his head or time as much as possible other than the invention. Roadside was born in Gunma Prefecture in 1977. His father is the director of a major chemical company. His mother was a science family, an assistant professor of university physics. He read the textbooks in elementary school in a week, and he said he was in his head. It was Napoleon's words that sympathized with small one. "" My dictionary is not possible "is cool, brought my dictionary and broke out the impossible page, and" I can't do it in my dictionary. "(Laughs) (laughs). Michiwaki) However, in the upper grades of elementary school, Michiwaki cannot endure the school. "It's boring. If you put it in a bad way, you'll be associated with a class that you understand for one year. I can't do what's going ahead. It's like the biggest torture that feels like it's eternal. .... "(Roadside) And I stop going to school in small 5. He is voluntarily closed. "(Parent's reaction?) I felt like" Oh, yes. "I think I thought from an early stage," I have to leave it alone. " I was doing all my favorite things, such as experiencing various jobs without going to. However, an event that turns a turning point occurs when he was 19 years old. It is an accident that the tires of the driving car come off. Fortunately, there was no injury, but the cause was "loosening screws." "I encountered a big accident only," I would be a catastrophe. " I didn't. Later, his twenties withdrawn from his house and was immersed in his favorite mathematics research for about seven years. There is a person who made a chance to go to society beside such a neat. He is Masakami Iwabuchi, who was an advisor to a major IT company. He happened to know his friend. "I was a benefactor, and I was a person who pulled me from a solitary island to the world." He fell into the imagination on the side of the road, and continued to persuade for about three years, saying, "Would you like to use your ideas in the world?" However, Mr. Iwabuchi fell to cancer, where the roadside finally became motivated. When the roadside went to visit, Mr. Iwabuchi prepared something. It is a business plan for "loosening screws". Two days later, Iwabuchi died. "I thought I was always thinking on the bed. I felt like I was running a baton and started running." (Michiwaki) In 2009, Iwabuchi's death was established in Michiwaki. Complete L/R screws that do not loosen. The inventor, who has wandered a completely different path from others, has finally found his way to help society.

Challenge the new Corona ~ The result of the latest invention is ...

The side of the road has begun to take measures against the new colon virus. On this day, I visited Kitasato University in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. I was waiting for Hidoro Kitasato, Director of the College of Health. He is the authority of microorganisms and is the greatest of Shintaburo Kitasato. The purpose of the visit is the performance test of the prototype invented product. I took out a device like a 50 cm tube brought by Michiwaki. "The new colon virus and mutant virus can be inactivated by passing through this device" (Roadside). Doctor Air, a new colon virus, created by the roadside, sucks air from the lower mouth of the cylinder, inactivates the virus inside and puts it out. A lamp that emits ultraviolet rays is placed in the center of the tube, and the surroundings are special materials and shapes that reflect the ultraviolet rays devised. This creates a high -density UV space and eliminates the infectivity of the virus. "It is difficult to reflect ultraviolet rays, and it is almost attenuated. It is difficult to maintain a highly reflective rate, and I think it is the world's first." "I think it will be effective for spatial eradication in a certain area. I think the virus will be inactive in an instant, but it will be demonstrated with the new colon virus. How much can you be inactive? On June 2nd, 12 days after the result, Michiwaki was called to Kitasato University. Then, 99.999 % of the new colon virus was inactivated. "This time, I tested it with a virus that was popular in Wuhan, but it is effective for all mutant viruses in the structure." (Mr. Kitasato) "It's a good result. I think it would be nice. " -The editing of Ryu Murakami -The axis of the screws of the screws seems to have no spiral groove. Instead, it seems that a special groove that simultaneously plays the role of the right spiral and left spiral at the same time is engraved. I don't know what it looks like. The nut turns around and goes up and goes down, so that the bolt shaft can only be considered a spiral. Michiwaki said that the invention was an image. The theory of relativity was originally visual. Draw a very buried whiteboard and an image that has floated. There is no word that is impossible. Hiroshi Michiwaki (Michiwaki Hiroshi) was born in Gunma Prefecture in 1977. In 1988, he voluntarily closed elementary school in elementary school. In 1990, he experienced a fisherman and a tsuri job in junior high school. In 1996, he experienced a car accident and came up with a structure of a loose screw. In 2009, the founding was founded. If you missed it, go to TV Tokyo Biz!
