"Electric" airplane that makes use...


"Electric" airplane that makes use of sunlight, fly at 20 % of cost: Natural energy (page 1/2)

 太陽電池で発電し、リチウムイオン蓄電池と組み合わせてモーターを回し、飛行する「太陽光発電飛行機」。米Aero Electric Aircraft(AEAC)は、このような特徴を備えた練習機「Sun Flyer(サンフライヤー)」を開発してきた。2016年5月には、米コロラド州デンバーのCentennial空港で、コンセプト実証機を初公開(図1)*1)

 In the future, the specifications of mass -produced machines will be confirmed using the performance data of the concept demonstration, and the US Federal Aviation Bureau (FAA) will be certified (Fig. 2).He aims to be the first in the United States.

* 1) George bye, which was founded in 2014 and currently CEO, is also the founder and CEO of bye Aerospace, which develops small and unmanned observation machines (UAV).He said he will continue to develop a practice machine and an unmanned aircraft in parallel.

図1 「Sun Flyer」コンセプト実証機の外観 出典:AEAC図2 Sun Flyer量産機の飛行イメージ 出典:AEAC


 Where is the difference between an aircraft equipped with an internal combustion engine and an electric aircraft equipped with solar cells?It is natural that Sun Flyer does not discharge carbon dioxide, and there are many other differences.

太陽光も生かす「電動」飛行機、2割の費用で飛ぶ:自然エネルギー(1/2 ページ)

 The easiest advantage is operating costs (fuel costs).Compared to the same type of practice machine equipped with an internal combustion engine, the operation cost can be reduced to one -fifth.According to AEAC, the electricity fee per hour (even if charged) is only one US dollar.

 The second advantage is quiet.Even while driving the motor, the noise level is as low as 55 dB (DB).The sound is smaller than the in -house, ordinary conversation of passenger cars running quietly, and department stores.It is said that the training machine repeats takeoff and landing many times near the airport, and even if it is operated in a densely populated area, it is unlikely that neighboring residents will be troubled by noise.

 The third advantage is that it is easy to operate.In a normal practice machine equipped with an engine, pilots must monitor the mixture of gas and cylinder temperature in the engine.In Sun Flyer, ECU (Electric Control Unit) is controlled by integrating power monitoring and engine output in storage batteries.It is the same way of thinking as an electric vehicle (EV).You can concentrate on maneuvering.

 Sun Flyer has a design advantage.

 As shown in the left center of Fig. 1, the SUN FLYER nose is slender.This is because the motor can reduce the dimensions of the body than the engine.There is no need for air -introduction (intake) for cooling, which is essential for the engine.Both have the effect of reducing air resistance, so that "fuel efficiency" is high.In addition, the propeller area can be increased than the engine equipped with engine, and the propeller promotion efficiency is higher.

 Bye said that Sun Flyer's motor efficiency was 95 % and propeller efficiency reached 85 %.
