Engadget Logo Explain the "Other" r...


Engadget Logo Explain the "Other" removal method that presses the storage of the Japanese iPhone and iPad in the Japanese version of the Japanese version.First, completely reset the body

iOS/iPados 13.6.1では、主な修正点の1つが「ストレージの空き領域が少ないとき、不要なシステムデータファイルが自動的に削除されない可能性がある問題」への対処とされています。具体的にはiOS/iPados 13上で「その他」とされている([設定][一般]>[ストレージ]から確認)容量が解放されない症状が解決されたかっこうです。

However, an update requires a certain work area, and if the storage capacity of the storage is not sufficient, it is not possible to update iOS or iPados in the first place.In such a case, we have published a support document that indicates how to secure and update Apple to secure free space.

First of all, if there is not enough free space that can be updated wirelessly, the document encourages you to update it manually using your trusted computer.

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エンガジェット日本版 iPhoneやiPadのストレージを圧迫する「その他」削除方法を公式説明。まず本体を完全リセット

The problem is that the space is insufficient enough to be able to use a computer.The procedure at that time is as follows.

In other words, it is essential to completely initialize the iPhone or iPad at least once.It takes a lot of courage, and it takes a lot of time, and it is strictly prohibited to put apps in a bad idea, get music and videos, and play streaming, but be careful to update with great care.It is recommended.

Source: Apple
