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Engadget Logo Try the new controller DualSense of the Japanese PS5 Japanese version of the PS5.Surprised by the expressive power of adaptive trigger Haptic feedback

I will tell you a review of the new controller of PlayStation 5, DualSense (dual sense).

The PS5 appeals to the front of the tactile sensation and three -dimensional sound immersion, but the dual sense is one of the major sales that plays a tactile part.

There are two highlights: "Haptic Feedback", which increases the expressive power of vibration, and "adaptive trigger", which changes the resistance of LR triggers.

Both the tutorial of this dual sense and the performance demonstration of the main body, PS5 is pre -installed with the action game "Astro's PlayRoom" from the beginning.

What is dual sense?Basic of new functions

The dual sense is a new controller that replaces the dual shock that has continued from the first PlayStation vibration controller DualShock to DualShock 4 of PS4.(Sixaxis, which had no vibration due to various reasons, is extra).

The basic layout is a major advancing point that the LR trigger has become an "adaptive trigger" that can change the resistance of "Haptic Feedback" with a higher vibration while taking over the conventional controller.

(In addition, there is an advanced point such as a microphone button under the PS button, a charging and wired connection under the PS button, a USB-C under the PS button.)

Haptic feedback is the expressive power that conveys the material and feel

Haptic feedback is simply "the vibration is more delicate and more expressive."DualShock 4 of PS4 caused a vibration called bullble by rotating a body that biased the center of gravity at the left and right grip part of the motor.

In this mechanism, although the strength of the vibration can be attached to some extent, the large weight is rotating by the motor, so the rising is slow and it cannot be controlled finely, so at best, the movements imagined by the onomatopoeia such as Bulbul, Boone, and Dosun (actually "Bru")).As you know, you have stayed in a complementary way.

However, in the dual sense, the vibrator inside the left and right grips can be controlled more finely, so that the vibration that feels "feel" such as light and sharp conkon, steady, rough, and sloppy is reproduced.

The feeling I actually tried with Astro's PlayRoom is

・ All materials and movements have "feel"

Astro's PlayRoom is based on Mario 64 -like 3D platformers.As a controller domimo software for the main body pre -installation, the support of the haptic feedback is also thoroughly supported.

The first thing that surprised me was that the protagonist Astro had another "feel" in the walking, sliding, and swimming environment.

Even with the vibration of the conventional controller, I sometimes stepped on the hero and the special terrain in the game, and moved with a boon and bullburp in order to indicate that my car was stuck in the dirt.However, astro only walks on the floor, the dual sense vibrates slightly, rather than the feel.

It is always a hindrance to imagine the conventional "vibration" just by walking on a flat floor, but the dual sense's haptic feedback allows you to make a very delicate detailed movement, so it is always a "Bulbul".Not numb.

For example, it reproduces the reaction and feel of Astro's walking movement, such as a metal floor, a little lighter on the resin floor, and a crispness for sand.

What I was particularly impressed with astro's PlayRoom was the scene where a large fan raised the wind and blows the sand at the beginning.As you proceed towards the sandstorm, the conventional controller would simply be trembling with a boon, and a sharp feeling of sharpness was mixed with a sharp sensation in the zero vibration.The feeling that you can see is regenerated.

It is the left and right grip units that are actually vibrating, but the image, sound, high -precision vibration, and left and right balance can be felt by hand when walking around.

Even in conventional games, it was common to convey the material and feel of the floor with the main character's footsteps, but the dual sense's haptic feedback is a technology that fades the boundary between sound effects and vibration and integrates.

If you dare to turn off the built -in speaker at hand and concentrate on vibration without the volume of the TV, it will be just a "high -precision vibration", but it will be a sense of sound effects, images, and audiences.By communicating, it has the effect of illusion that the hero's sensation is transmitted.

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エンガジェット日本版 PS5の新コントローラDualSenseを試す。アダプティブトリガー・ハプティックフィードバックの表現力に驚き

Compared to the conventional vibration, which was a bit of a sharp on and off, and the conventional vibration that was only a little strength, it was a leap that was able to play any sampling sound from only beep sound.The amount of information that is as rich as the ears is now transmitted to the hand.

Adaptive trigger is programmable.With a completely different feel

Another highlight, "Adaptive Trigger", is a function that can dynamically change the resistance of LR triggers.

In the conventional controller, there was only a certain resistance in the spring, but the adaptive trigger controls the weight of the trigger by using a warm gear and motor.

The interesting thing is that not only can you reproduce heavy triggers and light triggers, but also dynamically control the resistance according to the game side, even between the start of the game, between the start and the pulling.

For example, "Asobi" does not respond lightly at first, and if you pull it to a certain extent, it will be caught heavily, and by consciously putting your strength in it, the power is transmitted and the power is fired, and the rest is pulled out beyond the mountain, according to the player's power.You can program a interactive reaction.

Using this adaptive trigger in the early stages of Astro's PlayRoom is the scene where the main character Astro moves on a single -legged spring suit.

It feels like a mechanism to lock the spring, like pushing a hard spring with a trigger.

Probably the same movement can be reproduced even with the conventional light spring -only LR trigger, and the way of playing as a game should not change, but by adding the weight of the adaptive trigger, it is lightly pushed and flying, or hold it down to the end.The feeling of jumping up with Byon is transmitted to the finger.

(This is a decomposed video released by the repair company TronicsFix. The upper right is a trigger. The mechanism to control the rotation of the trigger with a screw gear and motor)

The vibration of the haptic feedback is transmitted from the left and right grips as a feedback to the stick input, but the adaptive trigger is a device that regenerates the touch more directly because it returns to fingers that put on the finger.It can be said that it is.

Expectations for the immersion and new expressions integrated with sounds and images

Speaking of a game controller that can reproduce the touch with high -precision vibration, Nintendo Switch is introduced under the name of HD vibration.

Joy-Con, such as the early 1-2-Switch, has a very unique and effective use in works that are consciously focusing on the touch, but the switch is generally visual.・ It is hard to say that it is a new game console that conveys the touch in addition to hearing! ”It is hard to say that the conventional vibration is highly detected to“ HD ”, as the name implies, rather than an innovative new function.It is the treatment of progress.

PS5 dual sense's haptic feedback is also a category that has increased expressiveness rather than a completely new, unprecedented function.Astro's PlayRoom, which offers the touch feedback for all materials, environments and actions, is not enough for players who touched without any prior knowledge to drop the controller.

However, the range of expressiveness is large, and it is certain that it has contributed to the comprehensive immersive feeling by integrating the conventional sound effects and visual effects, and the adaptive trigger, which is another tactile function.

What changes in PS5 games?How to utilize the new controller that developers talk

The method of utilization by the developers of the Lunch Title is, for example, "reflects the fatigue of the character in the weight of the trigger" (NBA 2K21), and "the feeling of metal and metal collision, the weight of the boss, the hand in hand.You can feel the magic that scatters sparks inside. "(Dark soul), when the gun is clogged, the trigger cannot be physically closed (death loop), the unique nature of weapons and the comfort when using it (Horizon is prohibited.Western).

Before I tried dual sense, I heard this idea, but it was an impression of "... Hmm?", But a haaptic feedback like a speaker that regenerates the texture, and an adaptive trigger that changes dynamically.After using it, I was very excited to touch on future use titles.

While the unique functions are monopolized, there are dilemma that tends to remain a large resources for third -party, which is deployed on multi -platforms, and as a result, that tends to remain muddy, but from the PS3 generation.Sony, who has been able to make a successful PS4 by turning to the developer friendly policy, and wants to believe that developer support is perfect.

Because it is a PS5 only air function that is not often used in multi, it is a game whether you want to do it with PS5 where you can use DualSense if it is a multi.

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