Equipped with "Back Camera" and "De...


Equipped with "Back Camera" and "Detection System", it will be required to be a new car from May 2022 ... To prevent accidents when retreating [newspaper watch]

When entering the garage or parking in a column, check the neck at the back, check the back mirror or side mirror, and turn the handle with one hand and retreat.However, there are many blind spots behind the vehicle, and it is not uncommon for safety confirmation to reduce nerves.

In that regard, vehicles equipped with "back cameras" and obstacles detection systems, which can be confirmed immediately behind in luxury cars, are easy to confirm safety, and the garage entry is relatively smooth.

Under such circumstances, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will set up a new car in a new car to install devices such as "back camera" and obstacles detection systems in a new car, so that a car is trying to eliminate an accident involving pedestrians when a car retreats.It is said that he has solidified his obligation.There are a number of cases where elderly people and children have accidents due to retreating vehicles, and it seems to be the aim of covering blind spots by using equipment.

Today's Asahi reports on the top of the top with the title "New car back camera obligation".According to the report, the security standards of the Road Transport Vehicle Law will be amended this week, and it will be adapted sequentially from new models renewed after May 2022.It also reports that cars that are continuously produced with the same model will be those after May 2014.If it is equipped as standard equipment for mandatory, the price of the vehicle is inevitable, but it would be unavoidable if you could reduce the accident or injury accident at the time of retreat.


June 8, 2021

● Updated vehicle control software for flat -rate, Toyota, next spring (Yomiuri / 9)

● A new car back camera oblige, to prevent accidents in the case of retreat (Asahi, 1 side)

● For car insurance premiums, price reductions, adjusted width of 4%, reduced accidents (Asahi / 7)

● Power harassment suicide does not tell President Toyota after reporting (daily, 20 sides)

● Workplace inoculation, increased weight industrial physician, Ito and Iris Ohyama, secure necessary number (Nikkei, 3 sides)

● Olympic bus new 6000 units, 10 % increase in corona measures, additional expenses 800 million yen (Nikkei, 35)