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NEXCO Central Japan, etc. deploys charging vehicles to EVs

In the winter of the 2021-2022 season, the record heavy snowfall fell on the Sea of Japan side due to the Christmas cold wave.Please note that the cold wave will come again during the year -end and New Year holidays, so if you are planning to return home by car.

Speaking of heavy snowfall, a large -scale stay (stuck) occurred on highways such as the Hokuriku Expressway and the Kanetsu Expressway last season, resulting in a big news.When the NEXCO company announced the forecast of heavy snowfall, "Emergency television commercials will provide information such as closed sections, dates, and detours from one day before," three days ago, a call for unnecessary urgent outings and wide -area detours.Using a variety of public relations media such as websites and SNS, "repeatedly implemented" and "implemented planned and preventive traffic regulations, including simultaneous traffic on national roads in parallel with highway".It has stated that it will strengthen measures that do not allow.

According to the news release of NEXCO Central Japan, we have prepared in advance to provide a new equipment to provide "fuel supply to gasoline vehicles and to charge EV vehicles in case of stay caused by heavy snow."It has announced that it will deploy a portable charger (28 units) for EV vehicles and a quick charging vehicle for electric vehicles (one).First, I checked this equipment.

Immediately before the New Year holidays, I contacted NEXCO Central Japan.First, the "quick charging car for electric vehicles" was "Q Denkaru" owned by Mobility Plus, a special vehicle development company in Kyoto.A small truck is equipped with a generator, a large -capacity lithium -ion battery, and a maximum output of 50 kW chadememo steep charger.I often travel on the EV race circuit, so if you are an EV user for many years, you will come up with "Oh, that's it."

It is said that one of NEXCO Central Japan is deployed at Kanazawa Conservation and Service Center on the Kanazawa Nishi Interchange in Ishikawa Prefecture.According to the mobility plus, it was rented to NEXCO East Japan, and it was said that it was delivered to Nexco Maintenance Niigata in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.It seems that NEXCO East Japan is already on New Year holidays today, and it has not been confirmed whether it is really deployed.Both are "rentals from December to early March".

What is another "portable charger"?Speaking of a portable EV charger, I could only think of Beleenji's "ROADIE" introduced in the previous article ...The image sent by contacting NEXCO Central Japan was Kore.

It takes time to check the detailed model name, etc. If you google the body logo, it looks like a portable power supply called "Delta Max", a manufacturer called Ecoflow Technology.In short, it is a portable lithium -ion battery & outlet.If you look at the catalog site of Eco Flow, the capacity is about 1.6kWh and about 2.There is a 2kWh model, 2.The capacity of the 2kWh model can be expanded to about 6kWh.

The normal charging of EVs has many 200V specifications, so I check the specifications while thinking that it is a portable power supply that can be output in 200V.It seems that the AC port (outlet) only supports 100V.If you look at the photo, the outlet seems to have a hole for the ground, so if you have a 100V outlet with earth, it may be possible to charge it.Isn't it possible to charge as it is?I emailed the question, but I haven't received any answers yet during the New Year holidays.

The 28 units have been deployed, which means that one unit is located at 28 locations, including maintenance and service centers in NEXCO Central Japan.

Anyway, both the "quick charging car for electric vehicles" and the "portable charger" are prepared for emergency times due to heavy snow.We do not do daily electric rescue.The best equipment and methods will be selected as a society preparation for the spread of EVs.

Is EV dangerous due to heavy snowfall?

By the way, stuck due to heavy snow.If you are trapped in the EV, will the battery go away and the crisis of frozen death?In conclusion, that's not the case.

Let's make simple calculations.Fuel consumption and electricity expenses are different depending on the vehicle type, but according to data from the General Foundation Energy Conservation Center, the gasoline consumed by 2000cc class cars when idling is said to be about 250cc in 10 minutes (air conditioner ON in the D -range).increase.In other words, 1 hour in 1 hour.5ℓ.If a 30ℓ gasoline remains in the tank, it is a calculation that the gas is missing in about 20 hours.

EVsmartブログ電気自動車や急速充電器を快適に 大雪の高速道路で立ち往生〜電気自動車は大丈夫なのか? という不安を考える 人気記事 最近の投稿 カテゴリー

The air conditioner of commercially available electric vehicles, including Nissan Leaf, uses a heat pump -type heating system.Compared to a PTC heater like a conventional electric stove, the heat pump type is said to be able to consume significantly.The actual power consumption varies depending on the outside temperature and the set temperature, but if the air conditioner consumption is 800W and the battery level is 20 kWh, the electricity is used 25 hours later and the electricity will be reduced.Become.

To put it simply, whether it is an engine car or an EV, if it is trapped, the energy of the vehicle is pinched in about a whole day!about it.In other words, there is no reasonable basis for talking about dangerous because it is an electric vehicle.You may feel "EV is dangerous" because of the sensation of an engine car that is well heated by the exhaust heat of the engine, but if the engine car is exposed from the massler due to heavy snow, there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.I feel that the discussion of "engine car" or "EV!"

JAF did an experimental verification

In fact, how much battery is on when the air -conditioning is operating with an electric vehicle?When I thought I had to try it myself, JAF was doing the experimental verification."Start with a heavy snowfall!Are you ready?Verification of safe cold protection measures with electric vehicles has been reported, and videos have been released, so I'll post them."Materials" summarizes test conditions and results.

Check some points.The experiment was conducted with four Nissan Leaf.The battery level at the start is 70 %.There is no explanation whether it is a 40kWh model or an E + of 62kWh, but as far as the video and photos look like a 40kWh model, it seems that the battery level was about 28 kWh.

The following four patterns are set for heating use conditions.

Test car ①: Auto air conditioner 25 ° C constant operating test car ②: Electric blanket (using power socket) Test car ③: Hi is Hi, electric foot heater (power socket using power socket) test car ④: blanket, cold blanket.Sometimes air conditioner ON, air conditioner is OFF when it gets cold

The results are summarized in the graph.

Precautions for heavy snow drive with EV

While explaining a little about the results, I will summarize the precautions when going to an area where heavy snow is expected by electric vehicles.

First of all, the outside temperature during the experiment is -8.At 1 ° C, the auto air conditioner was set to 25 ° C.The temperature difference is really 30 ° C.Despite the heat pump, it consumes great energy to create heat with electricity.As the experiment result is less than 10 hours, the remaining amount is 10 % and the experiment ends, so it is approximately 2 with the air conditioner..It was consuming a power of nearly 5kw.When using an air conditioner in a situation where it is likely to be trapped in the car for a long time, it is recommended that the set temperature is modest.

Many electric vehicles, including Nissan Leaf, have seat heaters and steering heaters that are much less power consumption than air conditioners.Use it well so that your body does not get cold.

In the first place, if heavy snow is driven to an area where heavy snow is expected, it is natural to prepare for safety measures.

● Tire chain ● Thick coat and other cold clothes ● Gloves ● boots, etc.

Is it like this if you list it roughly?After that, it is safe to have a simple toilet.And this necessary "preparation" is the same for engine cars and EVs.In the case of EV, which has a weak point (conversion efficiency from electricity to heat is not good), there are not only ordinary blankets, but also those that can be powered from the cigar writer socket and USB type electric blankets.It is even more safe.There are various products from around 2,000 yen on mail order sites, so it is good to prepare for the number of people to ride.

In the case of USB -type electric blankets, the power supply is often 5V2A, so it is better to check in advance whether it can be used on the USB port or the owned adapter.Make sure that the port (adapter) for the number of passengers can be used.

For models that use PTC heaters, such as early leafs, don't forget that the power consumption of the air conditioner will be larger.Not only heavy snowfall, but in the cold season, it is really more important to devise "cold measures" in EVs compared to engine cars.Do you think of it as "patience" or enjoy it as a "difference"?Personally, I would like to send a car life that enjoys ingenuity.

(Sentence / Yoshinori Yorimoto) * The opening photo is quoted from JAF verification article.