Exquisite conversation scene betwee...


Exquisite conversation scene between Sosuke Ikematsu and Sato Ito "This movie has almost no ad lib" Director Daigo Matsui, the movie "I just remembered it" (2)

From the left of the photo, Daigo Matsui and Rina Takeda (Photo: Radio Kansai)


Radio program "Rina Takeda's commitment time" (Radio Kansai), where actress Rina Takeda is personality.In the broadcast on February 5, following the previous one, Daigo Matsui, a movie director and a theater company Gozigen, will be a guest.Matsui was the director and talked about the movie, "I just remembered a little," released on February 11.[Video] Movie "I just remembered" Long trailer "I just remembered a little" starring Sosei Ikematsu and Sari Ito.Matsui explains his intentions as follows, as follows."That's what Ikematsu -kun and Creep Hype Ozaki (World View) are doing" I'm sorry for myself "(released in 2013) and" Our Hahaha "(released in 2015).In the middle, "I would like to do it with a member of the starting point again, including a photographer," and called out to Ikematsu -kun. When it became a love story for men and women, the atmosphere of Ikematsu was amazing.When I think that a person like the sun is good in contrast, I hope Mr. Ito is good. "It was said that I was particularly worried about the dialogue."The scenes where the two people walk and talk, and the scenes in ⾞, but are you talking quite a bit (shooting)? How far is that?"Takeda) Matsui replied," I think it's all about it. This movie has almost no ad -lib. "He talks about the shooting method of shooting, including the difference between the stage and the movie."There are more things that I don't decide on the stage, so I don't decide the interpretation here, customers should enter and change the actual performance.It's okay to say. On the other hand, if it's a movie, you like to "decide" and "decided", you like it looks like you haven't decided. Maybe there's all the movements of the camera, so you have to decide.If you decide and make it look like you've just thought it right now, it's good to be good. "(Matsui) Matsui is particular about making a movie."I guess I'm not particular about having one emotion .... In any scene, for example, it's a scene where men and women eat rice, so they don't just enjoy eating rice.It's not just that scene, but maybe it's a painful thing to think that this time will end someday. Watching a movie in a movie theater is as much as the viewer (thought in mind).I feel like there is a good interpretation. I like Chaplin, but I really like to cry while laughing, and my emotions are messed up, so I try to make any art work. It's fun.Someone who thinks and thinks it's painful, and some people think it's lonely. "In making, it is not a simple road, but also always trying to challenge."Speaking of how to proceed in the ocean in this industry, I like Taro Okamoto, but I read the book of Taro Okamoto and say," If you get lost, choose the one that is difficult. "It's the most very nice. Also, there is Takeshi Kitano's words, "I'm not going to have fun anyway, it's not fun, but it's going to die and it's easy."It's pretty big among them. So even if you think it's hard or hard, you can enjoy it, and when you say, "So, do you do this work or do you do it?"I refuse if I feel more difficult for me to refuse. Conversely, it will be more difficult to do this, or that is an index (Matsui). "(Matsui).Takeda, a program personality, said, "I always cast a foplast in the ⼼ that" I have nothing to do without pain since I was at high school. "(From the experience at that time).I still think that there is something I can get from, "he said, saying his beliefs and sympathized with Matsui's thoughts.* Radio Kansai "Rina Takeda's commitment time" from the broadcast on February 5, 2022

Radio Kansai