Garakae, Ayumi Hamasaki ... The sur...


Garakae, Ayumi Hamasaki ... The surprising reason is that "Heisei Culture" is now for young people (a4studio)

Did you know that the "Heisei Culture" has been attracting attention, as it is in its third year?

The most featured is the youth culture of the TK family, Namie Amuro, Ayumi Hamasaki, etc. in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and the early 2000s.The loose socks reminiscent of the 90's gals and the disposable camera "Shalun" are said to be good for young people today.

平成カルチャーを代表するアイテム「PHS」(写真提供: Tajimax氏、以下同)


In addition, there is a phenomenon that piggybacking on this boom, or the reprint of apparel brands that gained popularity in the early Heisei period has occurred.

At that time, "Angelblue", which was supported by girls' elementary and junior high school students, released "Betty's Blue", which was also supported by Lawyen, and the presence of gal culture."Love Boat" and others are being reprinted one after another.

Why is the culture of the early Heisei period now gazing at a hot gaze?What was the Heisei culture in the first place?This time, we spoke to Mr. Tajimax (@rainbow_wol), who enjoyed the late 90's and is currently disseminating "Heisei Girls Culture" information, mainly SNS.

Features "nostalgia" that I have seen

After all, Mr. Tajimax also felt that the attention of Heisei culture has recently increased.

"About four years ago when the year was over and the year changed, there was a mood in memory of the Heisei era. With that, I recently focused on SNS, mainly in the late 90's to the early 00s.I think the attention of fashion and culture is rising.

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