FLIGHTS and Dai Nippon Consultant,...


FLIGHTS and Dai Nippon Consultant, Started Bridge Inspection Service Using Drone -Drone Journal

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 Flights and Dai Nippon Consultants said DJI JAPAN's technical cooperation, using DJI's industrial drone "MATRICE 300 RTK" and a bridge inspection solution using a full -size sensor camera "DJI ZenMusep1".In October 2021, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism was registered in the "Inspection Support Technical Performance Catalog" in October 2021.After that, the degree of completion of the technology will be improved based on the results of various demonstration examinations, and it will be provided as an operation contract service in April 2022.

 The M300RTK-I provides the "reinforced concrete bridge lower structure", which is good at inspection using drones and images, to provide flight planning, flight application, flight application, image processing, and creation of results.。The target includes the surface of the rope high altitude, the streets that are difficult to close from the bridge, the piers that are not reached by a bridge inspection vehicle or a high altitude work vehicle.

FLIGHTSと大日本コンサルタント、ドローンを活用した橋梁点検サービスを開始 - ドローンジャーナル

DJI JAPAN Enterprise Division ShanShan Li

Takeshi Hotta, Dainippon Consultant Technology Division

Flights Inspection Division Takayuki Kurihara