Forecast of market size of optical...


Forecast of market size of optical system for drone detection announced! Expected to reach US $ 1,039.2 million in 2027

According to a new report released by ASTUTE ANALYTICA on February 21, 2022, it is expected that about 50% of the drone market will occupy the national security field due to the increasing demand for drone detection optical systems for national security purposes. ..

The global market for drone detection optical systems is projected to reach US $ 1,039.2 million in 2027, with a growth rate of 30.3%.

It is also said that the market size will reach about 13,153 units by 2027.

Table of contents

  • 3 Subdivision of the drone market
  • 4 About the division of the world market
  • What is an optical system for drone detection?

    An optical system for drone detection is an unmanned aerial vehicle system (UAS) and a system used to detect drones.

    In the future, this technology will be regarded as important due to security breach incidents and increasing demand for monitoring / monitoring equipment in the industrial world. In addition, related markets are expected to expand.

    The need to develop a versatile and scalable anti-drone system will also be a factor in boosting market growth.

    However, drones are vulnerable to hacking, hijacking, spoofing, and cloud-based attacks. These will be negative factors for market growth.

    There is also a need to develop cost-effective optical systems for drone detection.

    Background of market expansion

    Demand and use of drones are increasing rapidly. Along with this, the number of security breaches in infrastructure, which is of particular importance, is also increasing.


    Cases of security breaches include anti-nuclear groups, terrorists, and business competitors. Optical systems for drone detection are considered to be highly effective as a countermeasure against these threats.

    Drones are often used for monitoring and monitoring in the industrial field. The main usage scenes are as follows.

    Again, drone detection optical systems are believed to be useful.

    Against this background, the market growth of drone detection optical systems is accelerating.

    Subdivision of the drone market

    The global market for drone detection optical systems is primarily divided into components and applications.

    The hardware sector is expected to grow due to the high demand for manufacturing optical systems for drone detection.

    In addition, the huge investment of players around the world to develop these systems is one of the factors for market growth.

    The main scenes where the application is introduced are as follows.

    ■ Military ■ Land Security ■ Civil and Commercial ■ Airports ■ Energy & Utilities ■ Important Infrastructure ■ Data Centers ■ Stadiums ■ Housing ■ Other Public Facilities

    In the consumer / commercial sector, the housing sector will grow at a CAGR of 31.2%, and the data center sector is projected to exceed the market size of approximately 331 units by 2027.

    About the division of the world market

    The global market for drone detection optical systems is divided into North America, Europe, Japan and other regions.

    In Japan, it is expected that the number of cases where major companies will use optical systems for drone detection for security purposes will increase, and the maximum market share is about 38%.

    North America and Europe are also expected to show significant growth during the forecast period due to increased adoption of military systems.

    Major companies operating in the global drone detection optical system market include Aaronia AG, Advanced Protection System, ApolloShield, Aselsan, Avnon Group, Centum, CerbAir and SAS.

    The cumulative market share of the eight major companies is close to 58%, and each company is collaborating, M & A, and launching new products in order to increase its presence in the market.

    For example, in March 2021, Aaronia AG launched a new version of "IsoLOG 3D Mobile".

    The version is called "IsoLOG 3D Mobile 9080 PRO" and has an extended frequency range. It is possible to measure signals up to 8GHz and also supports WiFi6.


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