Good news for cat lovers! You can...


Good news for cat lovers! You can display paws on your iPhone-PHILE WEB

Have you ever wanted to feel a "paw" while using your iPhone? Of course, you can always feel the realistic paws by using the pictures of the paws as wallpaper. But isn't it possible to put a paw on the iPhone in a more casual and fashionable way? I can do it. You can display the paws of any color in the control center. In addition, the same paws are displayed on your Mac or Apple Watch, so you can feel the paws at your desk or wrist at any time.

You can display the paws in two places in the control center. You may have guessed by looking at the screen of the paws control center on the Apple Watch, but this paws is an iOS that has been developed and enhanced from the conventional sleep mode. Displayed using 15 new functions "Intensive Mode". The icon displayed when using or selecting the concentrated mode is changed to a paws. In centralized mode, you can freely set who to contact, which app to accept notifications, etc., and create your own mode. In one of the setting items [Name and Appearance], you can select the icon of the intensive mode you created in your favorite color and shape, but you can also select "Paw" as the shape of the icon. !! That's why. Create a customized mode in [Concentrated Mode] of the [Settings] app and edit the [Name and Appearance] item. Select the paws icon and your favorite color. Why is the paws icon prepared in the concentrated mode in the first place? I don't know. It looks like the cat is pushing away from me saying "I don't need it!", So it may be because of the feeling of "rejection!", Or maybe the developers just like cats and dogs. I'm happy anyway, but I have the impression that the paws are black or pink, so it's a shame that those two colors aren't available. By the way, are you worried that "it is inconvenient if incoming calls and notifications are restricted in centralized mode, so you can't always display your paws?" It's okay. As mentioned above, the centralized mode can be customized in detail, so if you set it to allow incoming calls and notifications, you can expand the timing of using the paws mode!

猫好きに朗報!iPhoneに肉球を表示できます - PHILE WEB