Grape [Grape] Trend When I was look...


Grape [Grape] Trend When I was looking at the sky, the duck flew ...

By -Grape editorial department release: Update:

Ducklone video


"Suminoe Art Beat 2021" was held in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture on November 14, 2021.

This event is held every year at the site of the Modern Industrial Heritage, the site of the modern industrial heritage, with the theme of art, such as the exhibition of huge ducks and the appreciation of video works.

@Dillinger_duck who went to see the event.I witnessed one of the events, "Flying Flying A Hill -chan".

Here is the situation.

A drone imitating a duck is flying in the sky!

If you look closely, you are moving your legs fluttering, as if you were swimming in the air.

I was able to fly in the sky and the duck was happy.

grape [グレイプ] trend 空を見ていたら、アヒルが飛んできて… その姿に、国内外から注目集まる

The duck resonated, saying, "The duck created by technology" and "I want it."

Duck seems to have been spotlighted in various places, including being interested in overseas!

[Sentence / configuration / Grape editorial department]