As a result of the coronal disaster...


As a result of the coronal disaster, 40% of headphone and headphone users have ear problems. What is the content? | @ DIME Artedim

Due to the coronal disaster, 42.8% of headphone users answered that there was an ear failure. What's the content?

When listening to music, playing games, doing telecommuting recently, etc. In our daily life, we often keep headphones and headphones close to our ears. during this period, we constantly send sound directly into the ear hole and vibrate the tympanic membrane. Of course, it is not a satisfactory condition for the ear, and there are many cases of some kind of ear failure.

Recently, Harazawa Pharmaceutical Industry investigated headphone use and ear failures in the Coronal scourge from June 4 to June 7. In addition, a preliminary survey was conducted on 10000 men and women aged from 18 to 69, of which 1000 people with ear problems due to coronal calamity were investigated.

After novel coronavirus became popular, 32.4% of people spent more time using headphones.

When 10000 men and women between the ages of 18 and 69 were asked if they used headphones, 46.4% answered "yes".

Secondly, for the 4642 people who usually use headphones, they asked if there was any change in the use time of headphones compared with those before novel coronavirus was popular. 32.4% answered "increased", "reduced" accounted for 7.6%, and "unchanged" accounted for 60.0%.

Next, in terms of the average daily use time of headphones, "1 hour to less than 3 hours" is at most 33.1%, followed by "30 minutes to less than 1 hour" is 29.4%, "less than 30 minutes" is 19.3%.

What is the scene where headphones are used for the longest time in a day?

For 4642 people who usually use headphones, they were asked about the scene with the longest time using headphones on the 1st, with the most "playing games, videos and watching radio at home", accounting for 36.3%. This was followed by "when moving to and from work, school, etc." accounted for 24.4%, and "online meetings and lectures" accounted for 12.4%.

Due to the coronal disaster, 42.8% of headphone users answered that there was an ear failure.

Taking 10000 men and women aged from 18 to 69 as subjects, 34.6% of them "happened" and 65.4% of them "did not happen" when asked whether ear failure occurred due to coronal calamity.

Secondly, for the 4642 people who usually use headphones, they were also asked, "happened" accounted for 42.8%, "did not happen" accounted for 57.2%.

Then, among the 3459 people who answered the "ear problems" caused by the coronal disaster, with multiple answers about the symptoms, the most answered "itching in the ear", accounting for 49.6%, followed by "tinnitus" accounted for 27.4%, "sounds hard to hear" accounted for 24.0%.

The longer the average use of headphones in a day, the higher the proportion of patients in the hospital.

A total of 3459 people who answered that the ear failure "occurred" due to the coronal accident went to the hospital when the ear failure occurred. According to the average utilization time of headphones in one day, the highest percentage of more than 3 hours (nasty 466) of "seeing a doctor" was 37.8%, followed by that of 1 hour to less than 3 hours (698). From 30 minutes to less than 1 hour (nasty 547) is 24.5%.

Among the 3459 people who answered "occurred" due to coronal curse questions, 810 people who went to the hospital and diagnosed detailed names of the disease listened to the diagnosis in multiple answers. The highest rate of "deafness" was 32.6%. The second was "otitis media" (26.4%) and "external otitis media" (24.2%).

The most common causes of ear failure are "pressure, fatigue", "too much ear cleaning", "long-term use of headphones", "earwax".

A total of 1000 people who had ear problems in coronal accidents were selected from the preliminary survey. What kind of diagnosis was made on the causes of ear faults among the 315 people who were treated in the hospital? with multiple answers, "stress and fatigue" was the most. Accounted for 28.9%, followed by "excessive ear cleaning" accounted for 23.2%. "long-term use of headphones and headphones" and "earwax" accounted for 11.4%.

Because this survey report is rounded to represent any number of digits after the decimal point, there are sometimes errors in stacking calculation.

Survey time: June 4-June 7, 2021 effective answer: a preliminary survey of 10000 people The survey methods of 1000 people: online survey subjects: "preliminary survey" male and female aged 18-69 years old. "this survey" number of questions about ear failure in coronal calamity: 10 questions in preliminary survey, 5 questions in this survey.

Source: Hara Ze Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.

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