AirPods does not have "low delay mo...


AirPods does not have "low delay mode" ... but in fact it is usually low -delay -Phile Web

The number of complete wireless earphones equipped with "low delay mode / gaming mode" has also increased.This is a function that reduces the delay caused by voice playback in Bluetooth transmission, reduces the shift between video and audio in video playback and the timing of game play....... I don't have that function in the AirPods series!I want to make it a low delay, so I'll buy a new one for another earphone!No, please wait a moment.Certainly AirPods does not have low delay mode.However, in fact, the combination of the iPhone and the current AirPods series is usually less delayed without low delay mode.The effect of low -delay mode is about 200ms = 0 for the whole from transmission to playback..40-100ms = 0 where a delay occurs for 2 seconds or more.04-0.Reduce to about 1 second.Although the measured value seems to be a little delayed, aside from sound games and musical instrument apps, the delay is not very concerned in general use.Connection stability is a bit sacrificed, but I'm still happy!However, in fact, all of the models equipped with H1 chips among AirPods are considered to be a low delay mode due to the high processing performance of the chip and the overall optimization when using it in combination with the iPhone.It is suppressed to.As of January 2022, the following current models are all equipped with H1 chips.● AirPods Pro ● AirPods (3rd generation) ● AirPods (2nd generation) ● AirPods Max

先日発表のAirPods(第3世代)はもちろんH1チップ搭載AirPods(第2世代)もH1チップ搭載です遅延時間の具体的な数値は出されていませんが、AirPods(第2世代)の説明には「ゲームでのレイテンシが最大30パーセント低減」との記載があります。仮に基準を200msとしてそこから30%低減なら140msですね。しかも接続安定性を犠牲にすることもなく平常時でそのレベルです。精神と時の部屋で修行したのでしょうか。全集中・常中を体得したのでしょうか。ということは、あなたがいまAirPodsを使っていて、それでも遅延が気になるからと低遅延モード搭載イヤホンに乗り換えても、大きな効果は得られない可能性もありますよね?目安としては、●低遅延モード:40〜100ms●AirPods/H1:140msですから、優秀な低遅延モードなら明確にAirPodsを上回ってくれますが、そうでないと「ちょっと減った?」くらいの効果しか得られないかもしれないわけです。AirPodsユーザーが遅延低減のためにイヤホンを買い換えるなら低遅延モードのスペックと実際の評判が特に良い製品を探さないとダメ! iPhoneユーザーならではのイヤホン選びの要注意ポイントです。

AirPodsには「低遅延モード」がない…でも実は普通に低遅延 - PHILE WEB