Before the "6th wave" accused by a...


Before the "6th wave" accused by a doctor from Asahikawa of "Medical Collapse" (Friday) --Yahoo! News



"I have something to say before the sixth wave comes." This is a sense of crisis and dealing with a doctor in Asahikawa, Hokkaido who experienced "medical collapse" with the spread of the new Corona.Now is the photo I want to listen to: Reuters/Afro

「医療崩壊」の旭川から医師が訴える「第6波」がくる前に(FRIDAY) - Yahoo!ニュース

Omicron stocks are spreading around the world. Japan, which had been loose water, also decided to prohibit foreign entry from all over the world on November 29. However, the Omicron strain was already "landed." [Image] Cake is unnecessary ...? The beloved "Omiya -Yo -confectionery store" Corona A challenge of Corona is the shock of the fifth wave, which is the largest number of infected people in the past, and felt as if the daily life had returned. But there was a sign. ◆ Most of the infected people were not vaccinated in vaccinations, whispered in winter, whispered that the sixth wave would come, and on November 12, a cluster occurred in Asahikawa, Hokkaido. Of the 22 infected people in Hokkaido, 15 are Asahikawa City. In the bargain area, some people were infected. What is happening in the city now? "90 % of the infected people did not end the MRNA vaccine two times. Mainly a cluster was generated at a karaoke store. The health center is also struggling to respond." Dr. Yasuyuki Abe says: He is a palliative care physician who has experienced confusion at Asahikawa Medical University in response to the spread of new colona from 2020. He is currently a visiting professor at Asahikawa Medical University and has launched a clinic specializing in visiting medical treatment. He has been actively involved in vaccination of Corona vaccine in Asahikawa City. ◆ When the winter was greeted a little earlier, it was said that the season did not matter the fashion of the new colona, ​​but in Hokkaido, ventilation is a major problem. If the system is not newly attached, it will not be enough to ventilate. As of November, the lowest temperature is already below freezing, so it is difficult to open the window. The problem of cold and ventilation is difficult. " Cluster is generated with the conditions of "insufficient ventilation" and "not vaccinated" overlap. Asahikawa City, which had a sense of crisis, has a system in the "Aeon in front of the station", with the call of Dr. Abe, has established a system that allows vaccination to be vaccinated with "8:30 pm" and "no reservation". "Even if it's not a special, so -called" vaccine repellent ", I can approach people who have not been vaccinated because it is difficult to make a reservation or cannot go to vaccination in time. The vaccine is scary, but it is scary. Some people have come to the plunge. On the other hand, there are people who come to the vaccination venue without masking, "Sense, go drinking, but will you hit it?" It will be different. Still, if you are pre -promuling vaccination on site, you can clearly see that the "one -time work" of the reservation is a barrier. " rice field. If you open the lid, as of November, the person who was completely vaccinated (twice) was "77."3 %" is a very high vaccination rate in the world. Nevertheless, some people still say, "Vaccines do not hit because there are many harm," and others say that they are scared and go to get psychotropic drugs. "Anaphylactic shocks that you need to be aware of in vaccination. I have been inoculation of at least 3,000 new colona vaccines, but there is no one who has caused anaphylactic so far. Some people have a history of anaphylaxis, some of them carry epipens, but after vaccination, they returned without incident. " There are many people who say "it was sloppy". Such a side reaction is also a reason to advocate the vaccine danger theory. "In terms of stray nerve reflection, the sophistication nerves are so advantageous and blood pressure falls, falling down, and in severe cases, it may be" fainting ". This has nothing to do with the type or contents of the vaccine. Therefore, it is important to relieve tension when pre -examination. Some people are nervous at the venue, so I am working hard to get tension at the time of pre -consultation. If you are worried about people who are uneasy, or if you are worried about the side reaction, you say, "If you get fever or swollen, you think it's evidence that you have a good immunity!" (Laughs), I think it would be nice to have it plus. " Was it a concern to relax your feelings? Isn't your heart striking by a small care at the vaccination venue like a flow work? Speaking of MRNA vaccines, the trends of Omicron strain are also in the process of discussing the start of booster vaccination. Some people say, "If the antibody price drops, it is necessary to add additional every year, or the vaccine is meaningless." "The antibody price will decrease over time after vaccination, but it will fall over time. It is like a missile. If you make it in advance, it can be used immediately when it is important. Even if it is less, if there is a blueprint, you can make a missile when the enemy comes. If you don't hit the third booster shot, it doesn't make sense at all, but if you want to keep it thoroughly, I will hit it. I will hit a booster if I get the opportunity ... Even before the drinking party, I want you to be inoculated up to the second time. " There is a reason to proceed. "Until the vaccine was made, what we were doing was" defeat processing ". We had to relieve the symptoms of the infected person and manage to improve it. But there was no positive treatment. The vaccine can "prevent" the disease. It can prevent infection and do not become severe even if it is infected. Before the vaccine, I had to wait for the infected person, but the vaccine. Thanks to that, I was able to actively intervene in the fight against illness. So everyone is working hard. The treatment of Corona itself is not my specialty, so I focused on prevention before that. There is a strong feeling unique to the site where clusters have occurred and local medical care has collapsed. ◆ Another medical care that responds to sequelae "Another problem is how to care for people with sequelae and have sequelae. Even asymptomatic people may have sequelae. Symptoms vary in a variety of symptoms, such as not returning or blurry to the head. Now, "Corona sequelae outpatient" has been created in various places, but I think that palliative care is effective for this response. We are palliative care doctors. I usually see people who have a "ill disease that can not heal". It is not a direct treatment on the symptoms of the aftereffects itself, but to make it easier to make the situation of the current situation of the suffering and make it easier. You can do it. In addition to the prevention of infection, you will need to focus on post -infection care. However, the words of the at the forefront are urgent. Will the sixth wave come? Although the situation is not allowed, the vaccine is vaccinated, hand -washed and prevented by a mask. I want to do what I can to protect myself. Dr. Yasuyuki Abe opened by Dr. Yasuyuki Abe "Ai Clinic" https: // AICLINIC.LIFE/protects the body and mind of patients who are recuperating at home.Protect the body and mind of patients who are at home from the "one room of the apartment" in Higashi -Kagura -cho, Kamikawa -gun, Hokkaido.Interview / sentence: Kanako Wakui

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