[Breaking news] TV anime version "D...


[Breaking news] TV anime version "Divine Gate" will be broadcast from January 2016!The main cast is Tetsuya Kakihara, Yuichi Nakamura and others [postscript]

The production is "NARUTO" and "Tokyo Ghoul" Studio Piero!

On September 26, 2015 (Saturday), the latest information on the anime version "Divage", which has been announced for some time, is announced at the 2nd anniversary offline event held at Akihabara UDX.It was done.


TV broadcasting decided from January 2016

The first announced was the start of the broadcast and the staff.

According to the announcement, the start of the anime is January 2016.Directed by Abe, who is the director of the topic of the anime "Arslan Senki", the production company seems to be Studio Piero, who works on the movie "NARUTO" series and the movie "BLEACH" series.

【速報】TVアニメ版『ディバインゲート』は2016年1月より放送! メインキャストは柿原徹也、中村悠一ほか【追記あり】


Director Abe said, "I think it's impossible to draw everything in the animation series because" Divage "has a huge story because Divage has a huge story.We will follow the story of the game in the game. There is a break in the number, so we will see if the characters will arrive at "Divine Gate". I hope you look forward to it. "

Enjoying the world of Divage along the flow of the story would have been a nice announcement for fans.

The cast members are too luxurious!

Next, the casts were announced.The gorgeous voice actors who were surprised by the fans were named, and they were full of loud cheers and applause in the venue.Some fans were so happy with joy.

As a surprise guest, Souma Saito, the role of Aoto, Kanae Ito, the role of Midori, and Yuichi Nakamura as Arthur.He talked about his enthusiasm for the appearance of the TV anime version of "Dibage" and his thoughts on his voice.


The casts on stage left the following comments on the characters they play as follows.

Souma Saito: "Aoto is a character that doesn't show much emotions. But there is something inside, and while suppressing emotions, we have to convey it. How to balance it.I want to think about it and play it. "

Kanae Ito: "Midori is a cheerful child like me! But there are things that are not only fine, but also in the inside like Aoto. I think"

Yuichi Nakamura: "Boku has just read the story of episodes 1 and 2, so there are some parts that do not yet understand the character of Arthur. So I am thinking of studying and hardening it first.I'm going. And since Arthur is like a person in an important position as a round table, I want to play the weight of the message, etc. so that it is persuasive in its standing position. "

I couldn't come to the venue, but a video message arrived from Tetsuya Kakihara, the role of Akane.

Mr. Kakihara said in the video message, "Since the recording has not yet started, there is no character called Akane in myself.I want to leave a comment.

Latest PV release

In the second half of the stage, the latest PV of the TV anime version was also shown.You can see how Akane and Midori are moving!

The “TV anime version” “Divage” is the “TV anime version” where the long -awaited information of fans has been lifted in large quantities.I'm looking forward to the start of next year's broadcast!!

Broadcast time / staff / cast information

■ Scheduled to start broadcasting January 2016

■ Staff Director: Abe Kiyuki Series Composition: Natsuko Takahashi Character Design: Ichiro Kaseno Music: Takumi Ozawa Animation Production: Studio Piero

■ Cast Akane: Tetsuya Kakihara Aoto: Souma Saito Midori: Kana Kakarai: Ayana Taketatsu: Yukari Amemiya: Yuichi Yoshino: Yuichi Nakamura