Can I record LINE calls?


Can I record LINE calls?

LINE free call is convenient.You can call for a long time without worrying about the price, so your lovers may stay connected.Have you ever wanted to leave such a sweet conversation between them? In the business scene, if you can talk with LINE calls and leave a fixed important matter, you will not have to take notes.

Therefore, I will introduce how to record LINE free calls.One is a method of using a "call recording microphone".The other is the only way to use the "screen recording" mounted on iOS11 or later, although only the iPhone.

Record using a call recording microphone

The easiest way to record LINE free calls is to use a call recording microphone.You have to buy a microphone, but you can record not only LINE free calls but also normal calls.As of June 29, 2018, this is the only way to record LINE calls on Android.


This time, we will introduce the telephone pickup TP8 for telephone recording sold by Olympus (the direct sales price is 2,036 yen including tax).This product is an earphone -shaped microphone.After connecting the telephone pickup TP8 with a recorded device such as a voice recorder, attach the earphone to your ears.Press the smartphone to the ear with the earphone, and then make a free call on LINE as usual, and the other person's voice and your voice will be recorded on the recording device.

If you are an iPhone, you can record on the screen recording

Recording with a call recording microphone is very easy, but you need a microphone and a recording device.If neither can be prepared, you can record on the "screen recording" that appeared from iOS 11 with iPhone.The screen recording is a function to record the iPhone screen and save it as a video in the "Photo" app.

There are many steps and you can't record if you make a mistake in the order, so make sure you know the method before recording.First, turn off "Basic Call and Integration of iPhone" from "Call" in LINE settings.If you turn it off, the history of LINE calls will not be registered in the "telephone" departure and arrival history.

Next, set the terminal side.Select "Customize Control" in "Control Center" in "Settings" on the iPhone.Search for "Screen Record" and tap the " +" mark on the left to move to "Include".Next, display the control panel from the home screen, press and hold "Screen Record" and turn on "Mike Audio".

Before the call, insert the earphone into the iPhone.It is OK with the earphone attached to the iPhone.You don't have to use earphones for calls, just insert it.It doesn't matter if it is an earphone with a microphone.

Finally, we will start a free LINE call first.It can be either transmission or receiving.After that, tap the "Screen Record" button from the control panel to start recording.

When stopping the recording, press the "Screen Record" button again to stop recording, and then end the LINE call.The recorded data is saved as a video in the "photo" of the iPhone, and when you play the video, you can hear the voice of the recorded call.