Can the first "Apple Watch" still b...


Can the first "Apple Watch" still be used?A certain IT editor's claim

The first "Apple Watch"

The first

His long career, Matsuo (Matsu), a long veteran reporter and editor, and Yamakawa (Yamer), who walked through several tech editorial departments, listening and investigating what they do not know in online and technology terms.A corner that grows.I will write it in change.[Image] The vaccination certificate card can be displayed in the first Apple Watch.You haven't woken up (the person who overslept on the day of this article).Matsu I was too cold yesterday and I got into bed before 9 pm and got up 7:00 in the morning.Yamar is a very healthy life.Matsumoning routine starts by attaching Apple Watch.Yama is a good night's sleep on Nest Hub.・ In 2021, those who were satisfied with using cameras, telework, and healthcare yamers.I often fall asleep, but the convenience of being able to get a sleep data with nothing but I don't have anything is tremendous.You have the best people like yourself.I also have a sleep tracking, but it has two Apple Watch, wearing Series 6 when sleeping, and replacing it with Series 7 when I wake up.This is also good for switching on and off.Yamer I see, Series 6 is completely used as a sleep tracker.It's a luxury usage.I don't have Apple Watch except when I go outside, but do you have Matsu at home?I always wear pine.The Apple Watch is also an indispensable biometric device because it can be used when unlocking a Mac.Yamar I see, there is a reason to put it on.But when I sleep, don't you worry about wearing it on your arms all the time?It has become an integrated pine.What was big in that sense is the difference in the band.I use a sports loop, but the feel of my wrist has become very natural and I don't feel bad at all.Yamer, is this type?It's a soft material.Matsu is very good.In addition, this type is a stretch type solo loop, so I think I'll try it next time.Yama solo loop is also a good touch.But I also hear stories that it grows while using it.I don't care so much because I change my pine every year.Yamer doesn't change the band frequently (laughs).I change the whole pine body.Yamer, is that there?Apple Watch Do you buy it every year?Maybe from Matsu Series 2.What I buy every year.I didn't buy the next after the first generation.It was the same timing that Yama Series 1 and 2 appeared.In the first place, it is a mystery as a numbering that the first generation is in front of Series 1 (laughs).What is Matsu 1?It was a low -priced version, not the previous model of Yama 2.

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