Check for each manufacturer!Repair...


Check for each manufacturer!Repair window and warranty system at the time of earphone disconnection

Wired earphones may be disconnected as long as they are used for a long time.When repairing such a disconnected earphone, the first idea is to ask the manufacturer to repair it or ask a repair specialist.This time, we will introduce how to repair earphones, requests for repair to manufacturers and specialists.

The disconnected earphone ... How to request repair?Confirmation by manufacturer

The method and price of the earphone repair vary depending on the manufacturer.Here, we will check the price of repair and repair by earphone manufacturer.

[JVC] Price for repair and repair of earphones

JVC earphone repair can be repaired free of charge within the warranty period (one year).You can send "warranty", "repair request form", and "failure" to the JVC Kenwood Customer Support Center, or bring it to the purchased dealer and request repair.If the warranty period has passed, it will be a paid repair, but the repair price will vary depending on the product, so check it at the time of repair request.

[Reference] JVC Inquiries / Support

[Sony] Price for repair and repair of earphones

Sony's earphones require a warranty or receipt if you wish to repair within the warranty period.If you lose this, be aware that it will be a paid repair.

However, if the product is within one year of the release date, it may be repaired free of charge even if the warranty or receipt is lost.The approximate fee for repair can be confirmed by entering the product model number from the following page.

[Reference] Sony

[SHURE] Price for repair and repair of earphones

Source: SHURE official website

SHURE's SE high sound insulation earphones can be repaired free of charge within two years of purchase by the "2 -year warranty service".The request for repair is different depending on the "product purchased at a general version of the store" or "product purchased on Amazon", so check the following SHURE official website "Repair Request" for details.

If the warranty period has passed, a repair request is required for the product price + shipping fee (repair by sending).

[Reference] SHURE repair request / inquiry / product guarantee

[Beats] Price for repair and repair of earphones

Source: Beats official website

Beats's earphone repair request is in principle applying to the Apple Support Center or bringing it to an Apple Store or regular repairs.When requesting repair, prepare the "serial number of the product", "receipt" and "warranty".

The repair price depends on the product and the warranty content, as well as whether it is subject to AppleCare+.Check the following page for details of the price.

[Reference] Beats product repair service and product guarantee


[IPhone] Price for repair and repair of earphones

Apple genuine earphones attached to the iPhone can be repaired and replaced for free during the warranty period.If the warranty period is valid, perform the replacement procedure at the Apple Support Center or Apple Store.

If you subscribe to AppleCare+even after the warranty period, it is highly likely that you can repair it for free.If neither is applicable, it will be exchanged for a fee, and a 2800 yen + technical fee (in the case of a regular Apple agency) is required.

[Reference] Where can I exchange?Conditions that you can exchange genuine earphones on the iPhone you want to remember

[Audio -technical] Price for repair and repair of earphones

Audio -technica's earphone repair is subject to free repair within the warranty period in the case of a one -year malfunction or failure.If you make a repair request, bring it directly to the dealer or apply for an audio technica web repair request.

Even with audio technica, after the warranty period, it will be treated as a paid repair, and the repair amount for each product will be required.Detailed amounts can be checked on the following page, so please refer to it.

[Reference] Audio -technica

[Bose] Price for repair and repair of earphones

Bose's earphone repair must be requested from the Bose support center.Prepare "Serial Number of Product" and "Receipt and Delivery Book (in the case of the warranty period) that knows the date of purchase".

If it is a failure within the warranty period (one year), it will be repaired free.In the case of paid repair, depending on the product, the repair cost is about 75%of the list price.

[Reference] BOSE User Support Center


-In the case of a manufacturer request, a repair request is made by mail in principle, and the repaired product or alternative product can be returned within one week.Even if you bring it directly to the purchased dealer, it will be required to be mailed from the dealer to the manufacturer, so you will need the same period.

・ In the case of an earphone repair specialty store, if you ask an earphone repair specialty store, it can be repaired in a minimum of about 30 minutes if you bring it in a store, so it is recommended for those in a hurry.However, if you use home delivery repair at a repair specialty store, it is necessary to look at it for about one week before returning it.

If you want to repair your earphones on your own!Introducing how to repair earphones

Some people who want to complete the repair as soon as possible or want to save the repair price because they have been repaired for a fee, may try to repair on their own.Here, we will introduce how to repair the earphones for those who are considering self -repair.

However, if you repair it yourself, there are many danger, such as breaking the earphones further.Let's challenge based on risks.

Repair of disconnected earphones ... Can you repair without soldering?

When repairing a disconnected earphone on your own, it is necessary to repair using solder solder in principle.However, those who are not used to soldering may have a high hurdle, and if possible, they would like to repair them without soldering.

Repair without soldering can be made using a cutter knife, a paper, a vinyl tape, and an aluminum foil writer.

1.After cutting the cable using a nipper, put out the copper wire about 3cm with a cutter.2.Wrap the copper wire with a lighter, rub it with a paper, and then remove the copper wire coating.3.Conclude the same copper wire color, twist and combine.Four.Wrap the combined copper wire in aluminum foil and fasten it with vinyl tape.

Use a 4 -pole plug for disconnection repair near the earphone plug

When the plug of the earphone is broken, cut the disconnected plug and repair it using a 4 -pole plug.You can repair it on your own, but you need a soldering.If there is no repair technology, bring it to an earphone repair specialist.

If Bluetooth earphones are broken ... Can you repair it yourself?

Wireless products such as Bluetooth earphones contain marks such as technical standard conformity (technical mark mark), and if they are disassembled and repaired, they will violate the Radio Law.Therefore, the disconnection of Bluetooth earphones should not be performed by yourself.

It is certain that you ask a contractor to repair the earphone that is broken on the way

Source: E ☆ earphones (web head office)

You can repair the disconnected earphones on your own, but it is not recommended to use solder, such as soldering, such as solder.If you ask a contractor, you can surely repair it.

For example, the E -☆ earphone specialty store of the earphone and headphones responds to various requests such as disconnection repair, parts replacement, and customization.

[Reference] E ☆ earphones buy in Akihabara & open a clinic specialty store

As introduced this time, there are various methods for repairing earphones.You can also repair it on your own, but in some cases it may make the earphone worse.Basically, it is certain that you ask a manufacturer repair or an earphone repair specialty store.By all means, please refer to this article and select and consider how to repair the earphone.

* Data was examined as of mid -March 2020.* The information is made thorough, but it does not guarantee the integrity and accuracy of the content.* Please use the product and service at your own risk.

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