[ #Compass capture] Seriously #Noya...


[ #Compass capture] Seriously #Noya Crime Special Zone Stage Explanation How How to Roll Roll from the beginning to the end of the game summary

『#コンパス 戦闘摂理解析システム オフィシャルアートブック2018』好評発売中!【Amazonでこの本を購入】 【Amazonで電子書籍を購入】

Seriously a feature of the special zone of the luminous crime

The special zone of the night light crime is a stage with a narrowed scenery with a three -dimensional intersection.

A, B portal connected on a flat ground from the respawn point, and a passage to the C portal with a step.A stage configuration that features a passage connecting each other's respawn point connected under the C portal.

Immediately after the list point, the C portal seems to be reached by the brave jumping and Levi's HA, but it seems to be blocked by invisible walls.

It is necessary to use a passage or a door.

▲ Even if you use Levi HA, you will be blocked by invisible walls.

Usually, to go to the C portal, it is necessary to detour and head from the aisle.HAs and HS that can attack high places can interfere with the C portal from near the respawn point.

I want to use it as an emergency means if there is no time to walk to the C portal.

【#コンパス攻略】マジきてる #夜光犯罪特区のステージ解説 序盤から終盤までの全ロール立ち回りかたまとめ

▲ The launched HA like Fukagawa Matoi reaches the C portal.

▲ The icicles of the torn were not enough (first).C Hits from the stairs at the entrance of the passage to the Portal (2nd)

▲ The explosion of Liza's Grand Chario arrives from the own team.

▲ Maria's Cerpiente Vay also arrives from the lower passage.

In this stage, it is possible to move from the respawn point to all A-E portals.

However, the D, E portal is relatively close to the enemy's respawn point, and is likely to be excluded immediately as soon as it is moved.Using the so -called tampolo configuration and UR empty hanging, it was difficult to maintain it unless the configuration for allies such as sprinters to rush.In addition, the area near the C portal is almost the same width as the C portal expanded, and it is quite narrow.Even if the portal is removed first, there is almost no escape.It may be a stage that is not very suitable for using the door effectively.

▲ All A-E portals can be moved from the respawn point.


十文字アタリ Voidoll ニコラ テスラ 初音ミク
コクリコ 春麗 かけだし勇者ザック&レイチェル
輝龍院 きらら アクア 零夜 ピエール77世
中島敦 ジョーカー アスナ

The basics go to the C portal.If there is an enemy door, head for the exclusion.However, the C portal is quite narrow and difficult to maintain.If the hero skill is a strong hero (Atari, Kokuriko, Joker, etc.), it seems that one of the means is that in the early stages to join the two extensions and aim for reversal.

Basically, it is a battle for C, but in 3vs3, it helps with the narrowness, and it is easy to cause accidents such as stuns.I want to keep my options to invite alone towards the back so that a hero with a high thermal power of allies can move stably.

The enemy may also be backed from the passage below.If your team is not spread in the early battle, consider expand your team.

In the event of a C portal, consider a backing to avoid a mixed battle like the middle stage.If you are heading for C Portal, you will be inevitable.I would like to work together with allies to do not enter the portal at once, but to defend in order.


双挽乃保 桜華忠臣 マルコス ソル=バッドガイ
リュウ マリア アダム レム
ノクティス(ノクト)イグニス キリト

If there is no enemy door, you may leave your own team to the rear guard and go to C with the sprinter and take C first.Once the early C offense and defense is settled, return to your team and store the hero skills.

It seems to be a C portal battle.It is easy to beat each other because the aisle is narrow and there is no escape.Let's work with the gunner to defeat the enemy one by one to create a numerical advantage.The rush system HA is relatively effective but has many steps, so check the behavior of the hero's HA in advance.

It is expected to be a hero skill shooting.Since there is only a wide range of portals near the C portal, vertical hero skills such as Kai's rising force and Ryu's vacuum wave fist are particularly powerful.Hit and try to defeat multiple people.

Gunner around

リリカ ルチアーノ 深川まとい ディズィー
13 エミリア メグメグ 鏡音リン

It will be a basic movement to save the hero skills towards the two teams.While accumulating HS in preparation for the end, if the enemy is packed in the C portal and a numerical disadvantage is likely to go.Since the C portal is narrow, it is difficult to avoid attacks when approaching enemy attackers and sprinters.It's a good idea to use your ally as a shield to help you support your ally with a long range attack or HA.

It is the last resort to jump in because the area near the C portal is narrow.Looking at the stairs in the aisle, supporting allies while watching the situation.In that case, I would like to give priority to reducing the number by aiming for the same enemy as the attacker as possible.Also, depending on the situation, it may be possible that an enemy sprinter will come back from the lower passage.Be careful of the map and don't forget to intercept.

I want to be wary of HS, which is long vertically because the aisle is narrow.If it is hardened by the C portal, it is highly likely that it will be killed together.While fighting using the length of the range from the angle of the aisle, I would like to take measures such as "escape outside the aisle" and "match HS at the counter" when using HS.

Tanking around the tank

ジャスティス ジャンヌ グスタフ ヴィオレッタ
鏡音レンモノクマ めぐみん トマス
佐藤四郎兵衛忠信 ライザ 青春アリス

If you use a door, tell us your intentions and where you are in a chat.This stage is relatively relatively away from the respawn point, so you need to support your ally after the door.If you do not use the door, head to the C portal.First, let's aim for an advantage with the number of portals.

Basically, I accumulate the HS gauge while protecting the C portal.If the C portal is taken by the opponent, go down and accumulate the HS gauge on your own with your allies.

If the C portal is in a melee battle, I want to be aware that the enemies are attracted to the end and the melee is reduced.

If the enemy team is not spread, the back will be valid.

If you have a C portal battle, try to maintain the team.Defense by the invincible time of hero skills is also used depending on the situation.I want to cooperate with allies so that the timing of use does not suffer.

If the C portal is not removed, touch the portal.By touching the portal, you can concentrate the enemy on the C portal and have your allies intercept.

メーカーNHN PlayArt/ドワンゴ
コピーライト(c)NHN PlayArt Corp. (c)DWANGO Co., Ltd.