Convenient if there is!How to use e...


Convenient if there is!How to use earphones to prevent earphones and unpleasant noise sounds | @Dime at Daim

Earphone clip that can be used to fix the clothes and bags by binding the earphone cord that tends to be entangled.It is an item that not only prevents the code deterioration, but also reduces the noise sound that is worrisome when using the earphones.This time, I will introduce how to use earphone clips and recommended products.

Convenient with clip type!What is the earphone clip?

Earphone clip that can store earphone code together and helps prevent cord disconnection.Since the clip part can be sandwiched between clothes and bags such as bags, it can be firmly fixed without dripping the cord.Here, we will introduce how to use, effect, and precautions of earphone clips.

[Reference] How to store earphone codes that tend to get tangled in your bag neatly

After bundling the earphone code, it is the basic usage of the earphone clip to store it in the clip.The clip with the chords can be easily fixed by simply sandwiching it with a part of the clothes and bags.It is also recommended to use the buttonhole of the shirt when attaching it to your clothes.

Since the earphone clip can be attached to the clothes and fixed, the touch noise that occurs by moving the earphone code can be reduced.It is convenient when you want to concentrate on music or even when running intensely, such as running.

Some of the earphone clips are sandwiched by magnet magnetic force.The magnet inside is powerful, so be careful of the effects of magnetism.For example, a magnetic card may cause malfunction when approaching.

What are the recommended earphone clips?Introduced by feature!

From here, we will introduce recommended earphone clips.It will be featured by features, such as "shirt clip type", "magnet type", and "leather type".

[Reference] The appearance is refreshing!Storage of scale from the eyes that eliminate the disconnection and entanglement of earphones

Audio -technica's "Code Wind Holder", an audio -tech, can be adjusted to the desired length by wrapping the earphone code.There is a clip on the back and can be used as a shirt clip.There are plenty of color variations and many calm colors, so it is perfect for business suits.

[Reference] Audio Technica Official Site Product Details Page

ZERO AUDIO's "HEADPHONE CLIP", which imagined the shape of the headphones, is a silicon earphone clip with a powerful magnet.You can attach the bundled earphone code to the steel furniture, attach it to a shirt and sandwich it with a magnet.Because it is compact, you can put the wound cable in your pocket as it is.

[Reference] ZERO AUDIO Official Site Product Details Page

Bannaze's "earphone clip with hard to slip cable" is an earphone clip using cowhide.Along with the thickness of the cable, "for thick cables" and "for thin cables" are available.The inside of the cable is attached to a hypo -rebound foam, and the cable is less likely to be damaged and does not slip off.

[Reference] Bannaze official website product details page

Hawkeye's "Universal Reflector Clip" is a magnet clip that uses reflective materials.It is also used for applications other than putting notes on the refrigerator, putting business cards together, alternative to umbrellas and bookmarkers.It reflects on the lights of the car, so it is also recommended for running at night or when walking dogs.I'm happy that it doesn't get in the way when exercising.

[Reference] Hawkey Eye Official Site Product Details Page

Character earphone clips are sold in many Internet shops such as Rakuten Ichiba and Amazon.There are various characters such as Disney, Moomin, and Snoopy, and many colors are colorful.Find your favorite character.

There is also 100 uniform!Earphone clip that can fix the code

Earphone clips that can fix the code are sold at major 100 yen shops such as Candu and Ceria.

For example, Candu's "Silicon Magnet Clip" is a clip with a magnet attached to both ends.The bundled earphone code is sandwiched between a magnet and attached to the clothes.Not only as an earphone clip, but also in various ways, it can be used in various ways depending on the idea, such as bundling the power cord of appliances and sandwiching a memo paper.

Earphone clip that can eliminate the entanglement and deterioration of the earphone cord, and easy to use.It can also prevent unpleasant noise sounds, so it is perfect for those who want to concentrate on music and enjoy it.I want you to find the earphone clip suitable for your own application, referring to the contents introduced this time.

* The data was examined as of early August 2020.* The information is made thorough, but it does not guarantee the integrity and accuracy of the content.* Please use and operate the product at your own risk.* Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth Sig, Inc. in the United States.

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